Marble Update and Grinding Floors

Marble from ancient times decorated magnificent palaces and mausoleums. Glossy floors of a rare breed can be seen in the Taj Mahal, sacred temples of Greece and Turkey. Today, Natural stone, like thousands of years ago, is not available to all. Well, well, homeowners with elegant marble flooring and fixtures should monitor their condition. To preserve the original appearance polishing technique is used with the addition of synthetic means.
What is the grinding and polishing?
Grinding and polishing of marble - binding processes by which is achieved perfectly smooth coating material. Bricklayers sanded covering detection of different character defects:
- cracks;
- chipped;
- roughness;
- scratches.
Polished marble floor is used at the final stage finishes when the mirror effect you want to achieve. This is the most simple and gentle method of rock processing. polishing technique directly affects the topsheet. Specialists using polishing machines processed sills, stairs, floors, walls and other smooth marble surfaces.
Polishing can be:
1. Primary produced after the installation of plates and filling the joints.
Experienced professionals using this technique was treated with base and to the state of gloss monolithic effect. With this re-contamination of the joints is eliminated. If necessary, the applied antislip, anti-grease composition.
2. The secondary, performed when losing the marble gloss. Restoration of marble floor Returns the primordial appearance.
Marble Polishing Machine
Based on the fact that marble is a dense natural formation, the marble floor grinding machine must withstand essential mechanical loads. Special diamond flexible tools are used for processing hard-to-reach grounds. Smooth coatings require standard cutters.
Abrasive components for polishing include:
- cups;
- brushes;
- fiberbrows.
Manual processing is allowed, exactly as finishing with special tools. Often the choice is determined only after estimating the depth of damage. The abrasive number is selected depending on the type of chipping and cracks.
Before processing damage, if necessary, filled with two-component glue. The color variety allows you to choose the required shade corresponding to the background and color of the splashes. Adhesive tool is also used when cleaning intercutric seams. In this case, the seams are cleared and filled with glue or grouting.
It is important to know that certain types of material are not prone to crystallization. Experts strongly recommend in advance to test the action of the crystallizer.
Marble polishing agents
The market presents a huge number of different marble care options and other "decorative" rocks. Among the bricklayers are deserved respect for production polyters. These are special means of wax with anti-slip effect.
Liquid wax protects marble walls and floors from mechanical damage. In addition, the tool retains the shine even with high floor passability. Anti-slip formulations are universal - they are used to process other stone materials.
A liquid crystallizer is used to upgrade or so-called interwilling marble floors. The universal means forms an invisible protective layer. The crystallizer is able to secure marble from mechanical exposure, a detrimental effect of high humidity. In addition, the crystallizer gives the coating a glossy view with an anti-slip effect.
In a liquid or creamy form, a polishing paste is distributed. The product is used to restore marble and obtaining mirror glitter. In other words, the paste is a universal wear-resistant polishing with a good moisture-repellent action.
In general, experts use various care products for stone floors. Considering that marble can be two types:
- polished;
- unparalled.
In the first case, they find the use of the reinforcing glitter. In the second - emphasizing the texture of the stone. Handling in turn involves the use of liquid products, machine - creamy.
Finally, allocate the last tool for polishing - powder. Processing of the surface when using a polishing powder comes down to simple operations:
- Pour the required amount of powder into a small portion of the material.
- Polish before receiving the perfect result.
- Carefully rinse the residues of the product with water.
- Wear a sponge or detergent.
The main thing is to ensure that the powder does not come into contact with marble for a long time. Otherwise, noticeable stains will appear on the material.
Marble polishing at home
Polishing of marble floor with their own hands - a rather laborious process. As a rule, without special equipment and processing means there is no need to do. To do this, you will need:
- paraffin;
- soft fabric;
- pumice;
- sandpaper;
- grinding circles;
- sand;
- marble care products.
With this set, it is unrealistic to eliminate substantial chips, cracks and scratches. "Home" polishing will return the lost glossy shine and eliminate micro-test. The processing process is as follows:
- Rough grinding with a grinding circle. For small marble products, it is advisable to use sandpaper with a large abrasive spraying paper. For primary grinding, peptems and fine sand are also used. Whatever tools is involved in a rough grinding, at this stage you need to remove at least 3 mM coatings.
- Polishing with wax basis. This will protect the marble floor from external mechanical and other effects. The wax is the best polishing agent at home. It fills the microcracks, protects the seams from dust and dirt. The polishing process includes the following operations:
- applying the means to the surface (paraffin can be used);
- rubbing the soft material to the state of the glitter;
- applying protective layers.
Polishing marked with finishing treatment. At this stage, you should choose which effect you want to get:
- glossy shine;
- wet stone;
- toning effect;
- selection texture;
- focus on color.
How to make a polishing machine with your own hands
In the process of grinding and polishing of significant areas, special devices of different power are applied. The cost of such cars can reach several thousand dollars. If you need to polish a small area, acquire an expensive tool is not necessary. You can do on your own with the help of handy funds.
So, the role of the car will greatly play a standard angular grinding device, a better known under the name "Bulgarian". To heat the 2 mm layer, a factory model with a capacity of 800 W and a 125 mm grinding disk diameter is suitable. Diamond disks must be needed. In total, grinding will have to purchase brands of 50 - 800. The process starts:
- C Grinding with a coarse disc brand 50. It eliminates essential chips and cracks.
- Then the surface is processed by discs of the brand 100, 200 and 400.
- The stage of coarse grinding with disks 600 and 800 is completed. The marble acquires the effect of shine.
- As an additional processing, silicone is used, which is applied to the fiber circle of the device. Silicone gives a natural mirror glitter material.
As experts say, after the skillful processing of the "Bulgarian" marble floor becomes smooth and glossy. Consumer reviews confirm this thesis. Without practical experience, it is quite difficult to distinguish a manual polishing from mechanical.
Grinding and polishing marble floor - a complex process, which is not recommended independently. Radar to contact professionals. But if your enthusiasm and faith rearrange this recommendation, you can safely take care. The main thing is to get acquainted with the action of polishing agents and work of grinding machines. Little little can be polished with marble floor on their own and, as a result, embellish the interior.