Bulk Floors 3D: Photo, Pouring Instructions Floors

The appearance of bulk three-dimensional floors turned out to be a truly great event, which allowed even from the most inconspicuous premises to create something very attractive. However, it is worthwhile that most of these building solutions are far from the cheapest options that require huge financial spending.
Specialists are called the main advantage of bulk 3D-floors their reliability. Despite the fact that in some cases the image is really thinner, it will look equally attractive for many years. Indeed, similar surfaces are practically intrestable, which you can not say about wood - material that is still very popular among builders.
The main thing is that you need to make the owners when choosing three-dimensional bulk floors - it is to take the most interesting picture that can not only surprise the guests of the apartment, but also to create a cozy atmosphere. It should be noted in advance that a large number of people make a choice in favor of completely extraordinary designer decisions. However, it is always worth understanding that the bulk sex will be used for many years, so the created 3D picture should look simply, attractive, and at the same time not to emphasize attention.
In this material, we will look at the main features of modern bulk floors, as well as focus on problem areas that occur when choosing and arising from 3D surfaces.
Advantages and disadvantages of 3D floors
Many builders respond about three-dimensional floors only positively, but in fact, even here there are some problematic aspects that should definitely be known.
First of all, the disadvantages of three-dimensional floors should be attributed to their high cost. Unfortunately, the materials of such surfaces are quite expensive, so for each square meter you have to pay a lot. The most expensive in 3D floors is a transparent lens layer, with which the created image appears with the help of it. If the room in which the liquid sex will produce is a modest area, then the price issue should not be very disturbing.
The following problem is the high difficulty of removing the bulk. If after the arrangement it is necessary to dismantle the bulk 3D-floor, without the help of experts it will not work out. Such surfaces themselves are practically monolithic, so the dismantling will have to spend huge tools and a lot of time. In addition, much depends on the bulk thickness.
Well, the last difficulty is a small spectrum of color solutions based on polymers. Many people create three-dimensional floors solely on the basis of polymers. Ultimately it turns out a very attractive 3D image. However, the restriction of color compositions often creates an unpleasant situation. Thus, creating something original will definitely fail. But if for you the color of the bulk sex is not very important - then such restrictions are difficult to call the problem.
At the same time, 3D surfaces have many positive sides:
- Durability. As already mentioned, the bulk three-dimensional floors can easily be operated for decades, and they will not lose their initial appearance. It should pay attention that 3D-floors are almost eternal solutions that cannot be so easy to change to others, and the image will not be replaced.
- Ecology. Despite the fact that three-dimensional floors consist of polymeric compounds, they are completely safe for the human body. Without any restrictions, it is possible to use bulk floors not only in residential buildings, but also in municipal institutions, where the ecology of the coatings is in the first place. At the same time, 3D-floors can be equipped in the hall and in the bathroom.
- Hygienicity. The surface of the bulk floors has no analogues. 3D surfaces can be easily cleaned and disinfect, and the material itself will never cause various problems relating to hygiene and purity.
- Resistance to wear. This advantage is to some extent applies to the first item, but still it is necessary to dwell on this aspect. The polymer base of bulk coatings is resistant to any effects. Thus, even after a lot of decades, the 3D-floor will have all the same sparkling and smooth surface. Of course, it is not necessary to carry out extreme experiments, however, you can be sure that the bulk floors will endure everything.
- Moisture resistance. This advantage means that the bulk 3D surfaces can be safely used in the bathroom. It is impossible not to mention that this is another advantage that does not have a wooden floor. Due to the moisture resistance, polymer bulk floors can be used in almost all spheres of activity.
- Fire safety. This is another factor that makes 3D floors universal. Fireproof means that the bulk floors can be used in almost all types of rooms. Especially useful 3D-floors will be in wooden houses, where there is a risk of fire.
- Attractive appearance. It is on the appearance of the surface first of all those who want to acquire 3D-floor. An important factor when choosing three-dimensional surfaces is a variety of options. Each owner can choose exactly the three-dimensional image that he had to taste.
However, this is not all positive and negative sides. Much depends on the production of three-dimensional bulk floors. Accordingly, the price of the material may vary, as well as its main characteristics.
3D-floors and designer solutions
Many people hardly represent exactly how to use three-dimensional floors. However, everything is very simple. One of the main features of 3D-floors is a variety of drawings.
