Bulgarian repair do it yourself Instruments

Bulgarian, or as it is also called it in common, the turbine is one of the most popular tools in everyday life in men and production. However, its correct name is an angular grinding machine. It is used in many areas: at car service stations, in welding and construction work, as well as often at home. This is a convenient and practical apparatus, which is used for various types of work, namely, for stripping metal parts, grinding surfaces, in cutting metal, wood work, for laying construction tiles, bricks and other works. In general, in any works requiring cutting, cutting and grinding.
Bulgarian: the principle of device device
There are many brands of the turbines of a budget type of average price category and more expensive foreign brands, such as Intercol, Bosch, Makita, DWT and others. It is unequivocal to the fact that what would be the cost of the Bulgarian, even a fairly durable Bosch brand over time requires repair or replacement of parts to be depreciated. Consider the total components of the Bulgarians, since the layout of the instrument may differ depending on the manufacturer and the brand, naturally, and repair, for example, the maquita will differ in the nuances. However, the principle of operation is common.
- An important element of any device of this type is an electric motor, which actuates the main gear gear. For the most part, the price of this device depends on its power and parameters.
- Next, a gearbox is in importance, which consists of various number of gears and reduces the number of revolutions on the shaft. The repair of the Bulgarian DWT with the broken gear will cost anything.
- The case that must necessarily be made of impact-resistant material.
- Electronics: Start button and disk replacement.
- Collector.
- Electric brushes.
- Ball bearings.
How to choose Bulgarian: Features
When buying home such a tool, like Bulgarian needs to pay attention to the following manufacturing and operational characteristics.
- The power of the grinder in numbers is displayed on the body of the tool. The greater the power, respectively, the value of the tool. Therefore, when you choose, you need to start deciding where this device will be used, at home or in production.
- Tool housing. It must be made of durable and shockproof material. When buying, pay attention to the presence of mandatory protection on the surface of the grinder, for example, the Bosch manufacturer always equips the devices of its production by such quality, which is very practical during its repair.
- Disc size. From the size of the cutting surface, the possible depth of the cut material will be directly dependent. For domestic needs, a 125 mm diameter is usually sufficient. In addition, attention should also be paid on the material of the manufacture of discs, which, with active use, are rapidly wear out.
- Disc rotation speed. At first glance, an inconspicuous feature, however, against the background of the rest, she plays not a last role. This characteristic depends on how quickly you can cut one or another material.
All the characteristics of the Bulgarians are indicated in the manufacturer's technical data sheet to the product, so when buying, together with a qualified seller, it is not difficult to choose exactly the model that is suitable for your needs together with a qualified seller.
When working with a grinder, you do not need to forget about safety measures and always work with extreme caution. After all, the wrong jerk and you can harm yourself.
Basic functions and systems Bulgarians
- Adjusting the number of revolutions.
With this function, the number of revolutions is monitored. With intensive work on the grinder of any brand, their number increases and, on the contrary, decreases with more moderate. Also, the number of revolutions depends on the size of the disk diameter, and this function allows you to drive a cutting tool with optimal speed. The adjustment function will have to, as it is impossible, in the work on stripping and grinding surfaces, where work is required on low revs. - Convenient and practical brush knot.
Over time, the use of the tool, the brushes at various manufacturers begin to wear out and inevitably require replacement. Conveniently arranged brush assembly makes it easy to replace such elements of the grinder, without resorting to the immediate deep disassembly of half the tool housing. - Additional grinding handle.
With it, an angular machine for grinding becomes more convenient and practical during operation. The presence of such a function is not present in all brands and manufacturers. Such a handle can be attached in several places, depending on the specifics of the work, which makes it universal and extremely practical. - SJS system.
Such a feature of the instrument device allows you to protect the grinder from the jam, and the operator from sharp movements. SJS reduces vibration while working on the surface and gives the grinder smoothness in operation. - The function of constant speed maintenance.
This function is extremely important and convenient when working during a stripping of the material or grinding surfaces. - Flapful coupling.
This feature is often installed on powerful professional grinders with a large disk diameter that are used in large industries. Such a safety system is necessary to prevent the reverse strike when the disk is accidental. Usually, such a coupling consists of two disks, which at the moment of jamming is starting to turn into the opposite direction of the direction, thereby preventing a sharp stop of the electric motor and its reboot.
Bulgarian Repair: Minor Faults
However, no matter how high quality and correctly, the machine was performed, all the tools sooner or later fail. With proper use, the owner of this necessary in the economy and the production of the instrument will not be much difficult to repair the device. In this section, we will try to talk about the repair of the grinder of different manufacturers with their own hands or tell what way you can remove this or that item for the subsequent replacement.
Determining breakdown
First you need to determine which time the breakdown occurred. Remembering the cause you can quickly determine the malfunction. Situations may be as follows:
- during operation, the tool simply turned off;
- after falling the Bulgarian stopped working;
- suddenly stopped rotating the cutting disk;
- the machine did not start, after a long time was not used.
Bulgarian Repair: Contact Fault
Starting the repair of the Bulgarian, be it Bosch, Makita or Interskol, you need to go according to the principle of work from simple to complex. Disassemble at once the entire body of the tool is not worth it, it is better to prevent elementary malfunctions first.
