How to choose a welding inverter Instruments

The work of the welding inverter is sufficiently dangerous, so it is important to choose a high-quality and safe device. The inverter of a certain type applies only by intended purpose. Choosing welding, you need to know a number of nuances.
Types of welding inverters
Depending on how the welding process occurs, the following inverters are distinguished:
- for manual arc welding, MMA marking,
- for semi-automatic welding, Mig / Mag marking,
- for argon arc welding, TIG marking,
- for plasma cutting metal, Cut marking.
The welding inverter for giving is best to choose with MMA marking. Manual units have the smallest weight, while cope with any household tasks. To work with this inverter, you will need a set of conventional electrodes.
Semi-automatic welding is applied in production. Such transformers are more and more powerful. In addition, the process of welding is distinguished. A special welding wire is served on the arc, which serves as a catalyst for an arc and forms a welded seam.
The advantages of argon arc welding are that the arc is formed inside the inert gas. Argon is chemically passive, therefore does not interact with the metal. In practice there are welding machines under melting and uncompaired electrodes. Uncomplicated usually manufactured from tungsten. In everyday life does not apply in connection with the complexity of work and high-cost equipment.
Plasma cutters operate on the principle of inverter welding machines, but not apply for welding.
The main characteristics of the welding inverter
When choosing high-quality welding, it is necessary to take into account the following points:
- current
- working voltage,
- start force current
- power,
- diameter of electrodes,
- idle
- the boundaries of the pressure of the welding current force,
- dimensions
- the weight.
Each of these parameters is very important. Welding inverter, whatever the model, always gives constant current. There is no inverters with alternating current at the output.
The operating voltage, as a rule, is 220 or 380 V. It should be chosen depending on the power. Inverters up to 4 kW can work from a regular network, over - only from the minissifer.
The starting force of the current is from 4 to 32 A. For consumer needs, 16 A. The thickness of the electrodes depends on this value. They are from 16 to 80 mm. For economic needs, electrodes are used 20 mm.
The power of the welding inverter is determined by the power of the welding current. What it is higher, the more powerful the welding arc. For household welding, 160 A.
Inverter devices, as a rule, have minor dimensions and weight. But, by virtue of physical properties, too small welding units cannot fit a good transformer in the case. Therefore, the smaller the inverter, the weaker the power of the welding current.
Choose a welding inverter
Welding inverter will not do with your own hands. First, it is dangerous. Secondly, it will cost a sufficiently significant amount. It's easier and faster to buy a finished unit in the store. You can do it:
- in the Internet,
- in stock,
- in retail store.
When buying it is advisable to do the test of welding inverters. This is necessary in order to compare the real power of the welding current with the declared manufacturer. Often, cheaper Chinese units that are sold on the Internet are labeled in 250 A. in practice, the current rarely comes to 160 A. As a result of such an error, you incorrectly prepare the inventory and risk breaking the device. If you have a special ammeter, you can test and after purchasing the device. But, if you do not have such equipment, it is not recommended to buy online.
If you order a device in a warehouse, it should be possible to come and test the device. Otherwise, the same risks will arise as when purchasing via the Internet.
Acquire the inverter in a specialized store most correctly. Even if you do not spend the test, and as a result, the welding will break, you can always exchange or return the goods. In addition, the store gives quality guarantee.
Now go to the types of inverters. They are:
- household
- semi-professional,
- specialized.
By everyday, it is customary to attribute a Chinese model range. They are easy to distinguish at a cost - up to 300 cu. Such inverters, no matter how written on the package, have a current strength of up to 160 A and operate with electrodes with a thickness of 16 or 20 mm. In general, they give a sufficiently strong arc, which allows to carry out coarse welding of metal structures.
The best welding inverters of the eastern neighbors are inferior to domestic, but finding a Russian unit is quite difficult. As a rule, we sell used devices. This is not only the opportunity to save, but also get really durable welding, which works almost in any conditions.
More expensive options are made by Italian firms. Their cost is from 300 to 500 cu. From Chinese analogs are distinguished only by the fact that the declared marking corresponds to reality. There are also inexpensive Belgian and German inverters, but they are presented in the market much worse. Given the correct configuration of parts, such aggregates will serve 10-15 years with regular use and up to 30 years - at a periodic one.
