How to choose a submersible drainage pump Instruments,Plumbing

Submersible drainage pump is used to pump water from flooded rooms or objects. Sometimes it is used for watering. It is convenient if there is a well on the plot. Before choosing a pump, you need to get acquainted with its characteristics and capabilities.
Criteria for choosing a drainage pump
Determine the goal for which you buy a pump. It can be:
- industrial purpose
- construction purpose,
- household appointment.
Depending on this, choose the power of the pump and the impeller device. From these parameters, the maximum pressure and the rate of water pumping are dependent. Compared to the analogs, the drainage pump submersible, and the price for it is considered the cheapest. It is best suited for household and industrial tasks. In construction, drainage pumps are successfully used due to the fact that they supply water even with the presence of solid particles. Although these are secondary signs, but depending on the task for which you buy a pump, you should consider them.
Responding to a question how to choose a submersible drainage pump, it should be noted that customers have considerable importance. Sometimes manufacturers save on details, use a thinner metal or making coils on the engine. As a result, the pump with good characteristics very quickly comes in disrepair and requires overhaul.
Drainage submersible pumps and people reviews about them on the website of companies that sell this equipment. This is a real way to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Types of drainage pumps
The most common division of drainage pumps processes depending on their power:
- household up to 1 kW,
- economic from 1 to 5 kW,
- construction from 3 to 8 kW,
- industrial from 10 kW.
This principle of separation is justified for the following reason. Food of the drainage pump is carried out through submersible power cable. At home, with a load on a network of 1 kW, it is impossible to use other powerful devices.
Economic and construction pumps suggest the presence of their own minissiformator. In industrial enterprises, pumps are powered by separate transformer stations.
Another division option:
- float pumps,
- sleeping pumps.
Submersible drainage pump with a float is more versatile. The float is necessary in order to determine the water level and in the event of a critical mark, automatically turn off the pump. Once the level is restored, the pump will turn on automatically. This allows not to remove the pump from the liquid tank.
Playing pumps are cheaper. But they need to follow. If the pump chooses all the water and continue to work, it burns. Usually, such aggregates are used in the submissions for the fence of water from the well.
Most modern pumps are equipped with cooling systems and thermostators that turn off the motor in case of overheating. If this function is not provided in the model you choose this function, then it is necessary to install the smooth operation of the pump experimentally.
The most common drainage pumps
Well established at the market submersible drainage pumps caliber. This company is engaged in the production of household aggregates with a capacity of 0.4 to 0.75 W with a capacity from 125 to 300 l per minute. The submersible depth is 8 m. More expensive representatives of this line can raise water by 12 m.
Caliber is a Russian manufacturer with the main office in Moscow. Of the disadvantages, it can be noted that the details of the mechanisms are manufactured in China and the absence of a developed system of service centers in the regions of the country.
Another domestic manufacturer is a bison firm. It is a multidisciplinary enterprise and sells not only pumps, but also another tool. The official website of the company claims that all products are developed in their own design bureau and fully complies with all technical standards. Of the advantages - the price.
Power of submersible drainage pumps bison from 0.25 kW to 1.1 kW. Performance ranges from 110 to 250 l per minute. The submersible depth varies from 6 to 11 m.
From domestic manufacturers specializing exclusively at the production of pumps, it is worth noting the company from the city of Klimovsk Dzhelex. The company was founded in 1993 and since then occupies a leading position in the market of drainage pumps.
Assortment is a rich selection of various pumps. From standard household high-power units, to household water meters in 2 kW and submersible depth of 30 m. Submersible Drainage pump Djlequets, water can be used to constantly pump water from wells. For example, it can be technical pioneered water.
Among imported manufacturers, the Hungarian company ELPUMPS deserves attention. This manufacturer already sends a clear difference between pumps for:
- pure water
- dirty water
- wastewater.
The model range is not large, but these are very high-quality units with a capacity of up to 0.8 to W and a capacity of up to 250 l per minute. It can be immersed with a depth of 6 meters.
Separation depending on the degree of water pollution, allows you to make the most accurate calibration of the pump.
If we talk about the unconditional market leader, then this is Wilo SE concern. The German company provides the highest quality products that will serve a long time. The range is represented by several dozen different pumps, among which everyone will choose the appropriate. Of the minuses, only the price.
Recommendations for the choice of pump for pumping polluted water
If the pump is needed to pump technical water, which contains different impurities and solid particles, then a special approach to the choice of the unit is required. Should be considered:
- water temperature,
- the size and percentage of solid particles,
- pH indicator
- level of petroleum products, combustible or chemicals.
On the domestic market for a long time and successfully on this niche is the company GNOM. Despite the name, the pump submersible drainage gnome is quite good performance and durability.
Products are designed for meals in 380 V and 22 V. Thus, these pumps are used even in private construction. Their power ranges from 0.6 kW to 4 kW. Pumping speed from 96 to 840 l per minute.