Stitching the bathroom: features and methods Useful advice

With the arrangement of the bathroom, the main criteria are practicality, functionality and compliance with sanitary standards. This is especially important if the bathroom is combined with the bathroom. In such a room, an increased level of humidity is usually present. Because of this, the finish must be appropriate. And, as you know, such requirements will be able to correspond not to any coating.
To date, there are several variants of the bathroom finishing, each of which uses their types of decorative coating. Choose the most suitable option - the initial task of each homeowner. From the whole manifold that today exists in the building materials market, there are suitable options for finishing the bathroom. These include moisture-resistant plasterboard, plastic, mirror or PVC panels, ceramic tiles, plaster, moisture-resistant paintwork and liquid wallpaper. Below we consider the more qualitative characteristics of each of them. It will help you choose which material for finishing the bathroom you need you.
Interior bathrooms
Moisture-resistant plasterboard
This type of plasterboard from the usual is different, at least what has a light green shade. In addition, it has much more density and it does not contain a cardboard shell. This material from all sides is treated with a water-repellent mixture. If the walls are needed not only the facing, but also alignment, then the plasterboard panels will have to be used in any case. Other finish options will not suit, because they will not be able to align the walls properly. Moisture-resistant plasterboard is even the fact that it calmly transfers frequent cleaning of the room, with different means.
This material can be fixed on the walls of the bathroom in two ways:
- One of them implies the fastening of sheets to a special framework. Most often it is performed from a metal or plastic profile. This frame is needed in order to hide the pipes, as well as rough irregularities and potholes in the wall. Next, the necessary lighting devices are mounted. When the frame will be ready, the walls are cleaned of contamination and coated with antiseptic substances. Next is the previously prepared framework, which is then trimmed with sheets. After that, all joints are processed by a spacion mixture. Next, the construction is stacked by plaster, tiles. Or it can be covered with paint or mosaic. If the means allow you to separate the walls in the bathroom or cork.
- As for the second method, it implies pasting walls by plasterboard, without a framework of a frame. To succeed, the surface must be aligned. Remember that plasterboard should not be used when finishing the space next to the bathroom. Instead, it is better to close such zones with tiles.
In any of the methods of pasting between the sheets of drywall, the seams will remain, on which the waterproofing coating is then applied.
Stretch bath finishes
Facing the walls of this room with tiles, perhaps, can be called a classic option. The tile is a material that is tested by time, and if it is compared with other known finishing products, it has a lot of advantages. For example, it is sufficiently hygienic, its surface is not contaminated. At the same time, it can easily be cleaned with disinfecting solutions. Ceramic tile with proper care can listen long enough, and the manifold of its choice on the counters in construction stores is simply amazing.
But laying on the walls of this material is a rather time consuming process. For this, you need experience. Otherwise, you can spoil everything. Accuracy in this matter almost most importantly, especially if you have to work with expensive types of tiles. If you decide to perform similar work done, without assistance, then you need to learn some moments. Thus, the cladding passes in several stages: first the walls must be aligned with plaster, after which they are grounded with moisture resistant compositions. Next, adhesive solution is applied on the tile and fixes on the wall. At the same time, it is necessary with the help of a level to periodically coordinate the correctness of the laying.
Fucking wallpaper
This option is only suitable for finishing a separate bathroom. Since this room is distinguished by high levels of humidity, then only waterproof wallpapers are required. They have a special labeling in the form of three waves. Therefore, to distinguish them from ordinary rolls in the store, you should not be difficult. Most of all, acrylic or vinyl wallpaper are suitable for this task.
It is worth saying that the decoration of the combined bathroom with the use of wallpaper is not recommended. The fact is that the joints that are formed between the adjacent sheets cannot be sealing. And in them will probably fall moisture, which will quickly lead the material and, therefore, the appearance of the room.
The process of sticking wallpaper takes place in several stages. First, the walls are cleaned from the old coating. After that, the surface is aligned with moisture-resistant spacing mixtures, primers or plaster. Next, the wallpaper is adjusted for the drawing, and markup is made. Finally, glue is applied to the canvas, then it is glued onto the wall.
Moisture-resistant paint
These are special paints that possess water-repellent properties. An example of such a material is a water dispersion mixture or a latex base paint. Before the painting wall must be thoroughly aligned in terms of level. After that, the paint is applied using a roller. The material is desirable to pick up bright shades. Otherwise, the painting process is no different from such works in other rooms.
Finishing bathroom panels
The finishing of PVC or plastic panels is one of the economical options. This method has several significant advantages, namely, a beautiful appearance, low weight, moisture resistance and ease of installation. The main disadvantage of this material is that the plastic panels are easy to fight. Therefore, they need to be protected from shocks.
