Nytic curtains: interior use features Interior items

The thread curtains began to be used in the interiors of the rooms many centuries ago. In the ancient East, such curtains helped to shake the room, while leaving access to fresh air, which freely penetrated the dwelling. Nowadays, these designs are becoming increasingly popular, they are used to decorate almost any rooms, regardless of the color design and interior design.
The main characteristics of the nicious curtains
As mentioned earlier, the thread curtains first appeared in the countries of the Ancient East, at that time they were called Kiememi. In the hot climate, they were considered a rather practical subject. First, with the help of such curtains it was possible to create a cozy shadow and coolness in the room, and secondly, the finest threads did not interfere with the air to get the premises.
In the modern world, the thread curtains play a decorative role, speaking a design element, bringing a certain highlight to the interior design. Due to the variety of textures, materials, colors and their combinations, almost everyone can choose for themselves the appropriate curtain option. The threads from which the curtains are made are by kapron and silk, shiny and matte, smooth and twisted. And from the variety of colors, it simply captures the spirit - the thread curtains are presented in all sorts of shades. In addition, the curtains can be monophonic, combine inconceivable contrasts or shimmer by all the colors of the rainbow. An additional decoration of such curtains serve a variety of beads, pumps, feathers, sequins, artificial flowers, butterflies, etc. Such a wide variety makes it possible to use similar designs in any premises and interiors, guided only by fantasy and taste.
Features of the design of the curtain
Let's consider in more detail how the threaded curtains are arranged and their features consist of:
- Such curtains are a combination of a set of threads or ribbons recorded from above using a textile strip. Sometimes the elements of such curtains are attached at the top of a thin wooden bar. The threads themselves from which curtains are made are different lengths, colors and textures.
- The width of the finished curtains can be adjusted at its discretion. As a rule, the width of the curtain ranges from 0.7 to 2 m - this allows you not only to use curtains on different eaves and in window openings, but also to adjust the density of curtains, making them transparent and weightless or, on the contrary, impenetrable.
- Often the threads from which such curtains are made, they have a special weaving. As soon as you hang the curtains in the place you need and decide on their length, you can just trim, without fear that the threads will rinse or stretch.
- Nite Gardins look harmonious not only on the windows. With this element, you can successfully zonate the room or separate one room from another, hanging the speed in the doorway.
- The nicious curtains fasten easily and simply, look immanently and air, do not prevent the penetration into the room of fresh air.
Features of the use of thread curtains in the interior
As we marked above, such designs can be organically enter almost any interior. Let's look at some examples:
- Rooms made in the styles of "Vintage" or "Shebbi-Chic" can be supplemented with curtains of light pastel colors. The shades of pink, beige, blue, light green or lilac gamma are suitable. Harmoniously in a similar interior will look curtains, decorated with rhinestones, beads, textile elements of the corresponding color. Showing a fantasy, you can create a beautiful combination of thread curtains with Tulle.
- The interiors in the urban style look beautifully, if you add them to the nitrate curtains of composite shades. Lilac, powdered, lightning, graphite-gray and other tones may be present here. So that the room design looked harmoniously, pick up the curtains that will repeat the color accents of the interior. At the same time, try not to use unnecessarly sharp shades.
- The combination of thread curtains with deep color gamut of classic interiors can also be appropriate. It is important to comply with the principle of conformity of the tones. Cartins of dark burgundy, purple, saturated-blue or emerald green colors will look just great if the entire room is made in such a gamma. Properly selected contrasts will also look wonderful. For example, purple can be successfully complemented with silver-white, and the gold will always be perfectly harmonized with saturated blue. In this interior, you should not use curtains with decorative elements, but smooth silk threads or ribbons will look noble, emphasizing the luxury of a classic style.
- East-style rooms will look fascinating if you add the interior with light translucent nitish curtains. Organza, chiffon, veil, rhinestones and sequins, sparkling beads and brilliant Lurex are simply created for similar interiors.
- The laconic and cold style "High-tech" also allows the use of nite curtains as a decorative element. Metallized threads that do not have any decorative elements will be most harmonious.
- Thread curtains found applied even in such a restrained style as minimalism. With the help of such curtains, you can zonate the room, separating the workspace from the recreation area. Nietary curtains will help a somewhat diluting a modest minimalist interior, bringing some dynamics into it.
