How to eliminate the creaking of a wooden floor Floors

Already a long period of time, humanity uses a tree as a floor covering. Such floors are considered environmentally friendly, warm, beautiful and cozy, thereby creating comfort and a favorable atmosphere in the house. Despite the fact that it is a rather durable and durable building material, over time he begins to creak. All this is due to the natural shifts, in the presence of which the mechanical voltage is formed. This situation is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it can be corrected.
Why creaks wooden floor
Causes that can cause creak:
- There is no gaps between the boards and the wall;
- There is an excessive nail or screw in the compound;
- There is a movement of boards to each other and the ends of the lag;
- The size of the lag or boards (drying) has changed;
- A layer of groove or crest occurred;
- nail or screwed out of his nest;
- resurred from the base of parquet;
- There was a split of parquet slats.
How to remove the creaking of a wooden floor
Fully eliminate the creaking of the wooden floor can only be replaced by replacing it. However, this process involves considerable costs of funds and time. Therefore, we bring to your attention a few "narrow-controlled" methods that will help neutralize the creaking of the wooden floor:
Tightening (bulkhead)
This method is a time-consuming procedure for eliminating deviations, but at the same time relatively inexpensive. Each of his stage reflects an important part of the repair procedure.
The tightening implies the bust and recheck of the status of the lag, as well as absolutely all the boards. If there is a defect, they are corrected or replaced completely. The effectiveness of this procedure is to replace all nails on the self-tapping screw.
The fact is that nails that are located in the wood fix its split layers, tightly embracing metal. Over time, the grip weakens and the metal gives rust. As a result, the backlash is formed and creak appears.
Chucking Kliniev
Another option for the creaking of wooden floor can be poorly fixed boards to lags (beams). To prevent such a phenomenon, special wedges are scored between them. In the absence of access to the bottom of the floor, the boards must be attached to the lags from above.
If the reason for the defect is friction of the boards, it is allowed to drive into a wedge slit in 150-200 mm. To do this, you will need a Dobanim or a piece of a rod metal, hammer and wooden wedges.
Some eliminate the floor creaking by falling asleep into the available slots between graphite powder boards or talca.
Broach self-based
This method is considered the most effective in a symbol formed in the place of contact of the boards and lag. However, it will be problematic here. At the same time, it is initially necessary to make sure that the defective floorings do not pass communications.
The process consists in screwing into several self-tapping plates:
- In his service, the floor, through the board in the beam or lag, with a drill, the hole is drilled;
- Then imagine the screw of the corresponding parameter.
Be sure to pay attention to a screwdriver - it should be drowning into the board.
Bay of foam assembly
Typically, the space under the floor has a height of up to 90 mm, so some use a mounting foam to eliminate the screlery. Due to the fact that it expands - the flooring becomes rigidity. However, during operation, the foam can be destroyed and remembered, which will lead to the resumption of a creaking situation. Thus, this cost method should be considered not very effective.
Laying the plywood sheet on the floor surface
If you have a smooth floor, then you can try to put on top of its base sheets 12 mm plywood, which are fixed with glue. The installation of sheets is recommended at an angle to the direction of the base masonry of the boards.
At the same time, it is impossible to argue after this option to repair the scraper, but you will definitely get rid of it for a long time.
Anchor use
If you creak wooden floors, and you do not know what to do, it is originally specifying that it lies at the base of the coating. If it is a concrete slab, then metal anchor can be applied. They are fixed solely manually:
- To begin with, it is not a very large hole;
- Then the metal shell is mounted;
- Next twist the anchor stud.
This method is definitely effective, but also expensive, since for repair work it may be necessary to 200 pieces of anchors.
Fungus in a wooden floor
The creak is not all that can make you start worrying. Quite often, wooden products may be affected by the house fungus. It arises if there is an increased humidity in the room, as well as with poor ventilation.
The best method of its neutralization is the complete elimination of the affected boards. If there is no such possibility, then the fungus is scraped and burned. Next, all wood is processed by copper or iron vigor.
Prevention of formation fungus:
- It should not be used in construction former in use or crude wood;
- Regularly color wooden products;
- more often ventilate the room;
- Conduct preventive activities.
If you creak wooden floors, what to do video: