How to withdraw stains on the wallpaper Wallpaper

It often happens that stains that spoil the whole interior appear on the wallpaper. Spots on the walls are organic or not organic nature. The reason for their appearance acts inaccurability, childhood or, for example, water leakage at the neighbors from above. But regardless of the reasons, from the stains it is necessary to get rid of the apartment to continue to shine cleanliness and luxury for a long time. There are several effective ways that help remove stains from wallpaper.
How to remove fat stains on the wallpaper
Fat stains are the problem of each dining room or kitchen. During cooking and eating, no matter how neat residents of the houses were neat, annoying bold blots that spoil the room appear on the walls.
The easiest way to remove stains from vinyl and phlizelin coatings. Their structure does not give liquid substances to penetrate deep into the paper layer. A water-repellent effect allows you to wash the coating with conventional water with the addition of various soaps. On paper coatings, the stains are harder and act in this case is needed. There are several ways to get rid of the bold stains on the wallpaper:
- We remove the stains from the wallpaper chalk. A little chalk chopped into powder. Loose this powder in a stain and leave for a while. Fat absorbs in chalk and removes with it. To accelerate the process, the chalk are placed in a cotton fabric or a napkin, apply to pollution and stroke the iron.
- How to remove stain starch. Starch is diluted with water before the formation of a thick mixture. Then this mixture is applied to a fatty area with a thick layer and leave for one night. The next day, the starch mixture is removed by a brush, and with it a stain goes.
- Remove the stain soda. Another option to remove bold spots on the wallpaper - soda. The soda glass is mixed with water to gel consistency. Apply this mixture on a soft cloth and wipe pollution. The residues of the mixture are removed with a soft and dry cloth.
- Remove the bold spot bread. Cut a piece of bread of the same size as the stain itself. Pressed it to the surface of the wallpaper and keep a few seconds. This action is repeated until the stain disappears. A piece of bread every time replace fresh.
- Displays a fat stain on the wallpaper iron and toilet paper. This method is especially effective if the stain is fresh. To the oil mark applied toilet paper or paper napkin, and then stroke the iron. Paper absorbs fat, it is replaced with fresh and repeat the action until the stain disappears. The temperature on the iron is small so that the coating does not spare from the wall.
How to remove traces of a felt-meter on the wallpaper
Children sometimes present not quite pleasant surprises to their parents and leave on the fresh wallpaper arts with paints or wovers. And if the paints are easily washed away with the help of ordinary water and the sponge, then if the stains from the marker appeared on the wallpaper, it will have to work a little to remove them. What does that require:
- Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
- Stain remover for clothes.
- Alcohol or ammonia.
- Cotton buds.
- Stain remover for ink or markers.
Before removing the stains, it is necessary to find packaging with those the felt-powder, which left their mark on the walls, and read their composition. Alcohol felt-tippers output much more difficult than water. Output options exist 4:
- Tampon or cotton wand dip in alcohol or ammonia and carefully wipe them stain. At the same time, it is necessary to closely to ensure that the traces of the felt-meter remain on the cotton, and did not smear the clean space. Instead of a painted tampon take fresh.
- For watersters on a water base, an oxygen stain pressure for tissues is suitable. It is applied to stains, leave for 10-20 minutes and then wash off warm water.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of medical alcohol and a spoonful of citric acid. Package in this mixture Tampon and wash the stain to its complete disappearance.
- Apply a special tool that displays ink or markers. It is for sale in business stores and looks like a regular pencil. On each stainstode of such a plan there is a detailed instruction that will tell you how to use it.
Advice: Before displaying a stain in prominent parts of wallpaper, you should check the selected tool on the invisible area. Some types of coatings react to reagents with color or structure. Because not to spoil wallpaper, you should check their compatibility with the substances described above.
How to remove stains from the handle on the wallpaper
If the tracks from the handle on the wallpaper are left by children, then the exit from the situation will be a wooden frame that will turn the drawings into real works of art. But if the stain must be removed, that is, several different ways for this:
- A mixture is prepared from a mortar solution and 70% of vinegar essence. This mixture is applied on the line and leave for a few seconds. Under the action of these substances, the drawing pale pale, and then disappear, leaving behind the divorce. They are cleaned with hydrogen peroxide.
- Prepare a mixture of acid lemon and oxal. 10 g of this solution is added in 100 ml of water and applied to stains. Ink will start pale and disappear.
If the stains are old, then the procedure may have to repeat several times. If the wallpaper is thin, then act neatly and follow the change in the color and structure of the upper layer of paper.
A small advice, how to remove stains from wallpaper if they superimposed not very carefully and left glue stains. They are enough to sprinkle with warm water, and then carefully wipe the soft cloth. To remove dark traces around the switches, they are enough to rub the usual eraser removing graphite.