- Styles of "Country" and "Ethno" allow you to use the nicious curtains of a wide variety of species. Best of all, the curtains made from natural materials, for example, from jute, flax, cotton, or lycons are found in such interiors. Fragments of the decor made of wood or bones perfectly complement the room with the interior of the "Country", and a variety of colored beads or textile elements will harmoniously fit into ethno-style.
Nite curtains can be used not only in the interiors of halls, bedrooms and living rooms. Kitchen windows and doorway can also be decorated with a similar curtain. If you have a large kitchen that combines the working and dining area, then the thread curtains will help visually divide these two territories by making a lunch-in place more secluded and cozy.
Thread curtains in the kitchen, photo:
The design of the bed in the bedroom is another successful example of using the thread curtain for the zoning of the premises. In order to make a sleeping place more comfortable and secluded, it is not necessary to hang over the bed bulky cavity and heavy curtains above the bed, the nite curtains will cope with such a task no worse.
It should be noted that the designs under consideration found use not only in residential buildings, but also in various public institutions, for example, in cafes, restaurants, bars and clubs. The thread curtains pretty well helps to create the illusion of privacy and isolation in a noisy lean place.
Practicality and convenience of Nite Gardin
Now I would like to consider, what is the convenience of use in the interior of the Nieta Curtain:
- Similar curtains can be used instead of doors. It happens that there is no need for interroom doors. First, in the open form, they "eat" part of the space, and secondly, with the doors busy hands, it is not always convenient to open and close. Thread curtains help solve these problems. Visually dividing the rooms, they do not take excess space and allow you to move from one room to another without any problems.
- It is much easier to care for the thread curtains than the ordinary tissue curtains. They are cleaned easily, but not need to iron them.
- Another plus of Nitee Gardin is a democratic price. Curtains from beautiful noble fabric will cost you more, moreover, before buying them, it is necessary to correctly calculate the desired length and width. It's quite difficult to make a mistake with the nithery curtains, because their width is regulated, and you can adjust the length by cutting the thread at the level you need.
- With the nite curtains you have the opportunity to change the design of the window opening for the first wishes. The threads can be given to anything, tie them by the node, bonding with decorative ribbons and bows, etc. By the way, the nodes on the thread curtains are completely not confused and easily unleashed back.
- Studio apartment, so popular in our time, can be successfully zoning with the help of Nite Gardin, without releasing the space and without having lost the interior.
- Similar curtains can be even created independently, manifesting creative abilities and rich fantasy.
Thread curtains, photo:
All care for the threaded curtains is their proper wash. It is desirable to carry out a similar procedure manually, but if you decide to resort to the help of a washing machine, then pre-pack the speed into a special bag, and put the technique in the most delicate mode.
Manually erase the thread curtains. Put the garardine into a warm soap solution that does not contain bleaching substances. After a while, carefully rinse the curtain in clean water, press and hang to dry. The threads on your curtain will not be satisfied if you put the curtain in a thin bag before washing. Instead of such a bag, you can also use ordinary oscillation tights.
How to make a nicious curtains do it yourself
Of course, you can buy thread curtains in the store, but if you want to save money or simply crave to show your creative potential, try to make such curtains yourself. We will try to describe this process as you can Read more:
- The main elements that will be needed for the manufacture of the curtains are a wooden rail of suitable length and threads that you will attach on it. Wooden rail can be replaced with plastic cornice. Decor for curtains choose at your discretion. Depending on how you fix the threads, you should decide on tools. Most likely, you will need a drill with a thin drill or awl if you use plastic or foam plastic as the base. To secure decorative elements, do not forget to prepare a glue gun.
- Before starting work, spend the necessary measurements. Based on the width of the opening, the length of the curtains and the distances between the individual threads, determine the total length of the cord that you will need. Do not forget to also provide some reserve, because it is always easier to cut.
- The threads can be fixed in two ways:
- drill holes in the cornily, to turn cords through them and consolidate them in a convenient way, for example, nodules;
- tie cords on the hinge cords, for this you will have to fold the thread twice.
- When you decide with the method of fastening and spend all the necessary counts, bow to the desired amount of material and proceed to work. Try not to divide the cord at once on a lot of segments, it is better to cut a fragment you need during the work, comparing it with previous fixed elements.
- When the curtain is ready, fix it in the window or doorway with the help of self-samples. If you want to hide the bar on which the threads are fixed, decorate it with a wide textile ribbon or something else.