How to make lighting in the hallway Lighting

Starting repairs in the apartment, many people pay maximum attention to residential rooms and undeservedly forget about the hallway. But it is from her who begins our dwelling, it is there that we come first, coming home after a hard working day. The front room is the first thing that surveillance people who complained to visit us. Lighting the hallway in the apartment plays the same important role as the overall design of this room.
The main features of the highlighting of the corridor
So that the front room was as cozy as all dwelling, it is necessary to take into account some nuances in organizing its lighting:
- The layout of most houses and apartments is such that natural sunlights do not fall into the hallway. In connection with this room, it is simply necessary to equip artificial sources of light.
- It is important to consider that the intensity of lighting in the corridor and in adjacent rooms with it should be approximately the same, in order not to create an excessive load on the owners.
- Use dull lamps in the hallway is not recommended for several reasons. First, the lack of light in the front is able to negatively affect the impression of guests about your apartment. Secondly, dull lamps will not give you the opportunity to consider well before going out on the street, and will also make it difficult to search for the desired detail of the wardrobe during dressing.
- Too bright lighting in the hallway is also not the best option. The blinding light can temporarize you, especially if you entered home from a dark entrance. In addition, bright light bulbs may even emphasize the smallest disadvantages in the room decoration.
- It is best to use scattered rays in the corridor. Matte plafones or sconces will help achieve this goal, whose light flow is directed up. Thus, the illumination of the hallway will be carried out due to the rays reflected from the ceiling.
- If the ceiling lamp acts as a lighting device, it must be attached as close as possible to the surface and have such a form that will not allow you to roast the plafong during dressing up.
- In the case when the highlight of the interior is an ornamental wall decoration, it is not recommended to use side lamps. They can discard unnecessary shadows on the embossed surface of the walls, thereby reducing not all their beauty.
- If you have decided to use wall brakes as lighting devices, it is best to fix them at an altitude of 2 m from the floor level. Thus, the rays will be evenly distributed throughout the room.
- Very popular for today the idea is the lighting of the surface of the mirror. This solution allows you to double the amount of light in the hallway, but it is important to remember that the rays should not make someone who will look at their reflection.
Features of lighting in a long hallway
A narrow corridor elongated form is quite common can be seen in many apartments. Slightly adjust the space and make the room with cozy and functional, the following tips will help:
- The best option for a room like planning is the use of point lamps. In this case, the ceiling can be both tension and suspended. Place the lighting elements are better as follows: set two light bulbs above the front door, and then fix one to the same distance from each other along the entire device along the entire corridor.
- Available cabinet must be provided with an additional light source. You can mount the elements directly into the wardrobe, but if there is no such possibility - it will be enough to hang the lamp on the ceiling near the cabinet.
- Too high ceiling in a narrow hallway can be hidden if you distribute the lamps on the walls. This will allow you to visually push the walls and make the room not so high.
- It happens that the corridor in the apartment is too narrow. In this case, you can hang luminaires on one of the walls.
- For the convenience of hosts, as well as to save electricity, the lamps can be divided into separate groups that will be turned on independently of each other. It is best to equip switches in several places in a long hallway. First, the owners do not have to go far, so that they take advantage of, and secondly, it will be possible to highlight only the part of the front you need. Best of all, if the zone of the cabinet with clothes is equipped with a separate light source and switch.
Lighting in a small hallway
In a small room, as in a large, along with general lighting, you can use local. As the main source of light, an ordinary ceiling lamp with a matte flappon is the simplest and budget option. If you have a suspended ceiling in the hallway - you can build point lighting elements in it. It will be very beautiful to look and the stretch ceiling with backlight, but this option will cost you more.
The owners of a small hallway with a low ceiling I want to advise the following: to visually make the room more high, try to organize the illumination in such a way that the flow of the rays is directed not down, and up.
The lighting of the mirror in the hallway is particularly relevant for the premises of a small size. The main thing here is to follow several rules:
- Lights near the mirror should be enough, but at the same time he should not blind someone who looks at his reflection.
- In a small room, the beauty of lighting devices is not so important as their functionality. Therefore, so that you do not overload the space with large elements, choose small lamps in size.
- For local lighting, it is best to use energy-saving or halogen lamps with a white glow.
- Having equipped the backlight near the mirror, take into account that the flow of the rays should be directed from top to bottom.
- If the mirror is too high, it can be lit with two scabs located on both sides at a height of about 2 m from the floor.
- In the event that the mirror surface is mounted in sliding wardrobe doors, lamps on flexible brackets are best located next to such a wardrobe.
Lighting in the hallway, photo:
Features of the creation of illumination in a square hallway
The room of this layout is quite convenient in terms of its design and operation. If the ceiling height allows, you can use an interesting chandelier as the main source of light. Select such a model that will reflect the overall stylistic orientation of the interior.
Various shapes or stucco on the ceiling will look profitable if you emphasize their beauty with the help of light. A suspended ceiling of an unusual configuration can be made of an interior highlight if you build hidden lamps or LED tapes into it.
Lighting in the hallway letter "g"
A room having a complex shape can be divided into several zones with properly organized illumination. Sources of light should be placed so that the rays fell under different angles and achieved even the darkest sections of the room. The rest of the lighting of a similar hallway is not much different from the above cases. Along with the overall light, local lamps can be used here, located in functional areas: near the mirror, the cabinet with clothes, a small armchair, etc.
Very nice looks in the corridor, such elements such as a light panel or a picture equipped with a separate illumination. When creating lighting in the hallway, do not be afraid to show fantasy, then this room will truly become a business card of your home.
The ideas of creating lighting in the hallway can be viewed on the video: