Choosing building materials for a bath Baths, saunas and pools

The construction of the bath requires considerable effort, and the construction of the bath with their own hands is even more. And then the question appears on the agenda "What material for the bath is best to use?". In this article, we will consider all possible buildings of the baths from modern materials, and you can choose the most suitable of them.
Material characteristics
Among the most popular building materials for the construction of a bath can be distinguished wood (log, timber), brick and blocks. In case of independent construction, only those building materials you can work with which you can work should be preferred. If the corresponding skills are not observed, it is better to entrust the work of professionals by hiring a brigade of builders.
What should be paid to when choosing a building material for a bath?
Several paramount criteria can be distinguished:
- strength;
- ability to maintain heat;
- porosity;
- density.
Since there will always be a high level of moisture in the bath and sharp temperature differences, the material should not only cope with such extreme operational conditions, but also differ in impressive durability.
By the way about durability - wooden baths are the ancestor of all modern baths, saunas and others like them. Our ancestors knew a sense in the construction of reliable and unusually durable structures. The bath, built of a strong tree, served for several generations of one kind and could have to simultane more than 100 years!
After centuries, wooden baths did not lose their relevance, since there are no more suitable material in the world. However, modern technologies offer their versions of the use of wood as the main raw material.
A log is a large spoken tree, purified from bitch, bark, branches and split across the required number of parts. Construction of a bath from such logs is a troublesome and time consuming occupation, but if everything is done correctly, the building will serve you not one dozen years.
Breed characteristics as building materials:
- the protected core - the central part of the log cannot be damaged by atmospheric phenomena or spoil into a consequence of the harsh operational conditions of the bath. Thus, the log differs in enviable durability;
- bath of logs in the first year after the construction gives a strong shrinkage (10-13 cm), so after a year, repair and adjustment may be needed;
- the complexity and complexity of the division of a log cabin requires certain knowledge, skills and assistance;
- during the drier, the logs are cracking in the vertical direction and slightly on the sides, but the amount of cracks are directed and not fatal.
You can also purchase a finished log cabin. Carefully trace when buying so that all logs to one were numbered. Otherwise, you will have serious difficulties during the installation on the site.
The bar is a sawn or multiple sides of a log thickness from 100 mm and more. In cross section, the timber forms a rectangular or square shape at a ratio of the parties no more than 1: 2.
Today, the use of glued timber in housing construction has become popular. It is distinguished by excellent weather resistance, perfectly tolerates temperature differences, humidity, not afraid of fire and pests. It would seem that the ideal option for any construction. But such an excellent quality, as a rule, is noticeably hits the pocket.
However, the bath, built from the usual timber, can serve a strikingly long. But for this you need to adhere to several rules:
- when choosing a bar, pay attention to the presence of cracks - there must be a minimum of them, and better - not to be at all;
- to increase the operational period, process the lower groans of the bath with an antiseptic agent (5-10 pieces);
- make waterproofing between the foundation and mortgage bars;
- process the timber and floor beams of machine oil;
- in mandatory, organize internal steam and waterproofing;
- the inner covering of the bath should go on the crate so that the wall remains to circulate air. The same must be done with the floor, so that there was enough ventilation below. Thus, you will prevent the risk of mold and fungus.
The art of construction from the boat came to us from ancient times, when the harsh Scandinavian men were unlocked at home and fortresses on their land. And if even the Vikings considered this material worthy, is it not the best quality guarantee?
Flap - this is a log, drowning half. Rafapes are connected using a special Norwegian castle (another magnificent invention of ancient scandins). The lower part is adjusted under the dimensions of the adjacent faucet. Thus, a real fortress is formed, in which, in the literal sense, even the fly will not fly!
Features of a bath of a boat:
- unprecedented strength and density of compounds ensures excellent heat conservation and will save money on thermal insulation;
- the cost of the bath from the boat will cost more than the construction of a similar structure from a log or timber;
- because the logs are stya and the core is naked, with time, the flaws starts to rot. To avoid it, you need to immediately treat the antiseptic tree.
Brick baths create healthy competition wooden. Moreover, this material is much cheaper than wood and its derivatives, more durable and completely not afraid of temperatures. In addition, the construction of a brick bath is less labor-intensive, and almost any owner of the country area can cope with such work. Often, the brick remains after the construction of the main residential building, so that in fact you can build a bath from girlfriend.
The main advantages of a brick bath:
- durability;
- strength;
- fire safety;
- acceptable cost;
- caring for a construction of a brick requires much less effort and costs;
- short construction time;
- no shrinkage.
The only, but serious lack of brick bath is the lack of naturalness, a classic image of a bath. Some say that the real bath can only be built of wood. But it is fixable - the inner decoration of the brick bath can include natural wooden elements (aspen, liquid, oak, cedar).
Foam blocks
Bath of foam blocks - the most economical option that is suitable for those who prefer to enjoy comfort, but not to spend a fortune.
On the other hand, the use of this material for the sauna and the bath is a rather controversial issue, since its characteristics are not fully suitable for appropriate purposes. The fact is that the porous foam block structure strongly absorbs moisture, gradually reducing the strength of the entire structure. And since the moisture and the bath - the concepts are inseparable, then such a building will last a very short ...
To increase the operating deadlines of the foam concrete bath, it is necessary to carefully consider the system of waterproofing. It must necessarily include a special foil, fixed on the inside of the wall and closed trim. But even in this case, the risk of destruction remains quite large due to the temperature difference inside and outside the building. This will lead to the appearance of condensate, which is somehow absorbed in the foam block.
Of course, you can enhance the chances of "survival" and also to carry out external waterproofing, but this will lead to additional spending.
In fact, foam block baths are a visual example of the fact that savings on quality leads to depressing consequences. And it is better to spend a few thousand more, but to be sure that your poaker will delight you, your children, and maybe even grandchildren and great-grandchildren ...
Parosolation of the bath is a mandatory and one of the most important stages of construction, since it is it that provides a unique steam effect or the "thermos effect". And what the materials for finishing the bath you will choose, will play a big role in the future of your work.
The erroneous view is common that the trooperoid is the best vapor insulation material. Say and the temperature holds, and it is inexpensive. However, not all that is gold that glitters. The rubberoid is not the most harmless substances for the body, and in conditions of constant moisture and high temperature, they will have even greater impact on health.
Aluminium foil
One of the most common vapor insulation materials. However, if you build a bath yourself, it will be very difficult to cope with the styling of foil without any singular. It is best to entrust this job by a specialist, otherwise you can spoil building materials or make low-quality vaporizolation, which is even worse. Aluminum foil is one of the few materials that are withstanding the hot climate of the bathing steam.
Polypropylene foamed perfectly holds heat, and if it is covered with aluminum foil, wonderful vaporizolation is provided to you. Polypropylene performs at the same time two important functions - saves the precious bath heat and insulates the walls. Therefore, its use will help reduce the time and costs of additional insulation of the structure.
Another important plus - polypropylene plates are very easy to mount and even an inexperienced builder will cope with this task. They can be mounted on the walls and ceiling by conventional nails or special glue.
The bath is health, and it is impossible to save under any circumstances. Therefore, no matter what building materials you have chosen, consider that they should serve as longer as possible and bring maximum benefits for the body!