Types of drain of water for the pool Baths, saunas and pools

The development of a water drain system from the pool should be held at the very first stages of creating plans and drawings of the future design. Without a proper drain system, your pool will quickly turn into a swamp, so it is necessary to carefully approach work. But to make a drain - it was half an end. It is important to think where water will flow, and most importantly, is it possible to use it again? The question of saving water arises today in more and more often, and even also receive from this visible benefits, prices will not be such a pool.
Where to merge water: simple and useful solutions
Natural tanks
The leading of the "old" water from the pool is an extremely important organizational task. It can turn into a real problem if there are no natural reservoirs in the district where water can be drained at any time. If the reservoirs are present, you can drain water without fears, because it is absolutely harmless to the environment.
Also for the drain of water will suit ravines or pit, located near the house. There still flows all the water during the rain or melting of snow, so your actions will not harm in this case.
But what should I do if there is no opportunity to use natural natural benefits? To begin with, you should remember that it is not possible to merge water from the pool every day, and not even every month.
A competently built pool must have its own water exchange carried out using a special pump. The pump takes water from the surface or from the bottom of the pool, filters it, if necessary, heats and returns back. The presence of such a pump exempts from the need to constantly merge large volumes of water. But if you have this miracle apparatus, it does not mean that it does not need to merge from the pool at all.
To drain all the water from the pool in the case of:
- "Flowering" of water;
- severe pool pollution with heavy garbage, branches, leaves;
- hitting an animal corpse;
- for other reasons.
Watering plot
Explanatory gardener will immediately find the use of such a large amount of water. Since the liquid in the fresh pool, and even fitting with a warm sun, it is perfect for watering the beds, trees or lawn. However, drain the water from the pool to the site should be very careful and gradually. Excess moisture can lead to soil fearing and destroy all plants. It is possible to water the garden of the "pool" water only if no chemicals were used for cleaning or mitigated.
The pool is usually located on country areas with autonomous sewer, so it will be not the best idea to drain the water. Autonomous sewage "works" on a septic, which dissolves products of life and waste. Large liquid volumes can simply flood septic tank and wash off the microorganisms involved in waste recycling. Then you will have to immediately cause the arms and pump water from the tanks.
Another option for draining liquid from the pool is to direct it directly to the ground. However, in this case, it should be taken to ensure that the water goes directly into the ground and has not formed the swamp. This can help the filtration fields that are usually used in the presence of local sewage. If the storm sewer is in your area, you can drag water with a calm heart right there.
Water drain periodics
How to determine when the time has come to change the water in the pool, if, of course, there are no visible reasons described above? The decision is obvious - it is necessary to merge the water after the end of the bathing season. It would seem that it is quite logical - the water is no longer needed, but to clean the pool from the fallen foliage, the cones or the acorns do not want at all. In addition, with the onset of cold, people will visit the cottages more and less often, and in the winter the flooded water can also break the pool at all.
But there is an opposite point of view, according to which, water from the pool is not worth merging for the winter. Supporters of this opinion believe that the water contained in the ground is frozen and have a strong impact on the pool bowl. If it is filled, then the water, zone in it, will resist, thereby preserving the design is safe.
Both opinions are worthy of attention, but to drain the water for the winter or not depends on that there is so watery soil on your site.
There is a third point of view, recommending to use the Rule of Golden Mid - Leave half of the total liquid in the pool.
If there are high-quality specialized equipment for swimming pools, the water can be completely changed every two or three years. Continuously operating filters and heaters regularly evaporate a certain amount of water, so the pool has to top up clean water. A week is evaporated to 3% of the total fluid volume. Thus, the water is slow, but constantly updated, and the pool pleases the owners with freshness and purity.
Drain of water from the frame pool
Drain of water from the frame pool should be considered separately, since the procedure is somewhat different from the situation with conventional homemade basins or ponds. Often the owners of frame pools are thinking about the need for a complete drain of liquid only when the design must be collected for storage or transportation. But this is not the only case when the drain of water is simply necessary. During heavy rains, be it in autumn or in summer, you need to remove the liquid from the pool. Otherwise, it will overflow, and the design may not withstand strong pressure.
Make the water from the frame pool is quite simple. For this, two special drain holes are provided in the corners. Connect the usual garden hose to the suitable hole and let the water (where we told the water above).
Before folding the pool and send to the garage or shed, absorb the remaining moisture, sprinkling the pool with Talc.
Remove all corks and valves from the pool, roll and postpone before heat.
Whatever way to drain water in the pool you did not choose, remember that the use of water treatment chemicals is extremely undesirable. First of all it hurts your skin, and then the environment.