Laminate creaks: causes and methods of elimination Floors

With this building material as a laminate, you can transform any room. But sometimes, during its operation, when walking on it, he begins to creak, which is very cutting. Then a reasonable question arises, how to get rid of this screlery. In general, if such a noise appeared, then it is most likely means that the coating is mounted with a violation of technology. Any problem that may be the cause of an unpleasant violet laminated floor can be corrected, the main thing is to find it.
The main reasons why the laminate creaks
These unpleasant phenomena appear often because customers do not want to listen to the tips of the masters who warn that this rather capricious material, and he needs a perfectly smooth basis. The masters refuse to carefully prepare the substrate, allowing you to lay a laminate on the foundation unprepared earlier. When the surface is prepared correctly, the laminated coating serves quite a long time and without problems.
However, often even with the full observance of the main items of the technology of laying and preparing the surface, the coating of the laminate begins to shake. So why creaks laminate when walking even in this case? The creak immediately after the masonry may be present due to the fact that the panels are sharpened to each other and sit down. Unfortunately, in some cases, independently such a creak does not disappear. Therefore, you have to look for the cause and method of solving this problem.
The reasons for the occurrence of this situation are not always alone, there may be several of them. To figure out how to deal with such noise, you need to consider them separately.
Above it was noted that the creaking of the laminate may be a consequence of an uneven and unstable base. In order to exclude this cause, even before laying the material, the base should be carefully aligned. Sripping sounds appear as a result of friction between boards of laminate or their individual parts. This process occurs due to the fact that the laminated panel during the pressing process changes its position on the uneven coating. If, while walking along the laminated floor, the creak is keen constantly, then all the base will have to be aligned.
Creaks laminate, what to do?
General advice
If you yourself did not take part in laying the laminate and do not have an idea, as it was installed, it is advisable to invite a specialist to clarify the cause of the screens. If you have done the laminate with your own hands, then you can easily cope with the problem yourself.
You can hear different tips on eliminating extra sounds. For example, some specialists sometimes recommend lubricating laminate gaps using machine oil or silicone. This method can actually help, but only for a short period of time. After that, the screens will begin again. In addition, such a lubricant can spoil the material itself, as a result of which it will become unsuitable for operation. Then you have to purchase and retain the laminate again.
The presence of foundation defects
Creaks laminate how to fix? If this problem occurs not everywhere, you can remove some separate panels. It is also recommended to remove plinths and thresholds that fix the laminate at the local repairs. Each removed panel is best sign, for example, apply the sequence number on the reverse side. This will help them correctly set back.
If, after removal of the laminate panel, a deepening was revealed on the surface of the base, which is just the cause of the violep, then this irregularity must be eliminated. The procedure for work in this case is the following:
- Align the surface is recommended using fast-hardening solutions that are applied with a spatula.
- After drying the mixture, the aligned place must be seated. Otherwise, even small irregularities can only aggravate the problem.
- After grinding to the surface, you should lay a thin layer of cardboard, after which the substrate is returned, and the laminated boards are installed back to its place.
- If the coating creates almost all over the area, it indicates that it is originally laid incorrectly. Then you have to fully disassemble it.
- Then it is necessary to align the base. To do this, you can use bulk self-leveling floors. With this solution, it is recommended to fill out all available at the bottom of the recess. This, in turn, will make the surface perfectly smooth.
If the basis for the laminate is the boarded floor, then it may be precisely the reason for the appearance of unpleasant sounds. This is due to the uneven position of the boards, or so that they can move away from the Lag, on which they were laid.
In such cases, work is to have more, namely: to remove the entire floor, including the plinth, the bellows, laminated coating. After that check the wooden base and try to detect areas that may be the reason that the floor creaks under the laminate. Particular attention should be paid to the flooring having signs of aging, mushroom or mold. Affected and destroyed boards or lags change.
Then it will be necessary to fasten the boards, departed from the lag, after which their surface is preferably leaving. The latter is necessary so that the surface of the board becomes perfectly smooth. If the cycle for some reason is problematic, then the flooring can be made smooth with plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm. Plywood sheets must be installed on glue and secure with self-samples. From above the substrate is stacked on which the laminate is then installed.
The presence of construction trash
Quite often laminated coating squeaks due to contact between the substrate plates and construction debris particles or grains. This can happen when before laying laminate poorly prepared foundation - not removed debris and sand. To resolve this problem dismantle coating substrate retrieve debris from a vacuum cleaner, floor and collect back.
You can even wait to all the garbage load rubbed himself. This idea is acceptable, if the laminate itself is very good quality and is resistant to mechanical damage. With inexpensive material so it is better not to do. The fact is that over time, the trash will only destroy it, and this can exacerbate the situation. It is better to remove the entire laminate and clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner. Particular care is necessary to vacuum the joints. Boards should be wiped with a damp cloth. After cleaning laminate flooring is laid back into place.
The presence of tie defects
Emit squeaks laminate can because irregularities ties. Creaking in this case occurs because of irregularities in the ground is cleared and the laminate substrate is loosened. With this problem, the present is removed and a new substrate is applied. Before that can be filled by special self-leveling flooring solution, and then lay back on his coat.