There are several ways to fasten the panels - on the self-tapping screw, glue or profile frame. As for the installation process itself, it is simple. Start work on finishing the bathrooms PVC panels usually from a long corner. Horizontal guides are installed or holes for self-tapping screws are performed. After that, the panel can be attached to one of the ways. Corner clearances are hidden by building corners. If the toilet has heating, then you need between the battery and the panel to make the gap at least 35 mm.
Decorative plaster
This finishing material can be safely called modern and practical. He has good qualities. At the same time selling at an affordable price. With the help of special plaster, a layer is created, resistant to moisture and pair.
By itself, the plastering mixture is good because it is easy to apply on the wall, absorbs moisture and with time it is not covered with cracks. In addition, it creates a layer of waterproofing. At the same time safe. With the help of plaster, you can get a different surface of the wall (smooth, rough, etc.). If you use stencils, you can draw beautiful drawings with the help of them, which will make the bathroom unusual and original.
As for the process of finishing the walls of plaster, it is rather long. First, it will be necessary to apply a sanitizing plaster, which will perform the role of waterproofing. Then the surface is stuffed, after which the decorative plaster is applied according to the applied instruction. In order to increase the service life of plaster, you can apply a layer of wax to it, which is known, pushes moisture.
The liquid wallpaper
Today, liquid wallpapers are used quite rare, but this does not mean that they are bad building material. Some of these canvases can be applied to any surfaces (cement, wood, etc.). Liquid wallpapers mainly on sale are presented as a mixture or dry powder. Due to the presence of various fibers, for example, cotton or pulp canvas have an unusual texture.
Liquid wallpapers are able to absorb moisture, due to which the humidity in the room is put in the norm, which is especially relevant for the bathroom and toilet. In addition, they do not absorb smells. This material is capable of filling out small cracks, which is useful in new buildings. At the same time, they do not burst with shrinkage. In country houses, where there is usually no permanent heating, these wallpapers will not be squeezed due to changes in temperature or humidity level. Apply the material is more convenient with the workshop. To do this, a small amount of the mixture is superimposed on the tool and is distributed over the working surface in such a way that the layer thickness was 1.5 - 2.5 mm. After that, it is necessary to smooth off the roughness.
Creating a facing project
A project for finishing a bathroom in a wooden house can be implemented in different ways. The highest quality sketch will definitely be able to create only professionals who will remove all measurements and accurately calculate. Perhaps they will even hold finishing work. But such a project at the same time is the most cost. Therefore, if you can't attract masters, try creating a project personally. This has a special software to create an interior. With this program, you can literally in a couple of hours to make a great bathroom project. Moreover, you will be calculated the amount of material and is painted how to put it correctly. In addition, you can clearly see the finite image to represent how everything will look like.
There is an even simpler version of the project. For this you will not need a professional or computer. We need only a sheet of paper, pencil and your desire. Only you will have to independently make calculations, pick up the colors, draw up the estimate on the necessary materials and tools. What kind of way to create a project to choose is to solve only you, but do not forget that this is an important part of the work. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat this stage dismissively.
Preparatory work
So that there are no problems when finishing, and the fungus has not been formed in the future, you need to properly prepare work surfaces and a ram for the crate. First of all, the walls should be removed from the walls and paint, which flakes. To make it easier for a task, you can use a pulverizer, warm water and a small spatula.
If fungus already appeared on the walls, it can be removed using such a domestic product as "whiteness". In the farm, she usually has each. After that, the walls need to be treated with antihygribic soil. It remains to wait until the surface is completely dry. To speed up this process, it is recommended to open the doors to the toilet. For any finishing work, specials will be needed. Tools: brushes, rollers, sponges, spatula, drill and mixer for making a solution.
General tips on the lining of the bathroom
- Before starting work on wall decoration, the toilet is better to dismantle.
- Walls are recommended to treat antifungal impregnation.
- If you need to visually make the space of the room more, then wave the walls with glossy material. For the opposite effect, the walls need to be covered with matte coatings.
- When choosing a plinth, it is better to give preference to the one that has a secret mount.
- If for some reason you do not have the right tools, it makes no sense to buy them only for the sake of finishing the bathroom. Today in special stores often you can take the right tools for hire.
- When cladding the walls should not use more than two different materials.
- In such a room, it is best to separate the walls with a material that has a one-color shade.
- Panels without decorative edging make it easier to make cleaning, which will be needed in the future. In addition, thanks to such panels, the surface will seem homogeneous.
- Before starting finishing work, it is recommended to simply replace the water and sewer pipes. Thanks to this, in the future, when the leakage occurs, you do not have to dismantle the wall to eliminate it.
Stitching the bathroom: photo