Technology Painting Ceiling Water-Emless Paints paints and varnishes,Ceilings

Painting the ceiling to date is considered one of the most popular types of finishes. Already went into oblivion of sticking wallpaper or plastic tiles on the ceiling. Properly colored surface looks very attractive, while retains its appearance for a long time. From the main advantages of painting the ceiling in comparison with other types of finishes, it is possible to call it low cost. The cost of painting the ceiling of water-level paint is not too high. Refresh the painted ceiling can be independently without much effort and without spending a large amount of funds for materials.
Basically, water paints are used for painting. This material based on an aqueous solution of polymers. After painting moisture evaporates quickly, and polymer additives form a durable layer, which has excellent water repellent properties. About how to choose a water-emulsion paint and paint the ceiling by it - hereinafter.
Types of waterfront paint
The first and most important step in the event of a choice of this type of repair of the ceiling will be the selection of paint. More than 50% of the success of the entire event depends on this. Currently, the shelves of construction stores are simply devoted to materials of various compositions, producers and at various prices. Of all this variety it is necessary to choose exactly the material that is necessary. This task is not from the lungs.
- Acrylic water-emulsion paints. The most popular and popular view of this material. Due to its structure, they can be used in rooms with an increased moisture content. They are not susceptible to abrasion during washing, so there should be no problems with the removal of random spots on the ceiling.
- Paint paint based on polyvinyl acetate (PVA). This type of water-free paint is the cheapest. It cannot be used in places with high humidity, and even more so wash the surfaces painted by it.
- Paint with the addition of silicates (liquid glass).Such material is perfect for working on stone and concrete surfaces.
- Latex water emulsion. Thanks to the addition of latex, the surface painted with such paint is obtained smooth and beautiful. Paint is excellent to carry washing not only with water, but also detergents. However, it is worth noting that at the price it is much surpassed by other types of waterfront paint.
- Silicone paint. Such material has excellent vapor permeability, which allows you to paint the ceilings in the bathroom and the kitchen. It also has excellent antiseptic properties, preventing the appearance of fungi, mold and other microorganisms on its surface.
How to choose the paint for the ceiling
Among the large number of different types of paint, several dozen producers can really be "lost". In order to make the right choice, you must carefully read the instruction that is attached to each type of paint. The following parameters must be specified in it:
- The type of work for which the paint is intended. For painting the ceiling it is necessary to buy material for internal work.
- Material consumption per 1 m 2 Surfaces. Thanks to this indicator, it is possible to calculate the overall need of paint to cover the ceiling.
- The degree of shellability. This indicator displays how paint is able to close the dark surface with white in the form of a solid cloth.
- Resistance to erasure. It is necessary to look at such an indicator if the surface will have to be cleaned with water or detergents. It most concerns the ceilings in the kitchen.
Also on packing with paint manufacturer can provide its recommendations for its use:
- If the bank is written: "Use in rooms with reduced levels of moisture and low loads", then it is impossible to paint the kitchen ceiling. Fat evaporation and pairs from water heating will spoil the coating that will need to be constantly updated, and these are additional costs.
- Inscription: "High resistance to abrasion, incommable" suggests that the coating treated with this paint can withstand wet cleaning without the use of detergents.
- The most resistant and high-quality paint on its packaging usually has an inscription: "It has dirt-repellent properties, high resistance to abrasion with intensive wash." This means that it can easily be washed using chemical detergents without worrying for the coating condition.
- Inscription: "Resistant to dry abrasion" means that the coating can be cleaned only with a dry cloth.
Choosing paint, you should not fully trust the seller. First, he does not fully own the situation in this particular case, and secondly, its task is to sell the goods, and the more expensive - the better.
When buying water-based paint, you should pay attention to the conditions for its storage. It is not worth buying a material that was stored in cold, unheated premises, and, moreover, on the street. The fact is that the basis of this paint is water that freezes at a minus temperature. At the same time, the material loses its properties and during the size no longer corresponds to the characteristics declared manufacturer.
Currently, paint manufacturers have become made by water-mounted paint specifically for painting the ceiling. It does not eat, perfectly sticks to the ceiling and is perfectly distributed over the surface. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to such material.
Painting the ceiling of water-level paint. Preparation of the surface
Before you start painting the ceiling it is necessary to prepare the surface. Uneven ceiling with stained old finish is not correct, even the good paint. Initially, the ceiling surface with layers of old paint or whitewash must be removed. For cleaning old chalk or lime wash using plain water. To do this with a roller or a cloth wetted surface abundantly, and when it raskisnet, removed the upper layers with a spatula or chisels.
With paint, things are a bit more complicated. To simplify your task a bit, you can use an old trick. It should drench ceiling surface water by means of a roller or a sprayer. Then you need to open windows and doors. Due to the draft soaked water swell, allowing the paint peel off the layers, then they can simply remove the spatula. The work should be completed before the ceiling is not dry. After cleaning, the old coating ceiling washed. This should be done gently, without leaving the old spots, stains, rust. You can use a 5% solution of copper sulfate. In order to remove stubborn stains and a mild solution of hydrochloric acid (2-3 %%).
If the surface is cracked, chipped, they need to be repaired. Alignment of the ceiling is carried out by means of putty. If the surface roughness of substantive, the filler is applied in two layers. First beg ceiling home, and then brought the finishing putty. Work is carried out using a trowel. After drying, the ceiling, it will be overwritten by a special net. Today there are special putty ready to oil-based adhesive. It is applied with a roller or brush, however, it is worth noting that it is not suitable for alignment of complex surfaces.
After plastering of the ceiling surface is primed with deep penetration. This must be done for better paint adhesion. The primer is applied using a wide paint brush. After that, the ceiling allow to dry well. Otherwise, the filler can exfoliate when painting.
The technology Ceiling painting with latex paint with their hands
To carry out the work required following tools:
- Paintbrush. It is intended for staining of joints between the ceiling and the wall and corners.
- A small brush for the correction of small places.
- Cushion with a long nap. Thanks to him, you can apply the paint evenly over the entire surface.
- Painting bath with a ribbed surface for rolling rolling.
With the seeming light of the painting of the ceiling requires special attention and minimal knowledge, when you ignore which the ceiling often has a heterogeneous surface with noticeable traces of bands or dark spots. In this case, he looks, gently said, not very attractive.
So, the order of work:
- The process of painting from applying to the joints between walls and ceiling, as well as room angles. For this, the brush is descended into the container with paint, after which it is well pressed to prevent paint drums. On the perimeter of the room there is one pass, the width of which should be at least 4 cm.
- Painting the main area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling is made by roller. A small amount of paint is poured into the bath, the roller is lowered into it, and then thoroughly rolled the ribbed surface to evenly distribute the paint on it.
- The ceiling, regardless of the type of paint, is processed three times. The first passage is made in the direction from the window, the second is perpendicular, the third - in the direction of the window. Paint must be applied with a smooth layer, without visible transitions. You can make the passages in the form of the letter W. Paint the paint is carefully necessary to prevent the surface heterogeneity.
- In the process of painting it is necessary to check the quality of work with the help of directional light.
- When drying, the paint does not allow the occurrence of drafts indoors. The second and third stage of painting is carried out only after complete drying of the previous layer. As a rule, it is 12-18 hours.
There is an appliance painting ceiling by water-mounted paint paint. Usually it is resorted to painting plastered surfaces. It is better to do it on a brush-powered primer, then the surface will be homogeneous.