One of the reasons that might squeak flooring is the wrong size of the gap between him and the wall, or lack thereof. This gap should be at least 8 mm. In areas of large area such value shall be up to 28 mm. When wrapping without any gap it can be lifted in some areas, and this, in turn, will certainly be a cause of squeaking. It is important that the plinth strip flooring is not pressed, and was in a stale state of him. To solve this problem, you can just cut extreme boards, and the bar itself Baseboard move a little higher.
Scratches may appear immediately after laying the laminate cover. Specialists attribute this phenomenon with the presence of residual stress in the locks boards. This problem is usually solved by itself when the material is to adapt the geometry and indoor climate.
The presence of the substrate Fault
The reason for the appearance of the squeak of flooring can be too thick substrate used to smooth out the irregularities of the floor. Gradually, it begins to lay out and seize in places in the presence of pits. In this case, the floor must be aligned, and the substrate is replaced with a thinner. One of the highest quality materials for this is a traffic jam. Such a substrate makes it possible to eliminate the maintenance of the base. It is recommended to use filling with a thickness of less than 2.7 mm. Substrates with greater thickness, even high quality, too solid. Over time, such a material is broken under the influence of mechanical load, due to which the base surface can not be smoothed.
Non-compliance with laying technology
We still have to say that the laminate is a material that reacts very sensitively to possible differences in temperature and humidity. This can also be the cause of creak. Therefore, before laying it, it should lie in the room for several days, where the material is gradually adapted to the room microclimate, in particular, to humidity.
When changing the climatic features of the environment, the laminate makes the screens and crispy sounds that appear throughout the oil coating area. To solve this problem, it is best to wait until the season is replaced. Gradually, the flooring should adapt itself to the room microclimate. If from autumn to spring or from summer to winter, symptoms are manifested, the reason for this is the unevenness of the floor. Along the noises in this case, you can only completely dismantle the coating, and eliminating the existing irregularities of the base.
In general, if the styling passed in compliance with all technological standards, then the flooring himself will stop creaking over time, making the optimal position. After a couple of months it is worth listening, whether laminate creaks. If the noise continues, this indicates that the cause of the problem is different.
Another thing is if the material of dubious quality was used when laying. Inexpensive flooring most often bought because they want to save. In general, it is not necessary to acquire the supplier's goods, the reputation of which does not inspire confidence. If you still decided to buy a relatively cheap laminate, it is advisable to find out the opinion of people who used it not so long ago. Reviews can be read, for example, on the Internet.
If you won't know anything about the laminate, which you get, can be very disappointed. After all, even if the flooring is laid in compliance with all the rules, it will not help to avoid the appearance of creak. If they arise, they themselves will not disappear. We will have to tolerate until the next repair or start an unscheduled repair, in which it will be necessary to fully change the floor covering. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire only high-quality materials, especially if they are planned to be used for a long time.
If a person has little experience, and he decided to put a laminate with his own hands, then as a result, it can happen that the floor will be mounted on the walls. Experienced people are known that when laying flooring around the entire perimeter, it is necessary to leave the gaps. Moreover, their value depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. So, if the laminate is stacked in a room with a small area, then the distance must be at least 8 mm. In large rooms, it should be at least 10.5 mm. In rooms with a very large area, the clearance should be increased to 21-29 mm. As it work across the perimeter, the plinth will be installed, which will hide it. Connections with other materials are closed using protective profiles. If you do not make gaps, it can lead not only to the occurrence of a screen, but also to damage to the coating.
If the clearance was not provided when the plinth is installed, it is recommended to fix it so that the floor covering is not damaged. For this, the plinth is first dismantled, after which the gap is increased between the wall and the base by making the board.
Additional recommendations
Outdoor coating may be noise due to the fact that it was put on it very heavy furniture. This is due to the fact that the weight of the interior items prevents natural behavior, and in particular, the expansion of the laminate.
New floor covering first often behaves unusual. So it can float under the legs, and when walking sometimes there is a cocane or a creak of laminate after laying. In fact, this is the normal behavior of a new material that is due to the fact that the castles still have a stress. In compliance with all the requirements of the laying technology, laying and surface preparation, over time, he must stop creaking. If noise will not stop, it is obvious that you have to look for the cause. Many people try to cope with the "cream floors" with the help of Talc. The fact is that this material not only does not help, but can create new problems.
By the way, least of all kinds of creaking adhesive laminate. This is due to the fact that the adhesive plays a role of protecting locks from the infiltration of foreign debris. However, if the noise floor due to defects in the base, the adhesive laminate, as well as other kinds of material that is likely to be too creak.
If after buying the laminate is not used immediately, some important rules of storage must be respected. Thus, it must lie on a flat horizontal surface. In general, it is not necessary to use right out of the material. First he has to adapt to the climate of the room for a couple of days. This is especially important in winter when selling laminate is likely stored in cold stores. In these circumstances, it does not have its normal form. In order to return his usual form, the material must lie some time at room temperature. After which it can be used in the work.
Any responsible manufacturer of building materials makes recommendations on the use of its products. They must be observed.
If you know the main causes of the squeak of the laminate, it is easy to conclude that their best to prevent than to deal with the removal. If other sounds still there, it is worth paying close attention to this problem. After all, she is not able to decide. In addition, over time, can become more serious, which obviously require large expenditures.