Lighting the porch and terrace Lighting

Lighting plays a big role in the design of any space, be it indoors or outside. The lighting of the house in the private sector should advantageously emphasize all its advantages and create safe operating conditions in the dark. That is why it is important to take care of a light and comfortable porch or terrace.
Rules of outdoor lighting
Outdoor lighting is able to give the house a more civilized and neat appearance, but its main task is to ensure the safety of movement. But only slightly screw the light bulb over the entrance to the house, you must still be able to do it competently. We will tell about a number of nuances and tricks that will help you the most winning to solve the issue with the lighting of the porch.
Location of lamps
Most terraces and porks are charged with railings, so light sources can be located directly on or under them. Many prefer to fix street scaves straight in the wall of the house, thereby emphasizing the beautiful texture of the building or illuminating the nearby territory.
It is very important to skillfully illuminate the steps of the porch. One wrong step in the dark and can at best just turn the leg and scratch.
Speed \u200b\u200blighting options may be several:
- Lamps on the railing.
- Sources mounted in steps.
- Floor lights.
- Lanterns on the wall of the house.
Do not hang one light bulb over the entrance, believing that it will save you from all the problems. The fact is that with this location of the light source, the steps will discard a long oblique shadow, hiding each other in the dark. This concerns the lighting of the porch (photo) with three or more steps. The flashlight should be placed directly above the staircase march or on its parties.
If the terrace is located on distance from the house, it can be lit with the help of lanterns supplied in four corners. It can be both ordinary lampposts and beautiful street scaves. This option is perfect for lighting the terrace without a roof.
Selection of lamps
The choice of lanterns directly depends on the design of your home. So, if there is a big good-quality fireplace on the terrace, then lamps stylized under the old days are suitable. If your home is made in the modern style of High-tech, you should choose something more concise and strict.
Chandelier or Bra
If you do not know what is better to choose to illuminate the porch of the house (photo) - chandelier or sconce, consider both options. The selection of a source of lighting will testify not only about your taste preferences, but will become a "visiting card" of your home. For example, if a luxurious wrought chandelier will be brought over the entrance, guests will be clear that they came to solid and respectable mansion. Put small neat sconces if you want to create a home coat atmosphere. Modern solutions like luminous stones or paints of the phosphor will bring the magic and fabulous fabric to your home.
The design of the porch can also push the correct choice. So, if the ceiling is too high and there is no special platform for setting the chandelier, you can safely exclude this option.
Whatever the lamp you choose, it should provide consistently bright and smooth light. In addition, lights should be resistant to atmospheric phenomena. It is not only about rain or snow, but also about low temperatures, icing, etc.
Automatic lighting
To illuminate the terrace (photo) or the porch, flashlights with built-in motion sensors are increasingly used. The light lights up only when within the sensor's perception zone moves. Thus, you can save a considerable amount on electricity. It is worth noting that if you hold a dog in the courtyard, a special threshold of the sensor will not work for it. Modern technologies allow you to customize it only on human presence.
You can configure the duration of the lighting after the trigger you can independently. A temporary range, as a rule, lasts from 10 seconds to 15 minutes. It is recommended to choose only high-quality sensors, because they allow you to set micro-settings, for example, triggering only in the dark.
In addition to the main sources for the lighting of the porch and the terrace use a variety of backlights. Options may be an excellent set, ranging from small LEDs, mounted in a stone masonry or under the railing, ending with phosphorescent statues of the most unusual forms.
Last time is very popular with the so-called glowing stones. A special phosphorescent composition is absolutely harmless to human health and animals, does not damage the environment. Such stones are perfectly withstanding bad weather and will delight soft radiance for a long time. A variety of forms and colors allows you to satisfy any artistic requests. Small glowing pebbles can be thrown to the bottom of the pond or put it on the path to the porch. A large shining boulder will highlight the darkest garden.
Do not forget about the festive backlight, for example, in the New Year or on St. Valentine's Day. As such a temporary illumination, the most ordinary candles in the candlesticks will fit. Of course, in this case, you should not forget about the rules of fire safety. Do not install the candles next to the walls of the house.
Garlands for home decoration and plot should also be chosen based on security reasons. It must be designed to use on the street, otherwise the moisture getting into the incidence of short circuit and fire.
With the help of special paint, the phosphor can turn any item to the light source. So, if you cover the borders of the steps or decorative elements on the sides of the stairs, you will never turn off in the dark. Luminofor "charges" from sunlight and should be designed for outdoor work.
The choice and installation of lighting is an incredibly exciting occupation. The correctly selected option will help you advantageously emphasize the merits of your home, hide the shortcomings and create a unique atmosphere on the entire site.