Fish breeding in an artificial reservoir in the country area Useful advice

Build an artificial reservoir in your country - it's a simple thing. If you wish, in a few days you can manage. Only here is a pond without underwater inhabitants - unfinished project, no matter how cool. After reading the article, you will make sure that the breeding of fish at home is much more exciting than the cultivation of colors or the emphasis of potato beds.
How to make a fish breeding pond
- The place for the future reservoir is chosen on the lowest sector of the cottage. A good location of the pond will be where it will be in a half of the day. Shading can be made artificial, since the close arrangement of trees to the water is undesirable. This is an additional source of water pollution in the form of fallen leaves, besides, the roots of large trees can deform the pond.
- The pit is digging at least 1 m in depth, the width and length is formed to his own discretion. The most natural looks around with a reservoir. After the pit is ready, the ground at its bottom is thoroughly tamped and cemented surface.
- Cement froze - you can proceed to the next step. On the bottom of the dug holes are closed and carefully smoothed a special polyethylene film. With proper operation, it will last not one year. Now you can fill the pond with water: first one third, so that the film in the weight of water managed to finally dealt. At the bottom there are layer of soil and river sand, submarine plants are planted, and only after that finish the missing water. An excellent version of the design of the bottom - mats from coconut or synthetic fiber. They quickly soaring algae, thus masking the coastal edge, which in addition to this can be saturated with beautiful pebbles.
- At the end of the technical work, they turn to the landscaping of the coastal zone of the reservoir by shrubs and grass. Purify the naturalness and beautifully framed the pond thumbs up the root or root, you can land the IVI. If in the future you want to see in your reservoir not only fish, but also crayfish, it is worth providing them with comfortable living conditions in advance. To do this, there are many pebbles, clay shards from broken pots, more different tubes. In them, raks will find their own shelter from the fish when they will lift.
When on your site is already painted ready and landscaped with reservoirs, refuse the temptation immediately to run fish there. Water in it should stand a little to get the optimal temperature and acquire its own medium of microorganisms. To speed up this process, a few buckets from a natural reservoir in the man-made pond, and also leave a little faded grass at the bottom - so the water will become faster.
Successful breeding of fish in the pond: nuances
Even at the stage of creating an artificial reservoir, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules and try to meet them:
- if you firmly decided to breed the fish, the type and depth of the future pond should correspond to the breed of the underwater inhabitants to which you have the most soul. Too big flock will be closely in a small reservoir, and the water will not be left for a long time - a large amount of food in the Namig spoils it. When calculating the total volume of water bodies, 50 liters of water is removed by one individual 10 - 15 cm long. In addition, do not forget about the quality of purification of water, aerations, surface water surfaces without vegetation;
- the high depth of the reservoir will allow the fish without any problems in it. At the same time, in summer, water in a deep pond warms up unevenly, which immediately has a negative effect on the rates of reproduction of microorganisms that fake fish. A small pool with a large surface area absorbs much more oxygen than a small on the perimeter, but deep reservoir. A sufficient amount of atmospheric oxygen is hardly the most important condition for artificial fish breeding;
- you need to ask you in advance, which temperature prefers the fish you are going to contain. For example, some types of fish do not tolerate low temperatures, others, on the contrary, perfectly feel at a water temperature of 10 ° C. The temperature regime and water level of the water may even destroy an unsuitable fish to such conditions. Measurements of pH reactions, oxygen control and temperature monitoring are carried out regularly, especially often in winter. It is possible to reduce the level of acidity by adding the lime or setting of lime filters in the reservoir, mills;
- to the first launch of fish in the reservoir, we assume very responsible, namely, make sure that the temperature of the reservoir and portable container with the fish is the same. If thermometers differ significantly differ, they need to level. Otherwise, even the difference in 2-3 degrees will play with you a cruel joke: in a new place, the fish may die in the first day from the so-called temperature shock. So that the fish can normally survive the winter in the pond, a layer of non-freeze water should remain at least 1 m. In the thickness of the ice, they definitely make a hole and cover them with straw - it is necessary so that the fish do not suffocate. There is another tricky way to supply oxygen by underwater residents - the cane ligament vertically, vertically, serve as an air conductor. However, the best results can be achieved using aerator;
- with the arrival of spring, sprinkle the ice layer of the earth, peat or coal dust, and you do not have to be painfully waiting for the ice in the pond independently. Thanks to your powder, the temperature of natural heating of the ice crust will increase and the melting process will go faster.
