Bathroom Lighting Options Lighting

Many designers converge in the opinion that the bathroom should be almost the most well-lit place in the house. This room only at first glance may seem secondary, but in fact we spend a lot of time in it. Here we often pay the time of our appearance and, of course, should see themselves to the smallest details. In this article we will tell what the lighting in the bathroom should be.
As a rule, the indoor lighting is made to divide into three types: top, working and lower. Of course, it is not necessary to create an illumination at all three levels, especially if the room is small. However, it is desirable to use working and upper lighting to make a bathroom with a bright, comfortable and functional one.
Upper illumination
Very often to create lighting in a small bathroom just just one ceiling lamp. At the same time, it should be bright and create a pleasant scattered light. It is best to choose a device with a matte flange covering the lamp so that the rays are directed into the ceiling.
For a room with a large area of \u200b\u200bone lamp may not be enough, so it is recommended to create several sources of top light. Note that the greater the amount of light bulbs, the less there may be their power. A good lighting in the bathroom can be a good option with halogen lamps. They can be embedded in suspended structures or use in open.
Some designer solutions suggest the organization of the tension ceiling in the bathroom. You can implement this using hidden or built-in light sources. It should be noted that the flow of rays directed to the floor is not always a rational idea for the bathroom, so the best option will be point lamps with the ability to change the angle of rotation.
Separate apartments have too much wall heights, in this case, the ceiling lighting in the bathroom will have certain features. To bring the sources of top light at an acceptable distance, a special suspension should be placed under the ceiling. On the side that is directed to the floor, several halogen light bulbs are mounted. On the opposite side, lamps with a wide dispersion angle are fixed. So you will get straight and reflected rays, thanks to which in the bathroom will always be light enough.
Today, another interesting version of the bathroom is popular - lamps on current tires. Conductive designs have various forms and sizes, they are intended for installation not only on the ceiling, but also on the walls. If you fix the lamp on the tires with the ability to change the angle of rotation - you can easily change the direction of light flux at your own.
Working light in the bathroom
Illumination near the mirror
The working area in this room is the place in front of the mirror, where people are usually combed, shaved, straighten makeup or even impose cosmetics. Undoubtedly, to make all of the above actions in the shade or twilight completely uncomfortable. Let's consider some requirements for the lighting of the mirror in the bathroom:
- Taking this zone with lamps, keep in mind that the light stream should be bright enough, but at the same time scattered. Rays should not make a person who looks at its reflection. You can achieve soft lighting with white matte plafoons or lampshades. Note that instead of the white, any other shade is undesirable - this can lead to a distortion of colors in your reflection.
- In the case of a small mirror, it is advisable to use two lamps that are symmetrically located on both sides of it. So you will create a uniform light stream without unnecessary shadows and glare.
- If the mirror is very wide, it is better to have a lamp directly above it. The height on which light elements is recorded should be approximately 2 m above the floor.
- As for the middle mirror, it is best to organize the backlight throughout its perimeter.
- You can select the working zone using a variety of devices. For this purpose, halogen, luminescent lamps are suitable or the most ordinary incandescent lamps. LED lighting in the bathroom can also be used.
- The spectrum of the device rays should be as close as possible to the spectrum of natural daylight.
- Fix lighting elements can be not only near the mirror, but also directly on its surface.
Bath lighting
For many people, the adoption of the bath is not just a way to make yourself cleaner. Unlike the shower, the bath makes it possible to relax and relax, read the book or listen to music, lying in warm pleasant water. Visually separate this area from all others will help the correct organization of lighting.
Now you can find baths with built-in backlight. It looks very beautiful, but not every wallet pulls such waste. Below we will consider in more detail how you can highlight the place for swimming in a separate zone with light:
- You can make zoning using a beam stream aimed at the bath. Thus, the rest of the room will remain in the shade.
- On the wall directly above the bathroom you can hang a sconium with original lampshade, one or more lamps with beautiful plaflubles.
- Multicolored lamps will help to make lighting. They can be included together, individually or group at their discretion, thereby creating an indescribable color game and changing the atmosphere of the room.
- Some people prefer to use a beautiful floor flying in the bathroom on a high rack.
If you have a fairly spacious bathroom in your house, you can create additional light sources in different zones. It can be equipped with a lamp each of the subjects of plumbing, as well as to build the light bulbs in the furniture: a variety of lockers and shelves.
Bathroom lighting, photo:
Lower lighting
If you think about what lighting to do in the bathroom, consider as an option outdoor illumination. Such a backlight plays more decorative than a functional role, but thanks to outdoor lighting, you will make your interior unusual, original and memorable. You can implement such an idea with the help of garden lamps. Thanks to its tightness and strength, they can be used without fears not only on the tracks of your garden, but also in the bathroom.
An example of a bathroom lighting can be viewed on video: