Tabletop from marble do it yourself Useful advice,Interior items

Want to exercise a long-standing dream and install a tabletop from marble in the kitchen? Then you need to explore the characteristics of this stone in more detail to cope with all the works yourself.
The marble table top fits perfectly into any kitchen interior. This material has long won the hearts of many people and is considered one of the most sophisticated stones. Natural or natural marble is unique, it is impossible to transmit its exact color. This stone plays, manitis and attracts everything around and, of course, sets the tone to whom the interior of the room should answer.
The marble with other materials is well combined: it is glass, steel and wood. By the way, it is with these surfaces marble able to reveal and convey all the beauty. But combine this natural stone with artificial materials, for example, with plastic - it is not worth it, since all the magnificence of this excellent material is lost.
Before studying the highlights to independently make a countertop from marble, let's find out what the advantages and disadvantages of this natural material are.
About the pros and cons of marble
If we are talking about natural stone, then it is necessary to understand that the cost of such a countertop will be very high, especially if you have conceived to make a big countertop. Perhaps this is the main lack of marble.
And now let's learn the benefits of marble:
- Magnificent appearance. I want to admire the beauty of this stone with clock. It is impossible to choose a few identical countertops, each - unique. There are absolutely identical stones in nature.
- Rich coloring. You can choose the shade of marble your favorite color.
- If you correctly set the lighting devices, the soft light is able to emphasize the natural beauty and texture of the stone to give it expressiveness.
- Marble - natural material and therefore cannot cause allergic reactions.
- In the hot season, the marble table top is able to maintain coolness.
- Marble - solid material, serves a very long time. Of course, if you properly care for a stone.
What are the shortcomings of marble countertops:
- High price. Even if you order a small countertop, the value of the marble products remains steadily high.
- Sensitivity to temperature drops. Since marble is a natural material, in no case cannot be allowed temperature drops, namely it is forbidden to put a hot pan on a cold surface, just removed from the stove. Spots and even cracks may appear on the surface.
- Marble - the material is porous and therefore for any liquid reacts almost instantly. If you shed coffee, tea, wine or juice to a beige countertop, then dark divorces will remain on the surface. If you immediately not wipe the stain, it will be difficult to get rid of divorce. It is necessary to immediately impregnate the liquid with a paper or tissue towel, and then wipe the surface with a clean cloth. Sometimes, if the liquid is too eager, (red wine, fresh juices (cherry, orange, carrots, beet)), Special chemical means will help save the surface from manifestation of unpleasant divorces. Just use them very carefully.
- No acids! To spoil the tabletop from white marble and other bright shades, very easy. Even the lone of lemon or lemon juice droplets can provoke the manifestation of yellow spots. Vinegar, citric acid and lemon juice are the main enemies of the marble table top.
What to do, if you really want to install a tabletop from a natural stone in the kitchen, because marble reacts very sensitive to chemicals and acids. The way out of the position is always there, it is necessary to purchase a special protective agent for marble with the addition of natural components. If you have ever been treated with a marble worktop protective, then do not forget that from time to time you need to apply protection again. And this 100% does not exempt from the gentle handling with a tabletop from molded marble. Therefore, it is better to decorate a natural stone part of the kitchen interior, but a workplace (where food is preparing), it is better to equip more modern materials that are resistant to different liquids.
If you first process the marble surface for the first time, you first need to test the tool on a small invisible segment of the marble, and then process the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe table top. By the way, if protective fluids do not cope with their tasks, there is only one way out of the position - to make a grinding and polishing of stone.
See how beautiful black marble tabletime looks in the photo:
As well as a tabletop of green marble:
Manufacture of kitchen countertops from marble
To independently make a marble worktop, you need to think through the shape of the finished product. Standardly it can be a rectangular countertop, square, oval or in the form of a rectangle, with rounded edges.
In this case, in order not to complicate the task, we will cut a rectangular countertop from gray marble. The stone is processed, but only you need to get a special tool. In the last century, the wizard used manual tools to cut the desired figure from the monolith. Currently, it is possible to facilitate the task and cut out of the stone by anything with the help of a hydroabrasive method of processing natural material. Of course, this type of instrument will be needed for more large-scale work, and when it comes to small works, then you can do with prickly tools (drill, grinding).
A popular tool for working with a natural stone is a Bulgarian or an angular grinding machine. It is only necessary to get a set of disks designed for cutting stone. It should be borne in mind that such a power tool is very sensitive to shocks, that is, while working with solid natural materials, the instrument can quickly fail. In this case, it is necessary to think in advance the dust output system and change the diamond disk. Wheels better take with bronze, 6 mm thick.
If you need to cut the grooves, then you will have to purchase more and stockwork is a special high-speed power tool, in the grooves of which you can insert 2 disks at once.
The procedure for action is:
- First, it is necessary to prepare the surface, that is, with the help of a circle with a film base (microabrasive) you need to inchlip the surface. The speed of rotation of such circles is very high, so you can quickly smooth the convex surface, because in nature, the monolithic absolutely smooth stone is rare.
- Just after the primary working marble necessary to determine immediately and clean the surface with a grinding tool to achieve a perfect smoothness (polishing effect) or matte Make countertop.
- Because our goal - to cut rectangular stone countertop, the flat surface is easier to handle orbital sander. And in order to achieve a glossy shine, you can use a special paste for polishing.
- Cut from a monolithic stone countertop desired size, you can use the standard set of hand tools: the sledgehammer, hammer, pickaxe. But because it's too hard and long, it is best to perform all works on a special machine. If you can not buy this machine, then try to find a way out. Suitable powerful Bulgarian diamond discs for use with natural marble. Also, to prevent a split stone and not to spoil the tool, experts recommend working at medium speed, and only occasionally include high speed saws. And in order for the surface not "gone" crack advance laid out and provide a continuous supply of water. Just water will help to avoid further overheating and power during operation.
Since natural marble very expensive material and difficult to handle, most people choose the alternative - of artificial stone countertops. The artificial marble has many advantages: it's affordable price and ease of operation. Make Countertops made of artificial stone like marble can be anyone.
What is meant by "artificial marble"? This mineral fillers and an acrylic resin. As a result of the high temperature treatment the solid material is obtained. Visually distinguish a fake from the original is almost impossible. To understand that before you artificial countertop like marble, you can: Put your hand on the surface - you will feel the pleasant warmth. Marble - stone cold and it barely heats up.
Continuing the list of advantages of artificial stone, you can mark it high degree of wear resistance. You can safely put hot dishes directly on the table top of marble, it did not happen. And if you accidentally spill on the marble countertop gold wine or coffee, the spots will not be. Artificial marble does not absorb liquids, so the worry that remain on the table unsightly stains and spots, not worth it.
And a little more information about the features of artificial marble:
- The material does not burn, does not conduct heat and electrical currents. That is why the artificial marble is widely used not only for furniture, but also interior items (statues, fireplaces, radiators). By the way, if you put on the table of artificial stone nezatushennuyu cigarette, nothing will happen. The surface will remain intact.
- Not afraid processing chemicals are allowed to use household chemicals and various fluids (solvent, acid, acetone, and even gasoline).
- the surface structure of the solid, so countertop steadfastly stand any impact force.
- Artificial material is not subject to delamination, does not rot. It is highly resistant to contamination. Clean the surface can be using any detergent.
- Not afraid of artificial marble liquids such as tea, coffee, wine, juice.
That's why most practical owners choose countertops made of artificial marble.
How to make a marble countertop
Work very hard with natural marble, we will try to make an analogue of a natural material in their own home. To work need quite a bit: the components for the manufacture of artificial marble slabs and special shape, plus a toolbox materials.
Monitor the entire production process can be on their own, on-site is convenient to adjust the thickness of the artificial stone, color and even texture.
Since the need to work with chemicals, it is best to set aside for the production of marble countertops separate, well-ventilated spacious room.
What is needed:
- polyurethane form or matrix consisting of 2 parts;
- river sand - 2 parts;
- dye - the total amount of cement 1%;
- water - 0.2 parts;
- mixer;
- cement;
- thick polyethylene film;
- filler (can use shallow marine pebbles);
- plasticiser - from the total weight of dry cement of 1%.
Production of marble countertops:
- Preparation Forms: wipe out every form, that they are clean and dry.
- Preparing a mixture of: first knead cement with sifted sand, adding a filler mix. Pouring dye and tried until the mixture was stirred, because it affects the final result (giving natural appearance).
- Following the dye pour water (80%) and add a plasticizer. Now, all components must be thoroughly mixed.
- After 30 seconds the mixture becomes plastic and can add the remaining water (20%). Once again stir the mixture, it is desirable to use the electric faucet construction (or adapt powerful drill).
- The homogeneous mass is poured into the prepared mold. Cover with foil form, after removing excess solution from the mold edge.
- Leave forms alone until fully cured. After 9-10 hours, you must carefully remove the marble slab.
From the resulting preform using power cut tabletop size. As you can see, it is very easy to make yourself look like marble countertop.