Formwork for garden tracks: installation instructions Construction

Garden - this is the place where men ought to be cozy. Unfortunately, from the subwoofers to create something impressive and harmonious in terms of design - it is very difficult. In such cases, the use of modern building materials, as well as various tricks, with which the building process can be much easier.
If we talk about building on the territory of a garden plot, everything begins with the creation of the tracks. This is the most important element of the territory on which people visiting the garden immediately pay attention. To create an attractive garden track, you just need to learn the technology, and also use some additional tools in the process of creating, without which the high quality of the structure does not work.
The main features of the garden track
Obviously, the garden track can be created in many ways. Often there are ordinary paths that are distinguished by clear boundaries. Also, often tracks are created on the basis of ordinary building bricks or the old tile used. Surely many will agree that in this case it is most important to have a track that would look outwardly attracted not only the owners of the territory, but also guests, as well as passing by the garden plot of people.
To date, concrete material is increasingly used to create tracks. When using some additives, it turns into a practically invulnerable surface that can serve at least several decades and not lose its initial properties. In such a situation, it is very important to explore the technology of creating concrete surfaces and take into account all negative factors that can affect the process.
Using a formwork to create a track
Decking - this is the element that is present in virtually all manipulations with concrete material. With it, we get the opportunity to create a form for a particular concrete product, providing its optimal strength and durability.
It is worth noting that non-only wood materials are called formworks that are used when creating foundations of buildings, but any other devices that can give the shape of concrete. An excellent example of modern formwork can be forms for paving slabs. They have a wide variety of dimensions, as well as appearance. It is necessary to focus on the fact that today such forms can be manufactured not only from metal or plastic, but also on the basis of composite materials. In turn, this allows you to improve the quality of the surface, as well as for example, create an original pattern or color composition.
Formwork for garden tracks is an ordinary form. In most cases, such a device has an original execution that allows you to create uncommon design compositions. The formwork shape is created in such a way that the surface elements are evolved, and also had a pleasant pattern for the eye. All this, in fact, is very simple, however, such decisions in our country appeared relatively recently.
Despite the fact that, ultimately, it turns out incredible beauty the surface of the track, the cost of such works is low. The amount of concrete required for such works is small.
The process of installing formwork and concrete pouring
On a small scale of construction, we will need only one form (and then if it has large dimensions). Most often, the cost of one form created on the basis of plastic masses is 500-800 rubles. Small formwork and can be purchased at all for 100-200 rubles. In this case, you can buy several forms at once to speed up the building process.
First you need to get rid of the grass cover, which is located within the track of the future. Further need to remove the top layer of soil (10 cm). Need to make sure that the surface is as flat. At this stage, we also need the sand, which is filled with at least 50% of the created cavity. With the help of a spirit level check the flatness of the surface.
Before you apply the formwork, to be armed with a small fraction of gravel and fill the remaining space of the recess. Stone layer must be dense and smooth. On this basis it is possible without any caveats to create concrete.
At the outset it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the track to the dimensions of the form fit perfectly to create a surface.
To improve the quality of future concrete layer, as well as provide a high quality of construction work, it is necessary to moisten the surface a bit. Now you need to create a cement mixture. As the filler can be used rubble coarse fraction. Care should be taken so that the stones were not above the concrete level.
Formwork (form) is placed on the surface of the future track and tightly pressed. The mixture is poured into the mold. Care should be taken so that the concrete level is not crossed the upper limit of the form. If for some reason turned out to be a lot of concrete, you can safely get rid of it, using the means at hand. Concrete will gain strength for a few days, but the solution must be to maintain at least during the day.
Not a secret that the most serious problem associated with the establishment of concrete surfaces, is the appearance of cracks. Most often they occur at insufficient or excess moisture, and also because of the abrupt change in temperature. To reduce the chances of occurrence of such defects, it is necessary to pour concrete daily average water surface temperature (not too cold, but not hot).
With a limited amount of plastic formwork process can drag on for days. If the area you want to pour concrete, relatively small, then using multiple forms to create the perfect garden path is not difficult.
In the end it should be noted that in the process of hardening concrete can be deformed without problems, especially if there are any irregularities or cracks. Once hardened, it is very difficult to get rid of will from the common flaws.