How to remove phlizelin wallpaper Wallpaper,Walls

If you wanted to update the situation in the apartment and make a small cosmetic repair, it is inevitable before you will get the task of removing from the surface of the walls of old wallpaper. It is necessary to do it very carefully and carefully, because the slightest irregularities on the wall will appear on new wallpaper and spoil their appearance.
The need to remove old wallpaper before sticking new
Some are tapered or simply do not consider it necessary to remove old wallpaper from the wall surface, and glue new on top of them. But such actions can lead to a disappointing result or to need to redo work. Several arguments in favor of shooting wallpaper from wall before sticking:
- when sticking new wallpapers on the old surface, the wall will never look perfect. No matter how hard you try anyway, there will be irregularities and tubercles;
- when sticking some wallpapers on the other, the overall weight of the wall coating increases, and the glue that is applied between the old wallpaper and the wall can lose force over time. Thus, there is a danger that at any moment new wallpaper can fall off with the old;
- a mold and fungus sometimes appear between the wall and old wallpaper, which make the atmosphere in the apartment dangerous to human health. To get rid of harmful microorganisms, it is necessary to contemporary your wall covering.
Tools that are needed for work
In order to solve this task without any particular difficulty, you will need:
- a pair of sharp spatulas of different widths: one sewn, the second lure. If they are not sharp, sharpening them with the help of sandwich;
- special fluid facilitating the sprinkling of old wallpaper if it is not, then use conventional warm water;
- if you have a steam generator, then with it you can significantly alleviate your task;
- needle roller or bulk tiger;
- painting tape;
- polyethylene film;
- 20 centimeter roller and tray or sponge and bucket.
Not all of the above tools may come in handy. Their choice depends on what type of wallpaper you need to remove.
Before starting work, it is necessary to conduct appropriate training. It lies in the following actions:
- to protect the floor from dirt, water and garbage, cover it prepared in advance with a film and fix it on the plinths with a painting ribbon;
- in advance, you should delay the entire wiring. If this is not done, then in case of fluid from entering, which you will swallow the wallpaper, on the bare ends of the wires, the work may end the tragedy;
- sockets and switches also need to be protected from liquid and dirt. Do it with a painting tape.
Now that all preparatory work is over, you might think about how easy it is to remove the wallpaper from the surface of the walls.
Universal tips on removing old wallpaper
The wet method of removal of wallpaper is considered more hygienic, because Due to the presence of fluid, dust is not raised, the plaster does not appear. Yes, and the glue, swallowed from the water, is easier to scrape from the wall. For wetting wallpaper, it is better to use specially intended liquid. It passes through the layers of the wallpaper canvas and corrosive the old glue. When using it, removal of wallpaper does not cause difficulties.
If you for any reason have not been able to purchase a special fluid, then use the conventional water from under the tap. Apply it should be either a sponge or sprayer. After that, wait until the water is absorbed, and if necessary, wet yet. After about twenty minutes, the wallpaper must be blown and can be removed. If some sites are not behind the wall surface, they should be moistened additionally.
With the amount of fluid applied, you need to stick to the golden middle, because If it is not enough to take it, the water will evaporate, not so much to swing the adhesive layer. But if the water will be too much, it will flock on the walls and also does not wet the wallpaper deep into the walls.
Therefore, it should be swollen in stages, moving from one site to another, and watching the canvas depart from the wall.
Start the removal of wallpaper is better from the seam. If the moisture has already managed to evaporate, then wet them again. Observe the safety rules when you process areas near sockets, electric meters and other electrocheaters.
To speed up the process of flashing, use hot water. If some pieces stuck tightly, you will have to remove them separately using the scraper. It is possible to act at the same time as much as careful not to trim the plaster.
How to remove phlizelin wallpaper
The composition of these wallpapers includes very durable fibers from synthetics. The top layer does not let water. Therefore, before removing the old phlizelin wallpaper, it is necessary to cover their surface with cuts and holes. To this end, use roller with spikes or a bulk tiger. Through these instruments, you can quickly damage damage to large parts of the wallpaper.
Using a bulk tiger in the work, you reduce the likelihood of damage to the wall under the wallpaper. Its soft wheels cut the cloth, not scratching or putty, nor plaster.
After damage is applied, the moisture can penetrate the inner layers and glue. Wallpaper Wallpaper in the way and, waiting for the adhesion of glue about a quarter of an hour, start gently tear them from the wall.
If you, despite the risk, still want not to remove the old coating completely, but only update its top layer, then resort to a dry way. Before you shoot phlizelin wallpapers, picker their top layer in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plinth and pull it for it. It is easily removed with a whole web, and the lower layer will remain on the wall. If it is not damaged, it keeps well and pasted exactly, it will be completely able to become the basis for new wallpaper. If the irregularities or damage on it are visible, it will still have to remove it by soching.
The above methods for removing the wall coating are suitable for both fliesline wallpapers and painted.