Garden border do it yourself Plot.

Garden border is part of the decoration of your yard. Made with their own hands, it will not only be beneficial for the separation of flower beds, beds, garden tracks and flower beds, but also become the dignity of the garden.
Now the market presents many varieties of borders. From cheap plastic and to very valuable and expensive. Which to choose? This is a matter of taste and financial opportunities.
Functions of a garden border
- Do not allow germ to germinate.
- To resist the soil in the lawn.
- Making your plot charming.
Unformed lawn borders to handle the lawn mower inconvenient. On the edge, the car cuts into the grass so much that the lawn is as a result with the "bald" and "hollows". Installing conventional stone borders, consider the wheel size of the lawn mower. From the lawn to the curb should be left a small track for check-in wheels of the lawn mower. Thus, it will be available for processing the edge of the lawn without drops and bevels. For convenient shelter of grass on the plot, manufacturers are made of borders with a flat edge on one side (internal).
Types of Garden Bordeur
Plastic border
The cheapest and simple option. Well performs its functions, does not allow the sprawling of the garden path. If your choice stopped on a plastic curb, then know that it is durable, easy to install and dismantle, has sufficient strength and prevents various small mechanical effects. Before installing it is not required for the preparation of the soil, and when fixing, only anchor pins are used. One of the flaws of plastic is not naturalness.
Metal border
As well as plastic, it will be an inconspicuous border of your track. All its pros and cons are identical to plastic. But the design is slightly different. It consists of steel tapes, aluminum or copper, which are bought into the soil along the track contour, protecting it from weeds.
Braided border
The border of the intertwined IV branches will create comfort on the plot. To create this masterpiece, we need thin wooden chumbachk, smoothly crafted sticks and a lot of ventilation twigs. Clean the rod from the bark and cover them for the safety of a special solution. Insert the wands into the ground around the flower beds at a distance of 3-5 cm. Slide the "snake" frame of Ives spin. The braided border treated with a protective agent will not lose its representative look.
Wooden border
Such a border for garden tracks will not only prevent its spreading, but also give it an irresistible look. It can be put in different ways: folded longitudinally bars, drive one length by pegs or lay out simple plates along the track. Such a border will be perfectly combined with a landscape style. One disadvantage: Wooden border is not able to serve over 10 years. Be careful, when it is masonry, it will be necessary to prepare the ground.
Bordeur of bricks
One of the most popular for boring targets. Ideally highlight the track path, give her a sophisticated look. For its durability, it is a facing brick that has good strength. It is resistant to moisture and frost.
Natural Stone Border
This is expensive pleasure. It will be a highlight of your garden path. Border material can be any natural stone. Garden decorative border perfectly obtained from gravel or pebbles. When laying, preparatory work is needed. So that such a curb seemed harmonious, it is necessary to choose the stones of the same size and lay as close as possible to each other.
Green border
Created from plants that are planted in the previously indicated contour of the garden path. Requires great effort and labor, as well as further care of plants. But in the end, it turns out the most beautiful view, incomparable with one type of border. Plants should be shorter, not particularly demanding in their care, with a pleasant color. Kizlist horizontal and self-sewing is aidal choice for a green border.
Bordeur of concrete blocks
One of these species is a garbur garden 1000 × 200 × 80. Installed on a wide side, and on the edge. Perfectly equipped the flower beds with the right form. So that such a border seemed unusual, pebbles can be filled into the gaps between the blocks. Small and light particles of pebbles need to be fixed with solution to ensure stability and durability.
Bordeur made of tires
Every day, products from unnecessary tires are becoming increasingly popular. Bordur did not exception. When working with such material, it all depends only on your imagination. The most popular are curved curved curved curves (swan, turtle, elephant, zebra, etc.) and the usual (untreated), when the ground is simply poured into the tire and the flowers are planted there. By cutting the tire in one place, it can be installed around the tree or connecting several tires with a large flower leaf.
Bordeur of glass and plastic bottles
If you have grown a lot of plastic or glass bottles, do not hurry to throw them out. Discover their neck down the perimeter of flower beds. You can use different colors for colorful or only one color of bottles, thereby distinguishing the flower beds. When using plastic bottles, it is desirable to cut.
From plastic bottles:
From glass bottles:
Garden Mosaic Garden
Prepare framework. They can become wooden bars or bricks laid around the edges. As a mosaic, pieces of tiles of different sizes or multicolored pebbles are used.
Making a border with forms
The form is a plastic stencil, which is used for a house design. Having such a form, you can create a wonderful path of concrete yourself. The process of working with the shape of the garden path is simple: install it where you want to create your work of art and pour it with cement, hang and after half an hour carefully remove the shape. After a couple of days, the track can be walking.
Thanks to such forms, you can make your own paths or playgrounds. For the manufacture of borders, the form "Bordary stone" is used.
They are made of high-density polypropylene and have a unique look, high strength, so they are able to withstand a large number of work provided for them. Choosing a suitable form, you will be satisfied, because you will soon be fired on a beautiful garden path made by your hands
1. Place the place for the border.
2. Pump the upper layer of the Earth by about 10 cm. We fall asleep with sand and small pebbles.
3. Mix the mortar for the curb.
4. Apply the shape for the curb to the marked place and poured it with it. Leave for some time to dry.
5. Remove forms. The seams can be chopped with a thick solution or leave for the finger of grams.