How to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands Useful advice

Garden plot to contain ok orderly. There is always a bunch of garbage, dry branches, construction trash, and tolerate gravity constantly - it's hard. It is difficult and difficult to have people who are in old age, and such amateurs contain a household plot becomes more and more. In order not to wear gravity, but to spend time on the summer site, you can make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands.

Fully performed from the charming materials, the garden car will become an indispensable assistant in the garden plot. Skills for the construction of fixtures are not required for the facilities, and all the necessary materials can be taken on their cottage or buy in a construction store.

Types of tack

Depending on the work and number of wheels, cars are divided into several species. For construction work, metal cars with one wheel are used. For work in the garden and garden, wooden cars can also be used with one wheel.

Facilities for moving heavy loads with two or more wheels are called a trolley.

A varieties of garden tack can be viewed in the photo:



The main and most important advantage of cars is its reliability. Maneuverability also plays an important role. If a person uses a wheelbarrow on a garden or a garden plot, it is enough to be a narrow track, along which you can ride a single wheelbarrow. It can also be easily unloading it and turn the contents, lifting a bit of the wheelbarrow.

Unfortunately, a two-wheeled wheelbarrow on a narrow path will not run, there is a chance to spoil and grant plants.

To preserve equilibrium and stability, it is necessary to build a wheelbarrow. And when you load it with heavy load, you should watch it so that it does not turn and try to maintain it or rest on one side.

The main advantage of two-wheeled car - its stability. And when such a device is loaded, there is no likelihood probability.


On a two-wheeled wheelbarrow, it is convenient to carry construction material, long boards, large branches. It is advisable to ship them so that the center of gravity comes from the middle of the body.

The wheelbarrow can be different, with one handle or two. One transverse handle is much more convenient, as you can hold on with one hand, and the second will be free.

We make a car wheelbarrow

Make the most wooden wheelbarrow is simple enough, the drawings of the garden bar can not be performed. You can do without them. If some material is missing, it can always be purchased in a construction store.

For a garden bar, it is preferable to take a solid tree tree. The best option will be oak, birch, maple or elm. This car will serve much longer, and the design will be strong and reliable. Coniferous wood boards are better not to apply.

  1. Necessary materials:
  2. Wooden boards for the box.
  3. Wood bars for base.
  4. Boards for the manufacture of the wheel.
  5. Screws, washers, nuts.
  6. Circular saw or hacksaw.
  7. Pencil or marker.
  8. Drill.
  9. PVA glue.
  10. Sandpaper.
  11. Metal rod with carvings.
  12. Wrench.
  13. Welding machine.

How to make a mounting frame

  • Take a plank, shoot them and assemble the base in the form of a box. The size of the wheelbarrow is at your discretion, focus on preference that you will be transported. The standard size of the country trolley is in a width of 45 centimeters, in length - 55 centimeters. You can add a centimeter in each value.

For the construction of the trolley will also need a wheel. If plans to build a garden wheelbarrow unicycle, then prepare one wheel. To create a two-wheeled wheelbarrow garden will need two wheels.

  • Ready box and wheel must be strengthened on the basis of. To construct the main part of the support of our cars, you need to take two identical pieces of wood. The thickness of the timber should be about 3-5 centimeters and a length meter 20 centimeters. Bars and will automatically become our pens, the edges of which will be comfortable to hold, to move cargo on dacha.
  • For the convenience of assembling all parts of the trolley, it is advisable to put the bars on a flat surface (it can be a table) and connect them together - ends meet. And the opposite ends dilute to the side, the width should be the same as the width of the shoulder of a person who will use a wheelbarrow.
  • After laying out on the smooth surface of the bars, we put a wooden bar of the small diameter on top. His outlines are planning with a pencil or marker so that on the frame to determine the line of parallel. We plan the place of fastening the wheel.
  • Where the lines are planned, it is necessary to perform a drink with a hacksaw or circular saw.


We make a wooden wheel

If there is no possibility to purchase a metal wheel, you can make a wooden yourself. For this, the solid wood tree is taken (in order to avoid rotting). Wheel diameter will be 27-28 centimeters.

  • To assemble the wheel, you need to prepare a plate in advance, to sprawle them. Movement size - 30x15x2 centimeters, quantity - six pieces. They need to be glued so that the square is. It can be glued with conventional PVA glue. After sizing the design must be put under the press for 24 hours.
  • After sizing the square, with the help of a pencil or marker you need to mark the circle marking. Before proceeding with the drilling of the wheel, with the help of bolts, it is desirable to bore the design. Drive in the background, handle the surface with sandpaper or rashpyl.


If the wheelbarrow is actively used to move heavy items, it is better to buy a metal wheel. In principle, the installation of both the wooden wheel and the finished metal with the rubber bus is no different.

How to mount the wheel and frame

  1. To attach the wheel to a wheelbarrow, you need to connect the bars using the strut. It is installed so to insert the wheel. If the width of the wheel is about 5-6 centimeters, then the distance should be 8-9 centimeters. Therefore, it is possible to prepare the spacers in advance, stored, especially at the ends and attach with bolts to the bars.
  2. To mount the wheel, you can use a long metallic rod (stud) that has a thread (thread length up to 200 mm. It is also necessary to prepare four washers and nuts with a diameter of up to 14 mm.
  3. It is necessary to make a hole for the rod at the end of the boards. A middle wheel drill hole larger than the diameter of the stud. Next, perform the assembly and fasten the wheel by means of washers and nuts. Pin must be well secured, it is possible to check in using a wrench. If poorly secured - tighten the two keys.

If you are assembling cars of metal, it is necessary to weld the housing using the welding machine to the frame.


  • Turn over wheelbarrows and on top of the box to lay the foundation to the established wheel, but so that the wheel is lacking up to the box. Using a pencil or marker should be noted, where the frame lies. It is necessary to cut out the wooden wedges. Their thickness should be about 5 centimeters, width twice. They must be attached on the planned lines to the box with bolts and wedges attached to the wheel base.


  • Ready wheelbarrow must be covered with varnish. So the tree will last much longer and is protected from decay.


  • To garden wheelbarrow carefully operated, it must be installed on spacers.

After the car breaks down (a few decades) it can be used as a flower bed.



Assembling of metal wheelbarrow

Assemble a garden wheelbarrows of metal. This design will be much sturdier and will last for many years. It can be applied both at harvest and during the construction of sand and cement.

His hands do not difficult metal wheelbarrow. All that is needed is the presence of welding machine and the skills of its operation.

For example, garden barrow can be welded 1-2 mm thickness of sheet metal. First, to assemble from a sheet body and then attach a wheel and handle. If you plan a great burden on the wheelbarrow, the wheel is desirable to set a powerful example, from an old moped, bicycle and even a motorcycle.

  • Getting to the manufacture of cars. Take the sheet steel meter on two 1 mm thick. Pre-need to buy a wheel with a diameter of 40 cm, select those that are already installed bearings.

The box can be made of any size, capacity of about 100 liters.

  • In order to precisely carry out the work, it is necessary to draw a sketch to dimension, to specify all the details.


  • Welding apparatus and Bulgarian will be needed for work. The sheet needs to be "cut" according to the sketch and weld the box. Racks for support from a metal corner with a size of 25x25, instead of an angle you can take a piece of metal pipe of the desired diameter. The handle for cars can be built from the pipe with thin walls so that the wheelbarrow itself is not too heavy. Optionally, you can make a wheelbarrow with two handles.



How to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands
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