How to remove yellow spots on the walls and ceiling
Yellow spots on the wallpaper are most often observed on the ceiling, since the cause of their appearance is a malfunction in plumbing communications from the neighbors from above or simple their inattention, due to which the water was not blocked on time. Often such stains appear after the lighter tone wallpaper adhesive than the previous ones. For example, if on the walls and ceiling was a brown coating, then it was not noticeable yellow drifts on it, but if they caught the walls with beige or light yellow wallpapers after them, then the stains commemorate on paper.
Such stains appear in the kitchen due to small leaks in the pipes of their own apartment or due to condensate collection. Regardless of the cause of the appearance, yellow drums and stains create an impression of the slope of the room, even if it has recently been made fresh repairs. Unfortunately, removing the already sticky stains on the wallpaper after sticking will not work, they decorated or stuck in various materials. But to prepare the yellowed wall under the pasting wallpaper so that these spots do not stick to these spots again, there is a way. For this, you will need the following tools:
- Metal spatula 5-8 cm in width.
- A piece of foam material or kitchen sponge.
- Tazik made of metal or plastic.
- 3 cm width brushes.
- Roller
- Suitable for paint container.
- White oil paint glossy.
- Penetrating deep ground.
By collecting all the necessary tools, act as follows:
- The spatula neatly consider paint with yellowed sites and drifts. White is poured into the container, rubber gloves wear and wet in white sponge. Sponge pressed, and then wipe the stain. Apply the material with a bleach to the stain, hold a few seconds, then apply it to the next spot. So moving throughout the affected area, periodically dipping material in a bowl with whiteness. Gradually, the sponge absorbs the yellowness and will become dirty yellow, after that it must be replaced by a new one.
- After surface treatment with a bleach, she is given to dry. If the rich surface has spacked, the process is over, if not, the entire procedure is repeated again. If yellow drips on the walls and the ceiling are supplemented with rust stains, they must be treated with 10% copper sulfate solution.
- Oil blots from the ceiling and walls should also be removed before pasting surface with wallpaper. For this, the contaminated area is purified from dust and dirt, and then processed by its soil with a deep penetration rate. The soil is given to dry, and then cover the paint. After drying paint, you need to make sure that the stain does not stick through its layer. If the stain is shifted, you need to impose a few more paint layers.
- If yellow color appeared on the surface after its overhaul, it is necessary to simply impose several layers of paint to this area. This problematic location will differ in the tone and brightness of the color, because it is necessary to take care before the start of repair.
How to refresh the general type of washing wallpaper
Washing wallpapers are called so much because of their properties to be sink, but to attract customer demand. This type of wall decor really has a PVC coating that pushes moisture and receive a wet wet wip, but if you need to wash the wallpaper carefully and globally, then you need to know some nuances of this process.
To wash the wallpaper, the washing vacuum cleaner is used, but it is necessary to act neatly, since if there are bulges and ornaments on paper, they are easily damaged with such a type of washing. As a result, small areas are taken away, which will then grow into global carriers on the walls, if they do not stop in time.
Step by step about how to remove dark stains on the wallpaper and improve their appearance:
- Prepare all the necessary items. For washing vinyl or flieslinic wallpaper, a sponge or a rag of soft tissue is needed. Rigid tissues damage the soft structure of washable coatings, the dirt and dust are stuffed in the scratches, and the sink turns not to benefit, but harm. Also need a large container with warm water, any detergent in the form of a gel and a dry rag for the final stage of the sink. Dry cloth must be taken big.
- The detergent is poured into a container with water and cleaved to the formation of foam on the surface. If the wallpaper does not have greasy spots, traces from the marker or handle, then suitable for washing and ordinary shopping soap. If there are such stains, it is first to withdraw them to one of the methods described above, and then already begin to wash. For wallpapers of bright tones, bleaching soaps for washing or washing powder for white linen are used.
- The cloth or sponge dip in the soap solution in the tank and are well impregnated with soapy water, and then pressed so that the water does not drip out from the tissue. Does not hurt a little foam on a rag.
- Before proceeding with global washing, the strength of the top coverage of wallpaper is tested at an invisible place. Some types of wallpapers for walls are distinguished by resistance to different impacts, others are easily erased and lose their brightness and color. Therefore, washing it is better to start in inconspicuous places - for furniture or outside the door.
- The trial plot is neatly wiping with a soap rag, and then dry. You should wait a bit to make sure that there are no bubbles on the wallpaper.
- Getting Started with global wash wallpaper, you should not cry with pressure on a cloth, it is better to add foam or soap, it is much more effective in removing spots, but less injured for paper coating. If there are complicated spots on the wallpaper, which are not wiped at a time, then it is worth it to approach them in stages, leaving time to complete the problem area. Moreover, for vinyl wallpapers, this period is several hours, as it is necessary to dry, not only the upper, vinyl layer, but also internal, paper.
It is important to remember that each sink process will gradually destroy the structure of the wallpaper and will lead to their complete wear, therefore it is often not worth it.
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Thanks! And is it possible to bring paint points on paper wallpaper, since you wrote "how to remove the marker trail from the wallpaper" is it possible to solve?