Installation of fire doors Doors

Fire doors can be installed in any premises, if it is necessary to protect people from a potential threat. Installation of such structures is carried out strictly in accordance with certain rules.
Installation of fire doors is mandatory in some cases provided for by the Snip and Fire Safety Requirements. It applies to:
- industrial premises;
- crowded premises;
- warehouse facilities, boiler rooms;
- rechargeable, electrical laboratories, etc.
Basic Rules Installation Fire Doors
Metal fire fighting doors are set in several ways.
- In the doorway. This is the most reliable way, largely guaranteeing protection against hacking and high-quality isolation.
- Installation on eyelashes, fortified on the door frame. This method is possible for walls, a thickness of at least 160 mm.
- In the event that the walls are not thick enough, the doors set the windshield. In this case, the fire doors are used, the dimensions of which exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway. Installation in this way, made in accordance with the technical requirements, allows you to create a reliable design.
Requirements for installing fire doors are as follows.
- Installation of fire doors should be carried out by a license for this type of work.
- Installation is performed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation (GOST 26602.1-99, SNIP 21-01-97).
- After the installation is completed, the quality of the installation of the doors is performed by the fire inspection specialists.
- The fire resistance of the wall in the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway should exceed similar parameters of the door itself. The thickness of the brick wall, concrete or folded of concrete blocks should be within 160 - 250 mm at a density of a material of 1200 ± 400 kg / m³. For foamed concrete Parameters, respectively: 100 mm and 650 ± 150 kg / m³, for slat and sheet materials (sheets of GLC, gypsum cement plates, etc.) with a thickness of the frame material at least 0.5 mm, the wall thickness must be 65 - 75 mm.
Types of fire doors
Manufacturers offer structures of fire doors that are made from various materials. Thanks to the special processing and use of special seals, such products acquire special characteristics. Fire doors are the following species.
- Steel doors: Such products are distinguished by the greatest reliability and durability. The canvas of such structures most often a box cross section, for the sheat that sheet steel is used with a wide or narrow trilateral fold. The cavity of the box is filled with mineral (basalt, with a structure in the form of long fibers) with thermal insulator. The rigidity of the canvas give steel strips, welded around the perimeter. All screw compounds are made using heat sources - thermal insulation pads. The edges of the canvase are a U-shaped profile. All metal pieces of fire doors are covered with a protective layer of zinc and primer. Fasten the canvas to the box with the help of hinge loops.
- Aluminum doors are aluminum allial canvas without the use of threaded connections. All items (external and internal profiles) are connected to each other clips of a special design. The inside of the canvas of such a door is filled with silicate straps resistant to high temperatures.
- Combined: Fire doors of such a design are collected from steel and aluminum elements.
- Wooden fire doors: They are manufactured using flame retardants - special compositions that prevent fire. In addition, the door leaf is covered with heat-insulating non-flammable materials with a thickness of 4 mm and more. The canvas is assembled from thicker panels and frames than the ordinary doors. At the same time use fire seals. The door box is made of a steel profile with a double fold or wooden array.
You can buy fire doors directly from the manufacturer or in specialized stores. The product must make a certificate of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire-warning doors. The prices of structures depend on the size, complexity (are single and double) and the materials used.
Step-by-step instructions for mounting fire doors
- Given that fire doors are made most often under the order, at the initial stage, the measurer should be called, which will determine the size of the opening to install the door box.
- The finished product is checked in size with the opening: the maximum tolerance on the sides and vertical is + 5 mm. In case of detection of inconsistencies, the opening must be finalized.
- Collect the box should be started with the top plank: it is using special corners inserted into the grooves of vertical elements, attach to them with screws.
- In the prepared opening (frameds should be cleaned from an old putty, with planes aligned vertically) set the box and with the help of wedges fix it. Between the wall and sides of the box should remain equal width of the gaps.
- Check the position of the box using a level or plumb: control the vertical and horizontal parts. Roulette is measured diagonally and align them if necessary.
- Through special holes make marks for holes for anchor bolts and carefully drilled. There should be at least two anchor bolts on each side of the box.
- Insert the anchor bolts into the holes and tighten the nut's knurless key completely.
- Plunct the door leaf and perform the control of the loops using the piles. It is necessary to monitor that the bearings and mortgage beds are installed in the interval between the retarded parts of the loops.
- Fully tighten the nuts of the anchor bolts. At the same time, the side of the box should not be torn.
- Another option to fasten the box involves the use of reinforcement pins: they are clogged into the holes, after which they weld to the metal of the box and cut up too much.
- Wedges are cleaned, and the gap is filled with mounting foam, resistant to fire.
- In the cloth insert the lock. The lock cylinder is fixed with a screw from the mounting kit. Install the handles.
- Check the correctness of the design of the design: the door canvas should not creak and spontaneously open or closed under its own weight. All shut-off mechanisms should work clearly, effortlessly open and close. When detecting, malfunctions are eliminated.
- In the groove of the door or boxes, the self-adhesive seal is installed.
- Lubricate the loops, install plaque from non-combustible materials and fasten the closer.
After installing the castle, you must invite a fire inspection representative for acceptance and compiling the appropriate act.
In conclusion, the video showing the process of installing the fire doors.
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