Decorative garden track from sleep Plot.

Stone slabs of the tracks on the summer site look both familiar and ordinary, it is very different about the path from the spikes of a tree - it is organically and naturally fit into the household landscape. The naturalness of the material, its simplicity and non-trivial view among flowering flower beds have already rated many gardeners.
Garden track made of sleep: advantages and disadvantages
Without tracks on the household plot, do not do, because they are a link between all elements of the garden. Their functional purpose is to protect the plants from the "careless" feet of the dacket and protect the shoes from dirt. However, the decorative role of the garden's transport arteries is also very important: garden tracks can be advantageous to brighten up some flaws in the site and, if necessary, framing some composite elements of the garden (for example, flowerbeds, gazebo).
Before making a choice in favor of a kind of material for a garden track, you need to evaluate the general view and style of the garden, as well as take into account from which the house and other buildings are built on the territory. In the country where the house and other structures are elevated from bricks, insulated with synthetic building materials (foam, penplex), the place is paving slabs. But to the bath from a bar or wooden altanka, it is better to pave a garden path from a natural material.
Garden paths made of wooden spills differ from paving slabs mass of advantages. However, they have disadvantages.
Advantages of wooden tracks
- 100% environmental friendliness of the material. More and more people, seeking to reunite with nature, equip their cottages in eco-style. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the tree is now at the peak of popularity.
- Wood copes well with temperature drops and high humidity.
- Availability. It will not be difficult to get wooden sleeps - you can independently cut the cut-down tree on the plate of the desired width or, as an option to buy as a workpiece of wood for winter.
- Uniqueness. Rings of life on the height of each individual tree, as if fingerprints, never repeated: you can safely consider your track individual and unique.
- Easy installation. Skills, for the development of which you would spend your time when installing paving slabs, you will not need.
Disadvantages of wooden tracks
- Short life. The short-life of wooden sprocket tracks is due to the naturalness of the material: over time, he begins to rot, crack, acquire insects. With an inaccurate circulation, the track may catch fire.
- Specificity of use. The tree does not always harmoniously fits into the general view of the site.
Usal scope garden Woodwood Woods
Wooden "pancakes" give a special charm patio and playgrounds. In the ground is laid by a diameter with a diameter of 0.3 to 1 meter and a height from 10 to 12 cm. Primedly and naturally looks stairs, built from these wooden elements. For this purpose, a large-size spike is used - with a diameter of 40 to 50 cm and about 15 cm high. The form of sleeps is also varied as desired: from a round to a semicircular one. Some craftsmen were brought to cut out of sleep with elegant figures: rhombus, leaves, asterisks. In decorative bridges through a pond, made of spikes of a tree, more and more fans appear every day.
Preparation for installation of wooden spil track
Creating a wooden garden track includes two stages. This is, first of all, the preparation of its component elements and, of course, their subsequent laying.
So, wearing a tree for a garden path. Where to take them? Those who do not want to make special efforts to the overall process can buy ready-made spears. It is on sale both untreated raw materials and spiles, impregnated with a special tool from aggressive environmental influence: fungus, rotting, insects. The last is somewhat more expensive than ordinary sleeps, but they can immediately lay them.
If you are not used to spending money on what you can do yourself, you will need electrical or chainsaw. Note that the speakes should be the same height, which varies within 10 - 12 cm. For convenience, make a template or before starting to cut to apply the necessary markers on the log. In the work you will be useful to the trunk of the tree, and its branches: you should have wooden "pancakes" of different diameters (from 7 to 50 cm). The parameters of the future track define the number of sleeps.
Important moment - so that the garden wooden track serves a reliable support for your feet, choose certain varieties of wood. The most durable in this regard is the deciduous species of trees: oak spiers "will live" 8 - 10 years old, Olkhovy - from 5 to 7. Pine is also a very successful option - it will last about 6 years. At the request of the Spike can be chopped even from an asymmetric thick bar (for example, 25x35 cm).
When you cook the speakes yourself, do not forget that before laying they need to be treated with special antiseptic means from attack in the form of an omnipresent fungus and numerous insects. An aqueous 10% solution of copper sulfate or hot oil is also suitable for this purpose. After impregnation, wood is carefully dried.
After the spears are completely dry, they must be covered with waterproofing. Use for this melted bitumen (most convenient if the material is in briquettes). For the procedure, prepare a metal container (quite suitable for a regular bucket) and several bricks with which you make an improvised focus. The lower part of the sleeps, which will subsequently immersed in the ground, dip in the molten bitumen. Processed speakes must be well sucked.
Laying a garden wooden track
Before installing the harvested sleeps, check again, whether you are well placed a plot, on which wooden "tiles" will be turned off soon: its width, length, location. If none of the listed parameters is in doubt, proceed to the shut-off part of the work.
- Copy trench.
After the circuit marking with the carriages with a rope stretched on them, dig a trench, sticking to the depth of 20 - 25 cm. Its width will be like a future track.
- We put waterproofing.
The waterproofing layer will help the tree as little as possible in contact with the soil. Not bad insulating material - geotextile or dense polyethylene. The material is cut down the bottom of the trench.
- Install the drainage system.
So that the wood does not "eat" the water accumulating in the ground after the rain, you need to take care of a good drainage. It will be perfectly cope with this task crushed stone of the middle faction. Pulling up the breed to the bottom of the pit, slightly moisten it with water and confuse it tightly. Remember that the qualitative drainage layer is at least 10 - 15 cm.
- We put the pillow.
The pillow is called the layer of material to which the sleeves will lay. You can use sand or sand-gravel mixture for this purpose. The pillow must be dense: Pull the sand into the trench with small portions, slightly moisturize with water, then diligently tamper. The layer thickness is 10 cm.
- Run a pillow.
Pillow - the last preparatory layer before laying sleep. The smaller will be its surface, the better. You can crush the layer using a bar or a construction level.
- We lay wooden spears.
Place the speakes as follows: Put the item to the location intended for it and, clutching, climb it into the sand pillow. Wooden hammer is suitable for climbing. Follow the level - all wooden circles must be placed in the same plane.
- Fill the gaps.
So that the distance between the track elements was as smaller as possible, combine the smile of a large and small size. Due to the fact that the spears have a rounded form, the gaps between them cannot be avoided. However, it is not scary - "pits" between the wooden elements of the track can be filled with sand. To do this, we swear well several times with water - so it will be easier for you to determine where the masonry should be added to the sand. Alternatively, you can fill the grounds or pebble gaps and land a moss or other soil plants: the garden tracks in the photo are designed.
- We decorate the edges.
The most rich way is to sprinkle the edges of the land of the earth and tightly tackle it. You can still lay out sides with a decorative stone or put higher wooden pads along the sleeves.
- Enjoy the result.
How to care for garden wooden tracks
Once a year, wood needs to be processed by the primer solution of deep penetration. This will help the material from which the track is posted, last longer. But just in case, go back with spare spikes so that if necessary, replace the spoiled element of the garden path.