How to sharpen a tree hacksaw Instruments

A tree is that gracious material from which it is possible to make objects of any form. A tool for the embodiment of the most bold ideas is a tree-hacksaw. This small, easy-to-form tool has a lot of power and is in its popularity is not inferior to electric jigsaws, saws and plates.
In the arsenal of home instruments, each man should have such a tool. Sawing a tree with a tree is not just to be present among other tools, you need to know how to use it, as well as how to sharpen the tree knife.
What is the tool for what
There are several species, as well as forms of hacksaw. Moreover, the tool is designed for both metal and wood working.
To work with metal surfaces, the tool is divided into:
- two-handed;
- one-handed.
The first are now applied extremely rare, and the second is present in almost every home. One-handed saw has a durable metal canvas, having a row of teeth. The canvas possesses high rigidity, it has good elasticity and strength. The tool is two parts: metal canvases and convenient, most often wooden (or plastic) handle. To hold on to such a handle when working is necessary with one hand, and the saw move over the surface forward and back. Moving, the cloth teeth come into the surface is increasingly deepening at a couple of millimeters at once.
Wood-hacksaw applied to sawing different surfaces:
- boards;
- logs;
- wood having different shapes;
- for trimming branches;
- when performing repair work;
- when working in a joinery workshop;
- when working with chipboard.
In addition, the piranha type tree hacksaw can come in handy for work when laying a laminate.
The tool is a few species:
- With large teeth.
- With medium teeth.
- With small teeth.
The size of the teeth is measured on the basis of the amount of cutters that fall one inch. The more the teeth fall on the inches, the better the work will be.
When choosing a hacksaw, it is necessary to take into account that the number of teeth on the edge of the file has its markings and is indicated in the form of three letters "TPI". You also need to know that if you need to cope with the work faster or there is a rough cutting, then you can use a hacksaw with a long web having a large tooth. But for a high-quality cut, when it is necessary to perform the work gently, you need to use the hacksaw with small teeth.
A saw, which has large teeth, and an interzuboy step is about four-eight millimeters, used for sawing thick bars and small logs. And hacksaws that have a distance of teeth from three to three and a half millimeters will cope with the sawing of mid-sized boards.
To work with small products made of wood, you need to use the shallow knife, which has a gap of cutters from two to two and a half millimeters.
If you hold in your hands a hacksaw having straight teeth, then the tool can be used to cut wood across. If it is necessary to cut the wooden bar along, then it is more expedient to use a hacksaw hacking, which are slightly tilted forward.
In this photo, you can see how the teeth are located on the tree with a cross-line tree and for longitudinal cutting.
According to the type of teeth and the density of the metal canvase, the files have different names:
- bahco tree hacksaw;
- hoven on the Irwin tree;
- bison tree hacksaw;
- stanley tree hacksaw;
- gROS tree hacksaw;
- wooden tree in Sweden.
Therefore, in the arsenal of tools, you need to have several hacks, intended for different types of work, both on wood and metal.
Why you need to sharpen the tool
Any tool starting from ordinary kitchen knife will work well provided that it will be sharp. Also with hacksaw, therefore, over time, there is a need for sharpening of the tree hacksaw.
The main cutting element of the saw is the teeth, which are not so sharp during operation. In addition, with intensive loads of the teeth steps, spinning on the side and in front of the edge, which prevents the smooth drift of the saw on the surface. If when you work it is heavier to cutting the tree, you stronger began to press the instrument on the handle, the saw began to "leave" to the side, this suggests that it has come to sharpen it.
How to make a tree hacksaw
To restore the former sharpness of the teeth, it is necessary to make them sharpening. During and after sharpening, the teeth should have an initial height and step of the corners.
It is necessary to take into account the moment that not every knuckling is to be sharpened. For example, a tool having small teeth to sharpen undesirable. In addition, "Kalenny" teeth are not sharpened. To find out what kind of teeth has your own hacks, you need to carefully look at their color. If they have a dark color, closer to black, with a blue sweat, then the metal is crazy.
If there is a need to restore the sharpness of kalenic teeth, you can use the file with a shallow notch.
Wirout of teeth
Before you begin to sharpen the hacksaw, it is necessary to perform a divorce of teeth. To drink freely moved along the surface, also in order to avoid charging the tool, the teeth are divorced smoothly as they deepen.
To subsequently did not arise any questions, how to mold the tree with a tree, the divorce of the teeth is rejected in different directions for a certain distance. As a result of these actions, the width of the propyl increases and has a large width than the thickness of the cloth of the teeth. Cars are formed on the sides.
After the wiring, the hacksaw will freely walk "forward-back" and not touch the blade to the surface of the cut, which will provide free removal of the tree with each layer.
When performing a wiring, it is necessary to take into account that the more the width of the divorce of the teeth, the items itself will be wider. This is allowed to avoid screwing the hacksaw.
But, this does not mean that with a strong wiring of the teeth (with a large width), there will be a wide propyl, on the contrary, the teeth begin to tear the tree and it will be more difficult to move along the surface.
The width of the divorce of the teeth should be about one and two times more than the thickness of the knife of the hacksaw. Therefore, when cutting a raw tree, the teeth must be left to the side of half a millionth millimeter, and dry wood is less than half a million.
To bend the teeth, use special tools and fixtures - wiring. The layout is a small metal or wooden plate, in which there is a small gap having a greater width than the thickness of the hacksaw.
Often the wiring has an adjusting screw, with which it turns out a smooth stepbing step of the teeth.
How the layout is performed:
- The saw is clamped in vice so that only some cloves look out.
- Tisks are fixed on a comfortable smooth surface (for example, on the table).
- The separation device is flexing the teeth in the opposite direction.
- It is impossible to flex a teeth completely, as they can break.
- After completing the wiring, you need to see the teeth to be located at the same distance and did not protrude out.
- Look at the light of the teeth line, if you saw that one or more "lagging behind," return them to the main row. If this is not done, then the teeth can blunt the work faster, and also slow down the workflow.
On the rules of sharpening
The tree hacksaw has a low price, so real connoisseurs of high-quality tool prefer to acquire professional wood hacksaws, which can be sharpened during operation. So, sharpening the tool is real art, so this case has its own rules:
- fixing the hacksaw must be reliably. The canvas is fixed in a vice or other wooden device, which is installed on a lighted place and a stable surface. On the knees, as well as on a stool or on a brick it is impossible to sharpen high-quality;
- use of good quality tools. In this case, you should not save and purchase cheap tools. In addition, you should not ask for neighbors or friends for a time. It is better to have your own, proven tool.
- so that the tool served longer, it is necessary to clean it with a metal brush and rub the coal (wooded) so that it does not break down and does not fill up;
- right push. The handle of the hacksaw is kept in the right hand, and the end support the left, directing a file on the teeth. Pressing the teeth should be uniform and sent to a certain direction. When returning a file, it is impossible to concern the teeth;
- try to remove metal from the edge of the keys so that it takes off evenly. Consider the number of movements should be the same and performed with the same pressure force;
- remove bursowns with teeth can be a fairy with a velvet notch. With the side faces of the hacksaw notches are filmed with a rapid.
After completing the work, it is necessary to check the quality of sharpening and sharpness of the teeth. If the edge is well sharpened, but it does not glitter, and if it already fastened - then the metal appears on the metal. Similarly, you can determine the dullness of one or more teeth.
Sharpening with a tree with a tree can be viewed on this video:
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I looked at the sharpening of the saw with a grinder. Well done Kharkiv :!!!!!!! Can you know how to work, you can probably even "cook from the ax"? :))))))))