Required fish breeding equipment
- Gravitational biofilter - protects water from flowering and pollution products.
- Compressor - will not let the fish die from the lack of air.
- Ultraviolet sterilizer - prevents abundant flowering of water in the pond.
- Hydraulic pump will help to download water into an artificial pool.
- Fish feeders.
Breeding fish at the cottage: Who will live in a pond?
Let's look at the most popular fish breeds for content in the countrywater.
The most unpretentious fish, which one can only be found: it adapts to a variety of conditions, it does not need much space, since it is in a small pond carp very quickly gaining a lot. The cunning is that the search for food on a small area of \u200b\u200bterritory takes quite a bit of energy from fish. In addition, carps are omnivores. This domestic view of Sazan loves the sun and is growing rapidly. Half SPACE becomes 4 - 5 years of life. The most acceptable water will be water with a slightly alkaline reaction. There are many carp varieties: scaly, naked, mirror.
Two varieties of crucian, golden and silver, soul standing water and a variety of vegetation, which they feed. A healthy mature individual of this breed can reach weight in 1 kg. The normal life of this fish in the winter is provided by the hole in the thickness of the ice for the free intake of oxygen.
Before buying the future underwater inhabitants, think in advance how many fish fit into your reservoir at the rate of 10 - 20 individuals per 1 cubic water. So, not a very large pond will be able to take several medium in size of Karpov and 20-25 karasiks. At the perfect "home" for this fish there should be a perimeter of 4 to 6 m and the depth of at least 1.5 m. Such sizes of the pond will allow water to quickly and evenly warm up to 25-6 degrees - these are excellent conditions for the maintenance of carps and crucia. The "leap" of the mark of the thermometer down to 10 to 12 degrees or up to 30 makes the fish less active, reduces the intensity of its power and reproduction.
In the summer season prefers small areas of the pond, where there is something to get used. Lin is omnivorous, unpretentious in content, immune to changes in the level of acidity of habitat and oscillations of the amount of oxygen. In a shallow pond, this breed of fish is the main competitor for the carp - they are fighting for food. Lin can adapt to living conditions in any reservoir, just a crucian as a neighbor he will not be patient. The other varieties of fish lin will be only happy.
Cold trout
Dachits can experiment with the content of two types of trout - river and iris. Small waterfowl are the main food for trout, it will also not refuse to feed in the form of various feed mixtures. In artificial ponds, this fish does not multiply, but it is more likely to decorate them. Especially spectacular in the thickness of the water, immeued by the sunshine, looks like a rainbow trout.
gold fish
Easily refutes the title of exclusively aquarium fish. This breed is perhaps the perfect choice for a manual reservoir. Its decorative qualities are indisputable, in the content she will not deliver to its owner of special hassle, unpretentious in food. For active breeding of the type of enough goldfish.
Decorative Japanese carp - koi
Do not tear the eye from a beautiful color of the scales of this fish - red, black, white, yellow. Intrigue is that it is impossible to predict the color of the future offspring. Koi prefers space and plot deeper. Fish eats a lot, including fish less, rapidly gaining a lot. Conducts a lot of time, shaking Il on the bottom of the reservoir. Koi get used to people and not be afraid of them.
Than feeding the inhabitants of the pond
Homemade fish breeding will be successful only if the question of feeding its wards is responsible. One of the most trouble-free carp is considered to be carp, which is pleased to absorb everything to be treated. And you can treat it with feed for pigs and poultry. Before feeding the feed in the form of a bulk and loose powder, it is thoroughly mixed with water until it reaches the porridge consistency, only then it is sent to the reservoir.
The remaining fish of fish will be happy to make a mixture of cereal and legumes, which is steaming before feeding so that it is swelling. The volume of such feed should be above 3 - 6% of the mass of the fish. Feed fish 1 - 2 times a day, trying to do it at the same time and in a certain place of the pond. It is very convenient to give fish food on a specially equipped table-pallet. This device can easily get out of the water, and then omit again to the bottom. With the help of such a feeder, the owner of the fish mini-fleece is very easy to follow, whether the food is eaten, whether the pieces remained, which will certainly pollute the water in the pond. It's funny when the ringing of a small bell makes a conditional reflex from fish and makes them gather in a flock, notifying the underwater inhabitants that the owner brought food.