Design of well on water. Calculation and requirements Plot.

Get your own well or well - the dream of every owner of the country area is unimportant to the house, or the Earth is used exclusively for growing trees and serving the garden. The choice between the root of the well and the drilling of the well is often solved in favor of the latter. Well, the selection of the embodiment and arrangement of the source of the life-giving moisture depends on the type of soils on which the site is located, from the depth of the binding of aquifers, from readiness to spend on the construction of one amount. Moreover, if desired, you can resort to the construction of the object with your own hands. Of course, you can only make a shallow well, less than 15 m, which are made on the sand. For the digging of deep, up to 50 m - they will have to attract specialists, not to do without them and when building an artesian well, to limestone, the depth of which can be from 60 to 250 m. To make sure that the suitability of the produced drinking fluid is recommended to analyze its quality .
Life time
Before proceeding with the construction of the facility, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the methods of performing drilling and the principles of the design of the design, learn about which components of the wells are considered basic and which calculations will be required for the right choice of equipment, in particular the pump.
You can meet information that the life of the well on the water is equal to 15 years, but in reality it depends on how intensively the source is used. With frequent use, the period of work can be equal to 30 years, or even more. It is often its restriction is the shelf life of the pipes that were used to choke. In the event of a tipt for high-quality pipes from materials with a large service life and the corresponding water composition, the service life of the source will be unlimited in time.
Choosing a well design
The most important point in the construction of facilities is the process of choosing and justifying the design - the quality and cost of work performed depends on it. In accordance with its destination, exploration wells should:
- allow you to try out a certain number of water horizons opened,
- be economically appropriate
- have as smaller diameter of the barrel,
- allow re-use casing and filter,
- be ready for a high-quality liquidation tponight.
Construction of wells today is made using ways:
- rotational with straight and reverse flushing,
- rotational with blowing air
- shock
- shock-rotational.
Each of them has its own characteristics and an area of \u200b\u200brational use, in accordance with the hydrogeological conditions and the list of tasks. In modern construction, methods with reverse and straight washing with a clay-containing solution are often used.
Design of wells for water operational should afford:
- open productive aquifers for the purpose of exploitation, with minimal resistance of profiltra columns,
- operate the object for a long period at the minimum pace of recession of performance,
- ensuring high-quality insulation of water layers, except those planned to be operated at the same time,
- get savings at the cost of materials and labor costs,
- have a wellness of the smallest possible diameter,
- receive the minimum resistance when lifting the water pump.
Requirements for water wells are sufficiently specific and have complex relationships with each other. When solving the issue of substantiation and choosing one or another design, numerous factors should be taken into account and analyzed.
Scheme of well design
Consider the well scheme on the example of Artesian. Its the upper part is the mouth, the bottom - the shoe or a slaughter. The scheme also indicates:
- what pipes will be attached a well, i.e. its design,
- general description of breeds
- what kind of rocks are passed when the object is facing.
Such a drawing of professionals are called a geological and technical cut, the design of the source in its preparation is complemented by information:
- about the age of rocks that will be going
- information about the category of stability, on the basis of which the working chisel is selected,
- submersible submersible pump data.
Judging by the fact that the information about the well complies with the regulatory and technical documents, it is concluded about the calculated life of the facility. The selection of the design of the well is carried out by hydrogeological specialists, depending on the specific geological section.
Filter and ramped wellbore
The solution to the use of a filter or rampage type of well construction is based on types of soils on a given area: Filter sources are usually built on rocky rocks or on loose unstable soils. When installing the filter, the distance between its working part and the rock in the roof of the aquifer ranged from half a meter to the meter. The length of the working part of the filter must correspond to the power of the reservoir in which it will work. A deaf pipe, called sump, should have special cutouts, its length should be at least 2 m.
The design of the well design is made according to:
- her depths
- destination
- water level,
- dimensions of filters and their designs.
The number of required casing, the depth of their descent and the diameter are interconnected:
- with drilling method
- the number of water reservoirs,
- used by the pump
- method of fastening casing pipes,
- the needs for cementing of the annular space,
- the service life of the object.
If a design is scheduled to install a well pump in the filter, then ultimately the diameter of the well will depend on the pump dimensions. If the pump is installed in the operational column above the filter, then its diameter will also determine the dimensions of the pump. To simplify the installation work and obtaining the possibility of controlling the aging of water, the presence of a gap between the diameter of the inside of the operational column and the outer diameter of the pump housing is about 50 mm. But should not strive to a significant increase in this indicator - it will lead to the rise in the cost of work and an increase in the weight of the structure.
The construction of rapid facilities is possible with a sufficiently stable roof in loose rocks.
Water well calculation
The main goal, which is pursued by the construction of the object - the preparation of water in the necessary quantities with a minimum level of reduction of its static indicator. In all the rest, the calculation of wells on the water is practically no different from the calculations of gas and oil wells.
The most significant indicator that characterizes the source is considered to be a flow rate, it will allow it to determine whether the water will be produced enough to ensure the needs of the economy, it will also help in the correct calculation of the pumping equipment. The flow rate is the amount of water that it can produce per unit of time. From it directly depends on the performance of the water intake, the power of the pumping equipment and the diameter of the casing.
The main indicator used in the calculation of the flow rate is a static fluid level measured by the distance to the water mirror. To determine it is used twine with weights. After the Georgic reaches the mirror, they measure the length of the twine, it will be a static level. The definition of the dynamic level is produced by entering the pump. Pumping some amount of water causes a decrease in its level in the well. This is a dynamic level. If the pump work does not lead to a decrease in the dynamic level - it can be assumed that the pump performance is equal to the performance of water intake. If the booster is lower than the pump power, the gradual decrease in the dynamic level will be tracked, after some time the water in the well runs out. If the difference between static and dynamic indicators does not exceed 1 m - this indicates a sufficient source power exceeding the power of the pump used.
The source performance is determined by such experience. There is a fairly powerful pump at the bottom of the well and harves the empty capacity of the known volume. Pump all the liquid from the source and flow the time for which the level of the mirror reaches the initial indicators. When calculating the flow rate, the amount of dumped liquid and the time for restoring its level is taken, for this we divide the volume.
A more accurate calculation can be made by the formula D \u003d H x V / (HD - HST), while:
- letter H - the depth of the well water
- D - Debit,
- V - pump performance,
- HD - dynamic level,
- HST is a static level.
Of course, if you find out the case, the project and settlement works can be made independently, but it is still more reliable to appeal for help from specialists - because in the design process, in any case, data on the composition and quality of soil in this area and the depth of the occurrence aquifer.