- We check whether the current is present in the outlet.
- We consider the wire of the grinder on the subject of any bends or disorders of its insulation. Often this happens under the lid of the grinding machine.
- We unscrew the lid with a cross-shaped screwdriver and the tester is ringing all the wires on the subject of the slightest damage.
- If the reason for the breakdown lies in this part of the tool, cut off a piece of the wire and insulating it, and it is better to completely replace a damaged piece, since the insulating ribbon is insulated with time, the wire will start breaking again in time.
Bulgarian Repair: Fault Start Details
- We search the start button, also ring the wires driven to the button, for this you need to turn off the button from the chain and alternately ring each wire separately. If the button is faulty, it must be replaced by purchasing a new one, since the repair of small parts is impracticious and in the end, having lost a bunch of time, it will end.
- After making sure the current on the network and in the serviceability of the wire, proceed to more complex repair.
- After opening the lid, at the time of checking the wires, pay attention to the electrolates and the anchor collector. Over time, brushes can simply wear and demand their replacement. Buying new, be sure to take old spoiled brushes and buy identical in the store.
- In order to replace the time spoiled parts, open 2 window of the brush holders, and rented the spring, remove the electrolates. In the same way, we already install new brushes and close the case.
Bulgarian Repair: Collector Pollution
Another cause of the breakdown of the grinder can be a collector pollution. During the operation of the grinding tool, sparks are rawd, and the collector can simply turn around. In this case, its complete replacement is inevitably required.
However, the cause of bad work can be just a slight amount of nagar, which is elementary removed by wiping with a rath with alcohol. Alcohol well removes contamination of a similar character from the surfaces of the tools.
Complex repair of the Bulgarian: Recommendations
Next, consider more complex repair of the grinder with your own hands. However, if you just purchased such a tool and you have little experience in the technique, it is better to turn to a specialized master, as you need tools to return the Bulgarian to life, which are not all at home. Otherwise, you can simply lose such a device.
- The electric motor of the Bulgarian, albeit reliably under shockproof material, but with a negligent use of the tool (throwing on sand or land), as well as when working on particularly dyed areas, small particles will certainly fall under the case. To do this, many professional builders resort to the Dedovsky method of pulling the shallow mesh or capron on the ventilation hole of the grinding machine.
- The repair of the grinder can with a greater probability need if a mechanical hum or a light tapping is heard during operation tool. As we wrote above, the gearbox consists of gears. They are both with oblique teeth and with rectangular. The first are applied in more professional models, and the second in brands with a capacity of about 1000 W. During operation, these teeth can be writing, naturally, the repair of the gearbox is not possible in this case. Such a breakdown requires only replacement of the Bulgarian details.
- After you acquire a new gearbox in a specialized building store, you can proceed to replace the part. Before starting to properly assemble the grinder, it is necessary to lubricate all its components of lithol or lubricant for high-speed parts. This is necessary for subsequent wear resistance and proper operation of the device. It is important not to lubricate the grinder with solidol, since at high temperatures it spreads and can seriously harm your grinding machine. After repair, it is necessary to give a grinder to work a little bit.
- Anchor of the device as such is not subject to independent repairs, this part of the grinder can be attempted to repair with qualified electromechanics on specialized services or in other repairs, by replacing it, and it is best to replace it with a new spare part.
- Anchor is 2 bearing, top and bottom. They have different diameter, downstairs, closer to the wire, it is less, and it is slightly more from above. With characteristic sounds, cod or hum can assume that the malfunction is to wear bearing. They are either scattered, leading to problems in the work of the entire device, or they join that, naturally, leads to a stop of the entire tool. This can be avoided by timely maintenance and regular lubrication with a solution for high-speed parts. If this is not done regularly, the details at intensive work are subject to more frequent replacement.
- For removing bearings, it is advisable to resort to the method of recounting, if you start them just knock out, you can break the seat of each ball in the case or an anchor shaft.
- Another reason for the breakdown may be a stator. This item is usually breaking with overheating, therefore, in the device, the grinder there are holes, so-called gills for air ventilation. However, with long work and improper operation of the tool, it can be overhaul. The repair of the stator at home is practically impossible if you, of course, an inexperienced electromechanic, then the grinder can be tried to return to life. For this, the stator winding is changing, the main thing, to withstand the correct thickness of the wire and the tight fit of its adherence to each other. In other cases, it is better to contact the corporate service or to special repairs.
Operation Bulgarian: Tips
- When working with the Bulgarian, you need to observe all precautions. Wear a special mask or glasses, as well as gloves.
- Apply the device only by intended purpose.
- Do not overheat the Bulgarian, give her time to cool, making breaks in work.
- Do not throw.
- Do not give it to clog.
- Conduct timely maintenance, by lubricating the tool parts with high-quality lubrication.
- Do not forget to disconnect the electrical appliance from the network.
- Work and store grinding machine away from children.
Regardless of which manufacturer you choose, the main thing is to comply with the recommendations and then Bulgarian will serve you much longer than the warranty period.