How to pump out groundwater from the basement do it yourself Useful advice

The appearance of water in the basement may be a consequence of a number of reasons. One of the most common problems are groundwater.
Because of what is seeping into the basement water from the soil. First, it is incorrectly made drainage around the basement. Secondly, drainage can clog out. Thirdly, it is an incorrect or damaged design of the waterproofing of the basement walls. Fourthly, there can be too excessive intake of groundwater due to precipitation above the norm or intensive melting of snow due to seasonal abnormal warming.
The problem of groundwater in the basement can be solved in various ways. Most of these methods are possible in self-execution. But even by eliminating the problem of the appearance of groundwater in the basement, it must be deleted from there. You can make it with pumping with various means and devices.
Groundwater in the basement - an assessment of the situation
Before deciding on an independent pumping of water from the basement, it is necessary to estimate the need for pumping and available opportunities.
What should I consider and analyze:
- Is it worth pumping water immediately or still have time to wait and prepare.
- As far as you are willing to immediately pumping water. Do you have experience, tools and devices for this procedure.
- What is the speed of water intake. It is important to understand whether the speed of filling the basement of the basement of your possibilities to remove it. For example, if the water continues to act intensively, and you will lean it with a shovel and carry buckets, whether it is worth doing this. After all, it can go into a protracted and useless process. And if you use a pump with sufficient performance and automatic inclusion when the critical level is achieved, you will most likely begin to pump a liquid now. If the rate of water flow is not large and, moreover, the level stabilizes, then of course there is a need to move to the process of its pumping immediately, one of the following methods. Example if the basement has a size of 3 × 6 m with a depth of 2 m and it is flooded with 0.5 m, then with an increase in water level 50 mm per hour, you can start water pumping if the pump has a capacity of at least 4-5 m³ /hour.
- What funds will be used, and water pumping methods will be applied. This will be discussed on.
Using drainage pumps for pumping groundwater from the basement
Of course, water can be removed with the help of spades and buckets. But this is provided that the water has not accumulated a lot and the basement is small, moreover, the water level has stabilized. And what if the basement is large, the water in it has accumulated at a decent level, and after its removal, the fluid appears from time to time again. After all, if very abundant precipitation falls out or a strong melting of snow occurs, even a properly executed and a serviceable drainage system may not cope. Therefore, you will need a water pump.
Varieties of pumps
Devices for pumping water There are many. The drainage pump is best suited.
Drainage pumps are two varieties: superficial and submersible.
- Surface pumps.
This type of aggregates for pumping water is installed outside the water, that is, on the surface or above its level. Water fence pump is carried out through a pipe of a rigid design. Water removal can be carried out through a flexible garden hose. The main advantage of such a system is the availability of the pump for its maintenance. In addition, since the pump has no direct contact with water, it is easier to design and therefore cheaper. However, finding outside the water gives rise to such a lack of a strong noise of his work. Since the sound is not absorbed by the water thickness. And the simplicity of the design (the absence of a hermetic case and other elements) requires the protection of the unit from the effects of water and excessive moisture, that is, it is necessary to think about the placement of the device. Another nuance that should be taken into account when choosing a pump design, this is that the surface type of placement cannot provide complete removal of water due to the exceeding the accumulation of a certain amount of air in the pump. The mechanism simply stops working when the level of moisture is not large, and with it the air is in the system. Therefore, the choice of such a pump design (as cheaper) is acquitted with an infrequent use (when the season of heavy precipitation is infrequent and short or necessary or need to pump water during the construction of the basement, etc.).
- Submersible pumps.
Such a pump is devoid of flaws of the surface execution unit. It is located in water, so it is capable not only to pump water almost completely, but also do it automatically, each time a certain level of water is accumulated and the float switch will work. Accordingly, all this complicates the design of the pump, and the price is therefore increasing compared to the surface pump.
If we talk about the easiest and cheaper way to roll out water from the basement, then the manual pump should be mentioned.
- Manual pumps.
This is a device of a cyclic principle of action. Water pumps and rolls out due to the piston, driven by the mechanism working under the influence of human muscle efforts. The main advantages of such a device are independence from the presence of electric power, simplicity and reliability of the structure, is also low cost.
Power and pump performance
Choose the power and performance of pumps is necessary, taking into account the size and dullen of the basement. For example, for a basement of up to 20 m, it is necessary to use the aggregates with a capacity of 100-120 l / min, and 40-50 l / min or 5-15 m³ / h is suitable smaller. The power of drainage pumps is small - 700-800 watts.
Alternative devices and methods for pumping water from the basement
If a single pumping is needed and there is no possibility of an additional purchase of a drainage pump, you can use alternative ways.
- For example, an inexpensive submersible vibration pump type "Spring". If the depth of small and water is not much, then such a pump is quite cope with the removal of the fluid. The main thing is to control so that there is no garbage in water or first remove the most dangerous extraneous suspension from the liquid.
When using an outdoor drainage pump so that it is completely pulled out, you can resort to the improvement of the system design. When the water level in the basement decreases so much that the use of the outer pump becomes difficult because of the air from the air mechanism, then use a lithic capacity by 15-20. You can take a bucket. The hose for the flow of water to the pump is lowered into the bucket and pour water to the scoop or a symptoms. Further will only remove the remaining puddles with a cloth and dry the basement. This method can be applied in some structures of submersible pumps, as well as with a large amount of garbage and dirt in water.
If there is in the section of the slope from the basement, it is possible to pump water by gravity. To do this, follow the following:
- prepare a rigid plastic pipe, by type of fence for surface pump;
- do out the basement outside towards the slope;
- one end of the pipe, through the passage to the basement, immerse the water in there;
- the second end of the pipe is located at the bottom of the site;
- if there is an opportunity, then suck the air from the pipe (this can be done for example, a vacuum cleaner), and water will go out by gravity.