Professional welding inverter is characterized by very thin adjustment of the welding current force. This parameter is significantly higher than in household inverters. The maximum current is 500 A. This technique allows you to make very high-quality, practically imperceptible welding seams. In everyday life applied due to the cost, which fluctuates from 1500 to 3500 USD.
Welding inverter faults
The following problems are distinguished:
- unstable arc
- splashing metal
- adhesion of the electrode to the metal,
- lack of arc
- arbitrary power off,
- overheat.
Consider possible causes and ways to eliminate these problems.
Unstable arc occurs if the current current does not correspond to the diameter of the electrode. If the values \u200b\u200bare not on the package with the electrodes, it is calculated by the formula: diameter in mm * 4 a.
Sprinkling metal is caused by too strong welding current. You can fix this problem by lowing the current and selecting the electrodes of a smaller diameter.
The electrode can adhere to the metal for several reasons. The most common is the low voltage in the network and the extension cable with a cable length over 40 meters. Another possible reason is overheating of the power cable or fork. As a result, the insulation melts and the wire begins to trust. To solve this problem, it is enough to inspect the cable. Its cross section should be more than 2.5 square meters. mm.
There are no arcs only if the current does not flow onto the welding cable. This is due to the cliff of the cables or due to the poor contact of the electrode with the clamp.
Power starts to disconnect yourself if the circuit breaker has blocked. Replace it, and the problem will be eliminated.
Overheating usually happens in the case of continuous operation of the inverter. If overheating occurs shortly after turning on, the problem may be in the winding worn. To solve it requires a comprehensive diagnostics of the unit.
Recommended manufacturers and models
The unconditional leader in the ratio of price-quality is the Finnish company Kemppi. International company staff. The only selection criterion is high professionalism. For household consumption, the Kemppi Minarc 150VRD model is perfect.
This device is great for the Russian consumer, as it works both under conditions of severe heat and in a minus temperature. Unconditional dignity - automatic adjustment of current strength. The inverter itself makes the equipment setting depending on the welding conditions. Electrodes of any diameter and manufacturer's firm are suitable for operation. Included there is a belt to wear the inverter on the shoulder. With a weight of 4 kg, it does not require great effort. Another indisputable plus is the presence of manual and argon aroded welding. For some, the disadvantage can be the maximum current of 150 A. cost about 30,000 rubles.
Another high-quality firm is a German brand Fubag. All models of this manufacturer are equipped with voltage stabilizers. This allows the device to work at a voltage on the network from 85 V to 380 V. Allocate the welding inverter FUBAG IN 163. This unit was originally developed for welding low-carbon, alloyed and stainless steel. In this regard, the automation independently produces accurate adjustment of the parameters for welding. In everyday life, the inverter copes with almost any tasks, makes smooth and reliable welding seam. In addition, its price is only about 8,000 rubles. But, if the purpose of buying an inverter is welding high carbon steels, then 160 and the power of this inverter will be small.
The troika leaders closes the Italian company Telwin. This is a company with fifty-year-old experience with representative offices in all countries of the world. Products are focused on both the industrial consumer and the private farm. Inverter Telwin Force 165 is useful in everyday life. It is fully adapted for any domestic needs. At the strength of the current at 160, it can be highly welded absolutely any steel. The cost is about 12,000 rubles. The only drawback is excessive miniature. The inverter does not have protection against mechanical damage and even a small concussion or blow can lead to a breakdown.
Among the domestic modern analogues, only Svarog deserves attention. Inverters of this company are produced at the Shenzhen Jasic Technology plant, so they have a European quality level. For household tasks, the model Svarog ARC 165 is suitable. The maximum strength of the current 160 A. The aggregates of this manufacturer distinguishes durability and simplicity in repair. Spare parts are always in free sale and cost much cheaper imported. The only drawback is a working capacity of 7 kW. The cost is about 7,500 rubles.
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Here is a simple article on the choice of welding supplies.
Gee, what is it for the electrodes with a thickness of 16-80 mm? Cook shots gate?
What nonsense? "If the values \u200b\u200bare not on the package with the electrodes, it is calculated by the formula: the diameter in mm * 4 A" can not 4 A 40a?
And this is generally tin: "Inverters of this company are manufactured at the Shenzhen Jasic Technology plant, so they have a European quality level."
Tau at all I do not know what to say: "The thickness of the electrodes depends on this value. They are from 16 to 80 mm. For economic needs, electrodes are used 20 mm. " 20mm \u003d Thickness of the index finger!