Tinting of water-emulsion paint paints and varnishes,Useful advice

The tinting of water-emulsion paint with their own hands is the process is not simple, but it is the only opportunity to achieve the desired tone. The ready-made solutions offered in the market of paint materials are not always meet the requirements that the interior owner exhibits. Handy tinting will help create a better color solution and organically enter it into the interior.
What do you need a tinting of waterfront paint
The paint tinting is needed for those cases when it is necessary to paint the surface into a complex color, which is not found in the store and not to create on a convertible car. A complex color contains several tones, mix that in the desired proportion and select the best personally.
Optimally suits the tinting of water-emulsion systems for those cases when the plans to paint the room into two color in the plasters with each other. Or if you need to pick up the color under the tone of certain accessories, furniture and other interior items. Based on this, the first rule of the painting of the room follows - if you need to pick up a complex color or choose the tone under the color of the objects in the room, it is better to mix paint yourself and precisely in the room that is planned to be painted.
Do with your own hands and at home to compose paint because this option is much easier than the selection of paints in the store. The computers with which the paint is prepared for sale, is not mistaken in the selection of tone. But the nuance is that with different lighting the color looks different. Changes it and the surface area on which he is applied. Therefore, on the sample in the store, the paint looks in one tone, and when it is applied to the walls, this tone changes.
Rules Coloring paints
- As already mentioned above, it is necessary to pick up the tone for picking in the room that will be painted. This is necessary precisely because of the nature and intensity of the lighting of the room. With bright day color, paint will seem brighter or paler, depending on its color. To fully assess the tone and make sure that it is selected, it is necessary to look at it and in daylight, and in the light of the electric lamp.
- Assessing paint during electric light, it is necessary to use that lamp that will be in the room stationary. Miscellaneous density or color of the plafones also impose their changes to the color of all those located in the subject of items. The same applies to lighting power.
- For a greater surface area, the color looks rushing than in a small one. This is another reason for the difference in the tone on a small probe and on the surface. The light falls on the wall uneven, because in the shaded areas, in the corners and under the windows, the paint looks darker than in the rest of the sections, even if the wall is painted in one color. All these nuances must be considered when choosing a tone for walls.
- When mixing the koller with paint, you do not need to pour into the base of many dye. It is necessary to add it gradually and dropped up, since even one drop changes the tone, and it will be quite difficult to return the paint to the paint.
What materials are acquired
The manufacturer of the flaper and its composition do not matter, this component does not affect the quality of the finished coating. Differences from different manufacturers exist only in the colors of the colors. Even standard red trading brands have a little different shades. Domestic colors for quality and brightness of colors are not inferior to imported, but the price of them is significantly lower.
It is best to stop your choice on a tube with a narrow neck. This is especially true for the first experience of tinting. In general, in choosing a ring, there is only one decisive factor - the desired color. To the option of the foundation it is necessary to approach more seriously. Buy paint suitable for the type of surface painted.
There are specialized paints for walls or ceiling, it is not recommended to replace them with each other. In choosing the basics, it is best to give preference to imported manufacturers. Paint for a tinting is bought not just white, but a snow-white. With insignificant at first glance, the difference, white paint is not absolutely white and contains pigments that will prevent the desired tone. Most often, white paint has a yellowish shade, which is impossible to output.
When mixing with a red roller, this tint will give him an orange tone, it will turn into a salad, and when the purple spacker is added to such paint and a dirty gray color will turn out. Therefore, the paint for the base must be absolutely snow-white or as close as possible to that. Then the colors of the color of the paint will be obtained exactly as necessary.
Types of water-free paint depending on the composition
It is worth staying a little more detailed on the types of produced water-emulsion paints to better imagine what kind of purchase for repair. The division of this type of paints and varnishes is carried out by the type of polymer, which acts as the basis.
These types are isolated 4:
- Acrylic paint. On store shelves is presented in a large assortment, as it is one and most popular. It is made of acrylic resins with an admixture of various additives that give paint its basic properties. If Latex performs as an additive, then such paint moves well in high humidity. Another remarkable feature is the ability to hide the irregularity of the stained material of up to 1 mm. Acrylic paints are suitable for applying concrete, wood, metal, plastic and glass. The paint completely dries in a few hours and does not smell completely.
- Silicone-based paint. It has a somewhat overestimated price, but still widely used in construction. It has a significant advantage over competitors, which justifies its overestimated price. This advantage is its vapor-permeable properties and the possibility of using on wet surfaces. Hides the irregularity of the wall with a size of up to 2 mm.
- Silicate water emulsion. It is a mixture of aqueous emulsion and liquid glass. An interesting property of this paint is to absorb excess moisture and give it back when the humidity is lowered. This type of paint is ideal for external work, since the coating from it will endure all atmospheric phenomena. There is only one contraindication - in premises with constantly high humidity it is not recommended.
