How to clean the well Baths, saunas and pools,Construction

For many well, it still remains almost the only source of drinking water. This is especially true of country sites and remote settlements. Therefore, it requires a particularly careful attitude towards himself and permanent care, because any well is subject to one way or another contamination.
It is dangerous not only by an unpleasant smell and color of water, but also threatens serious problems to health people.
Signs that the well is needed cleaning
The cleaning of the well should be carried out no more than once every 2-3 years. However, there are unforeseen situations when there are clearly visible signs that the well needs operational cleaning:
- explicit decrease in water level;
- the appearance of muddy water, the reason for which there may be depressurization of seams or clogging of the bottom filter;
- clay deposits inside the well;
- rise of the bottom of the well;
- stagnation of water in the well due to an infrequent use of it;
- hitting the well of foreign objects: garbage, birds, mice, leaves, etc.
- unpleasant smell and taste due to sewage drainage in water.
If at least one of the listed features is present, then it is necessary to urgently clean the well.
Ways cleaning methods
There are various methods of cleaning the well, depending on the methods used for this:
- the mechanical method, which is to extract foreign objects from the well, which are sources of pollution (leaves, yals, bottles, rodents, etc.);
- Chemical method - involves the use of various disinfectants. Most often it is chlorine or chlorine-containing substances, less often - mangalls, shungite, stone coal, silicon and others.
- Combined method - combines chemical and mechanical cleaning methods.
Cleaning the well can be made by contacting the specialists or spend all operations on their own, saving its own funds, especially since it is not so difficult when the rules are strictly compliance.
Basic root cleaning rules
Cleaning the well, although not difficult work, however, it is associated with a certain risk share for the health and life of the one who spends it. Therefore, before you begin, check out the basic rules of work in advance:
- cleaning the well in no case can be carried out alone, only in a company of two or three people;
- When working in a well, be sure to use the safety cable that is dressed on the belt, and also does not hurt the helmet on the head and swamp boots on your feet;
- Do not forget that with the depth of a well more than three meters may not be enough oxygen, and also make sure that there are no harmful gases in advance. When they are detected, it is necessary to ensure ventilation or put on a gas mask;
- people who have problems in the work of the cardiovascular system and lungs, it is better to abandon such a venture;
- At the bottom of the well, you can not stand in one place, as the legs can salt.
Cleaning the well
Mechanical method
In order to clean the well independently prepare a girlfriend tool in advance, this is primarily a bucket, trowel, spatula, rope, metal brush, cement-sandy solution, and so on. First, you should pump out water from the well using a powerful water pump and only then can be descended to the bottom. Next, we look at the inner surface of the well for the presence of leaks in the junctions between the rings. If they are detected, they should be selected by cement-sandy solution. But before, armed with a metal brush, we remove all the shrinking areas of the well, dirt, slim flare, etc.
Next, we will deal with a bottom filter, which is the usual gravel. It raise it to the surface and we are thoroughly rinsed with clean water from yla and dirt, and after adding natural materials to it, such as shungite, activated carbon, zeolite and others, which have bactericidal properties.
Chemical method
If water in the well has an unpleasant taste and smell, there is a possibility that the sewage drainage fell into it, then it is necessary to carry out disinfection of water. For this purpose, chlorine-containing substances or a solution of manganese are used. Consider both ways alternately.
Chlorination of water
We will need 300 grams of chlorine lime, which is poured with a small amount of water. Everyone is thoroughly rubbed so as to get a slightly liquid cleaner and send it into a 10-liter bucket with water. We all gently mix and leave for several hours to go there. The resulting clear solution merge into hermetic container and put in a dark place. With this solution, we wipe the walls of the shaft using a sprayer and brush. Also, the same composition is added to the clean water entering the well and mix all the sixth. After, the mold of the well cover the lid and on top of a dense cloth, leaving everything in this state for 12-24 hours. Then pumped out water from the well as many times as it is necessary to completely weathered the smell of chlorine.
Disinfection by manganese
A more gentle way of disinfection of the well is considered to be the one at which a solution of manganese is used. It is prepared in this way: in the bucket of water dissolve 1 teaspoon of calcium permanganate and mix thoroughly. Then the finished solution is pouring into the well. After that, the water in the well pump out several times and finally lowered the mini-mesh mesh with a silicon crumb that should be in the water constantly.
More detailed process cleaning the well can be viewed on the video.