Types of bath. Main types and their characteristics Baths, saunas and pools

The bath is the magic word causes only positive emotions from most people: wooden shops with a special, inherent on only a roofing tree, aroma. And what is only worth staying in the steam room! These sensations are impossible to forget. And dumming cold water, the aroma of the oak broom, copper bucket and hot couples ...
Types of baths
Each of the world's existing worlds differs in size and shape of structures, air temperature and its humidity in the indoors itself and in the steam room. All establishments in which you can get into, are divided into three groups:
- With dry air supply. The room temperature usually ranges from 60 to 120 degrees, and the humidity in the steam room does not exceed 25 percent. To this type of paired institutions include the Russian traditional bath, Finnish sauna and traditional public city.
- The premises are called "raw" due to the fact that the air temperature can be served from 50 degrees and up to 700! Humidity in such a room is very high and ranges from 70 to 100 percent.
- Japanese bath.
The most common types of bath are Russian and Finnish. Couples in such water premises were obtained from hot coal. But read about it below. Consider the main types of baths that enjoy the peoples of different nationalities:
- Russian.
- Finnish.
- Roman.
- Turkish (Hamam).
- Irish.
- Japanese.
Modern Russian baths are significantly different from their ancestors. The preparation of the steam occurs by heating the stones that are laid in the furnace itself. When the fire is burning or electrical hidden heating elements are included, the stones are gradually heated. When the fireplace is fascinated, it is covered with cold water. After that, a lot of steam is formed in the steam room. Breathing in a wet room becomes much easier.
The shelves in the traditional Russian bath are located in the form of wooden lime steps, close to the oven. The most comfortable temperature for the newbie - on the first and second shelves, well, the highest temperature will be on the top shelf. It is there that they love to climb cramped lovers to get across. The temperature on the lower shelf will be about 50 degrees, while on the highest step will reach 100 and even higher.
Ban Finnish or Sauna
Widespread in America and in the West. A distinctive feature of this type of bath is that it does not heat up with a wet pair, but extremely dry. Unlike a wet pair, dry is perfected easier and therefore degrees in the steam room are usually increased to 100 or more.
Unlike high temperature, the humidity in the room leaves from 10 to 30%. The broom is not needed in this bath, as you can get a strong skin burn. The use of broom is allowed, provided that the temperature in the room will not be high. As a rule, this type of baths are installed near the reservoir so that after staying in the steam room, it would be possible to cool - plunge into a cool driver or just spend some time in the fresh air. Finnish baths are divided into such:
- Standard, for the simultaneous visit to 5-7 people.
- Mini-room for visiting one or two people.
Small saunas can be purchased in specialized stores and install even in the apartment. They do not occupy a lot of space and quickly heat up. As a heating device in Finnish saunas, electric devices or special furnaces made of stone are used. Electric furnace need to be installed closer to the exit or in a remote place. If a stone furnace is used, then it is additionally separated by a wooden fence. The presence of a vicinity of the reservoir is an integral part of the Finnish sauna. In its absence, ideally, you can independently build a small artificial reservoir.
Ban Rimskaya
The Roman room includes two compartments. In the first, it is called tepidarium, the air temperature reaches about 40 degrees with a plus mark. In the second, it is called the Laconium - a person is in order to heal. The temperature in this room reaches 70 degrees. Air in the bath enters through special holes (steam is fed through pipes), which are located in the floor and walls of the bath. For maximum effect and pleasure from visiting a bath, special aromamasla and tincture of herbs are added to the pairs.
In the Roman bath there are always shops for seating, which are also located as in the Russian bath.
Turkish bath
Often, this kind of bath is also called Hamam. The difference between this type of baths from all of all the above is that it is possible to carry out in the room for more than one hour, and even just day. Couple in Hamam dry and hot, its temperature (up to 50 degrees). Traditional Turkish bath consists of several rooms:
- The ordinary dress for undressing sounds like "Jamekyan." A person removes himself everything, and on the hips he is taking a thin sheet.
- Shower - in Turkish This room sounds like "Pestmal". Here the man washes away the dirt from the body with the help of soap out of olive. Shower is equipped with not traditional cabins. Water is poured into copper basins.
- Pair or "Hararette". This is an ordinary spacious room, unlike the Russian and Finnish bath. Paul, as well as benches, which are located around the perimeter of the room are separated by marble. The shelves are heated to a temperature not higher than 60 degrees. It is quite comfortable to lie on them and you can spend so in meditation about half an hour and more.
A distinctive feature of Hamam is that in the room for sprinkling, specially trained personnel conducts body care procedures: massages with oils, peelings, chocolate, coffee and other types of scrubies. After visiting, the pair should cool the body gradually, plunging into cool water, then again pouring warm. Complete the procedure, plunging into very cold water.
Bath of peoples of Ireland
The bath is considered quite comfortable, because the room for sprinkling is similar to the Turkish bath. The temperature in the sauna is the same. The difference from other baths is that before entering the pair, it is necessary to remove clothes from themselves and for a while in a special place to get used to it. Then the massage specialist is well aware of the body, and you can go to steam. After the pair, the body is cooled under the shower or cold water from the bucket, from the head to the legs, and go back to the skillful hands of the masseur.
Japanese bath
In Japan, for a long time, there have always been two types of baths:
- Individual (for home use) - Furo.
- For mass visits - Santo.
Each type of bath has its own differences. The first bath is individual, something like our ordinary bathroom. It is a reservoir with water, more often is a barrel. Water is heated to 50 degrees. The temperature in the room, and the humidity reaches the mark of +30 degrees. A person immerses the body into the water not completely, but on the chest and sits on the seat, which is inside the barrel. The second type of bath is a public, translated from the Japanese, means darm boiling water. It has a spacious pool, which accommodates a large number of visitors. Water in the pool, despite the massive visit, always contain in perfect clean and constantly change. The water temperature in the pool reaches +50 degrees. Each person, after staying in the shower cabin, is immersed in water.
Baths for dacha
Types of bathhouses for giving, which can be built in a country house - this is Russian and Finnish. Also popular becomes a new form of infrared emissions. It is a compact box in which the body heats up with the help of the radiation of the infrared heater. The air in the booth remains the same fresh as before heating. Mini saunas are calculated on both one and several people. The infrared heater is considered safe for human health, but in fact, he will not be able to replace those sensations and pleasure from staying in a classic Russian bathhouse.
Types of baths can be viewed in the photo:
Russian bath.
Japanese bath.
Turkish sauna.