- Mineral water emulsion. It differs from other types of presence in cement or hated lime. Optimally suitable for coating concrete, brick or plaster. A bright light, moisture and chemical impacts are not afraid of the dried layer of such paint.
The process of coloring paint
Phased the tinting of water-level paint looks like this:
- For a tinting, there will be small glass jars or plastic baths. It is convenient to use packaging from bulk cheeses or yogurts for this purpose. All materials must be carefully flushed. All containers, brushes and hands should be clean.
- In one of the small tanks, there are some paint, it is written to its volume. A few kolas add to the paint - a few drops. Record the number of droplets poured into the bank.
- Mix well mixed in a jar. They interfere until the color becomes homogeneous. Start a mixture with 2-3 drops and further add one by one so as not to spoil the prototype.
- When in the jar it turned out the necessary tone, it is applied to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface, which is planned to be painted. For an experimental sample, it is enough to paint a square 40 to 40 cm. The surface is left for a day to dry, and then it is estimated with its tone with natural and electrical lighting. As a rule, on the wall, the color becomes brighter than in the bank.
- If resulting as a result, the tone suits, then the entire paint volume is caused. When calculating proportions from the calculated amount of the koller take 20%. This is done because the color in the space of a larger area looks brighter than on a small square.
An example of quantity quantity calculations:
- In the trial sample, the color of the sea wave was obtained, for this, a green and blue canter was added to the white paint.
- 5 drops of blue and 2 drops of green added per 100 ml.
- In the proportion of 1 l, the paints require 50 drops of blue and 20 drops of green, but this calculation is not true.
- The stained surface has a large area than a test sample, because 20% is taken from the proportion.
- Completely add to the specified quantity of paint 45 drops of blue and 16 drops of pink. In this case, the tone will coincide with expectations.
- If the finished shade of paint does not fit, increase the amount of the flaker or add other shades. So that work has passed successfully, it must be treated as entertainment and creative process. Then all the paints will be mixed easily, and the colors will turn out bright and saturated.
Rules for painting surfaces of water-emulsion paint
Mix the colors and make the water-mounted paint of the desired tone is only half of the case. Next, it must be highly applied to the surface. This type of paintwork is suitable for staining plaster, brick, concrete, drywall and other materials. But to impose a high-quality paint layer, which will last for a long time, it is necessary to perform some simple rules for dyeing:
- The water-making paint has a rather liquid consistency, therefore, before painting the ceiling or walls, it is recommended to remove all interior items from the room or cover them with a film.
- The surface under painting is prepared. If the layers of the old coating are peeled, they must be deleted. The chalk blame washed completely.
- If the old waterproof paint does not hide on the surface, it is not necessary to delete it, it is enough just to wipe from dust with a damp cloth and let dry.
- All irregularities neatly close with putty, because under the layer of paint, even shallow cracks will be noticeable.
- If there are drums or spots on the surface, they are painted with oil paint, similar to the color on the prepared tone of water-emulsion. In the water-demulsion paint, all foreign substances dissolve and then appear through it. It will strongly spoil the repairs and the appearance of the room.
- Also, oil paint is treated with all metal parts on the surfaces that fall under the painted area. It is not necessary to pick oil paint exactly in color, but it is better to take on the tone lower than the used water-emulsion.
- After processing all cracks and metal objects, the surface is recommended to carefully treat primer. This will not only protect the wall from dampness and will prolong the service life of the coating, but also improves the coating paint adhesion. Another plus in favor of priming - the primer reduces the ability of materials to be drinking moisture, which allows to apply the paint more evenly and reduces the consumption of material.
- Primers in their composition are divided into acrylic, alkyd; For metal and for concrete. As the basis for water-producing is optimally suitable acrylic primer.
- Apply a wedge emulsion on the surface with a painting roller, a wide painting brush or spray painting. If the paint is applied to a thin layer of putty, then the optimal tools are the paintopult, since the roller pulls the putty and its integer layers will be torn off from the surface. When operating the paintopult, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs using the respirator.
- Lower temperature threshold for painting works - + 5 ° C.
- If the color is performed using a roller, then it is convenient to use a special tray. It allows you to easily dial with roller material and remove it excess with a ribbed site.
- Painting of walls start in the distinction on the entrance to the corner. Roller over the wall moves strictly vertically.
- Water-emulsion paint is applied in several layers. The first layer is given to dry for 1-4 hours, and then re-staining.
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Very useful article. All on the shelves and understandable. Thanks a lot!
All clear. But the saturated color we could not get (as the reason I do not know. 5 bottles added.
You can't do a very rich color on white paint, even though a bucket of the pigment is plowed. That this requires a colorless base (yes yes, such also exists).
Personally, I would prefer the machine tinting ...
Useful article. Everything is described in a thorough and understandable language. I will try to choose a kel at home if it happens or fails - accomplish your goal. Thanks !