Very often in children's rooms, parents create three-dimensional floors with the image of the favorite animal heroes of the child. Moreover, images will not lose its saturation and clarity over the entire period of operation. Instead of heroes from cartoons, you can use colorful images of famous paintings, or mysterious abstractions.
For example, in the bathroom, the blur floor can resemble a wave at sea. Thus, it will seem as if we are located in the resort. It is interesting that under the lens layer can also be laid a variety of items. It can be coins, badges, photos, as well as wooden or metal figures. In this case, the complexity is that it is very difficult to create a full-fledged design composition from undergraduate items.
It is especially convenient to create 3D-floor in the kitchen. In this room, you can implement a unique pattern, and the perfectly smooth surface is very easy to clean, so no problems with cleanliness and hygiene will arise. Often, bulk floors are used in various restaurants to emphasize the refined style of the institution.
Also, spill floors are also used in the offices of companies. Under the transparent 3D-floor layer, you can place the organization logo that visitors do not pay attention to. In addition, these surfaces include various pointers and information materials.
Technology for creating bulk 3D-floors
Before any actions related to the creation of floors with a three-dimensional pattern, you need to understand that the process is quite responsible. We often have experienced specialists who have been given to the construction industry for many years. Accordingly, in some cases it is better to entrust the creation of floors to professionals.
In this case, we will need the following tools and devices:
- rubber gloves;
- respirator and overalls;
- construction mixer (can also be drilled);
- vacuum cleaner (industrial or home, depending on the size of the room);
- roller (needle and fur);
- flat brush;
- putty knife;
- machine for grinding concrete surfaces.
It is also necessary to have such materials:
- cement;
- decorating material (it can be three-dimensional drawings, textures, decorative stones and other resources for creativity);
- aqueous solution of PVA;
- hardener and epoxy resin.
Next, the main process for creating a bulk sex begins. It should be verified that all tools and materials are available, since at some stages the absence of one or another resource may mean the failure of all works.
- At the very beginning, we need to prepare the surface to the main part of the work. The basis of our bol must be concrete. Moreover, the creation of 3D-floors occurs only on the basis of perfectly smooth surfaces, so we will need a grinding machine. With it, we will cope with all flaws that may be present on the concrete floor. Immediately it is worth saying that during the grinding will be formed, therefore it is necessary to wear a respirator. Dust that will remain on the floor must be removed using a vacuum cleaner. Moreover, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface so that no contaminants become a barrier to the quality of the entire work.
- Now you need to carry out the primer of the floor surface. First of all it is necessary in order to fill all the pores present in the concrete. It is necessary to apply as many as 2 layers of primer to be confident in the high quality of the work performed. Often in this process uses a fur roller, which evenly distributes primer over the entire surface of the floor. Keep the primer will be within a few hours depending on the material brand used. Sometimes you have to wait and the whole day.
- Next is applied the base 3D-floor layer. Most often, polymer material or cement screed is used as a base. In this case, there is no fundamental difference, but it should be borne in mind that recently the polymers show themselves only with the best side. If our bulk sex will have some kind of drawing, then it is the polymer that will be the background. Thus, you need to choose the most suitable color for the polymer.
- The next step is to apply an image. This process is the most responsible, since the appearance of the future floor depends on the choice of pattern or texture. Most often in this case uses banner fabric with thermal printing. You can also make a choice in favor of vinyl film. By itself, the cloth with the image should be a little more room. Already after all the work it will be possible to trim the extra parts of the material. Very often the owners themselves create pictures on the canvas. For this, acrylic or polymer paints are used. Of course, without experience in drawing, it is better not to try to create something original, since the undertaking can very easily fail. It is best to use the services of the printing house, in which any drawing on the surface of a huge web will qualitatively apply. Very often instead of images on 3D-floors, various decor elements are used. This, as already mentioned, can be decorative stones, coins or flat figures. You also need to protect the design created by varnish. The layer of protective material is applied to the surface with a thin layer, but it is necessary to ensure that there are no passages.
- The final stage of work is the creation of the finish layer. Obviously, it should be transparent, demonstrating all the beauty of the design created. In this case, you will need to mix hardener and resin in the proportion of 2: 1. It is necessary to ensure that the mixture is a single consistency. The surface of the floor is filled with a transparent material, after which it is necessary to disperse a layer using a needle roller. Rustling the surface must be constantly until the polymer starts thick. Sherry 3D-floor will be within a week. Throughout these seven days, it is impossible to enter the surface of the floor of direct sunlight. A week later, you can safely exploit the room in the same mode.