Sewerage in the bath do it yourself Baths, saunas and pools

The process of washing in the bath has long and firmly became a good tradition and a favorite pastime of many. Swelling with friends, the steaming of each body particle, a cozy atmosphere is the first associations when mentioning the word "bath". But it is worth remembering that without the correct construction of all the elements of the bath, comfort from recreation can be overshadowed. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance how to make sewage in the bath not only efficiently functioning, but also technically simple.
Varieties of sewage systems for bath
To date, several types of sewers are mainly used:
- pressed
- non-perm
- connection with a central sewer system.
Each species has its advantages and is applied depending on the planned level of load and budget.
The pressure system is a sewage system, on the pipes of which the water used falls into the sump and later goes into a cleaning tank. The non-pressure system is more suitable for simple bats, in it waste water in the pipes simply goes into the ground. The connection to the central sewage system is used for modern structures and is a more complex technical solution than the first two types.
Pressure sewage is best suited for those baths that are located below the soil level. True, then it is correct then to call this type of constructing sauna, since the traditional sauna is a separate structure. As the advantages of such a system, the following is distinguished:
- reliability and long service life
- fast construction
- simplicity and low cost of service.
It is worth noting that the system provides for the mandatory use of a pumping station and a whole complex of branched pipes, for which the flow of water will occur. Pressure sewage can be mounted in various types of execution:
- in the event of a bath arrangement in the basement (that is, below the level of the ground, in the underground floor), it is necessary to install at the same level and the compact pumping station for removal of the used water,
- either it is possible to connect the riser to the common system in the house and the next time to the entire system in the basement.
Non-free sewage is distinguished by its simplicity of the design, therefore it is of the greatest distribution. It does not require the use of pumping systems and is noticeably more economical in terms of service. The principle of operation consists in the natural weapon of used water through pipes, which are located under the tilt toward the sump. Of the advantages of such a system allocate:
- ease of installation
- cheap for materials,
- high efficiency (if there is a sufficient drop of levels).
The only difficulty that may occur is the need for careful preliminary study of the soil and relief of the territory on which the bath will be located. Be sure to take into account all the subtleties, otherwise the drains of water will be difficult to climb and clogging the system.
A connection to the central sewer system may be pressure, and non-per-on. The essence of such a system is reduced to the fact that the waste water does not enter the sump, but first in the collector of the sewage system. A similar type of structures is convenient because there is no need to install septic tanks and septic tanks, and in addition, such a connection is quite efficient. The main disadvantage of specialists call frequent no possibility of connecting to central sewage, so such a kind is less popular, than the two methods described above (the distance from the bath to sewage does not often provide the necessary bias).
Drainage well
The use of wells for drainage is expedient for those bathing structures that have small sizes (are intended for several people) and koim are infrequently used. In this case, there is no need to build complex systems, it is enough to equip the withdrawal of the water to the ground using the installation of a drainage well, the depth of which should be calculated, taking into account the degree of fruit of the soil during the winter and exceed the value twice. That is, with a depth of freezing in 70 centimeters, a well is required at least one and a half meters deep. Determine the degree of freezing by the formula dFN \u003d D0 * MT where the value of D0 is a coefficient for different types of soil, and the average value of the sums of negative temperatures determines the MT indicator.
The procedure for holding work on the construction of a drainage well is usually broken into the following steps:
- the pit of the required depth with even walls and the bottom is digging
- the bottom is covered with a layer of clay with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters,
- along the trench leading from the bath to the well, it is necessary to dissolve the clay by forming the gutter of the right shape with a slope towards the flow of used water (the bias is preferably at least three degrees),
- on top of the clay layer, the drainage of rubble or gravel with sand is embanked,
- after that, it is necessary to cover the system with a layer of land and carefully tumped,
- next, work is carried out on the insulation of the waste sewer tube to eliminate the possibility of draining the flow in winter.
Similar sewage in the bath is a fairly good and low-cost solution, the only service that will need to spend from time to time is cleaning and sieving sand and gravel, which will gradually settle pollution.
Types of pipes used to arrange sewage
First of all, the sewage device in the bath will be impossible without using a properly mounted pipeline. There are several types of pipes that are used in sewage facilities:
- cast iron pipes
- steel tubes,
- plastic pipes (sewage variety of polyvinyl chloride pipes, for example, is well suited for these purposes).
Of these varieties, plastic pipes are optimal for the sewage. Cast iron are used often, but due to their significant weight and high cost, sometimes the question of their feasibility is. In addition, the life of the cast iron is 80 years maximum (more often than 20-30 years).
Steel pipes have a rather unpleasant property to quickly rust in such conditions, so now their use as sewer is more due to old habits than practicality. The unconditional leader in this triple are plastic pipes, thanks to which the sewage device in the bath becomes a sacrificent task for any level of budget and construction skills.
Plastic pipes differ primarily by low price and long service life, environmental friendliness and high degree of resistance to aggressive sewage waste. The calculated service life of polyvinyl chloride pipes is 50 years, therefore, with careful and high-quality installation, it is unlikely to take care of the change of the pipeline.
For water drain, the use of a special variety of PVC pipes is recommended: chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. This type of pipes is highly resistant to hot water, it is possible to arrange a flow with a temperature of up to 95 degrees Celsius. Unlike the cast-iron, the estimated time of installation of the sewer system "turnkey" is a difference of 6 times in favor of PVC products. In addition, they are much easier to transport - that will be another advantage towards choosing a finished sewer system consisting of polyvinyl chloride pipes.
Another type of pipes is asbestos. Previously, the material was very popular and sold everywhere, but now he has lost demand due to the appearance of PVC. Despite this, the asbestos pipes are ideal for the sewer arrangement and differ in unlimited service life. Therefore, if there are several pipes from previous repairs, boldly use them for sewage.
Installation of sewage
For various types of sewerage, their installation techniques are used, but all of them are well painted by experts. It is important to remember that the sewage to the bath must first be calculated from the conditions in which it will be operated. It is necessary to produce all counts in advance and carefully calculate the installation scheme. If you highlight actions to arrange drainage type sewage, then the following steps are obtained:
- initially, there is a laying of pipes for sewage from all rooms: washing, steam steers, shower (pipes must have a tilt of 3-5 degrees so that water flows without effort),
- next, proceed to the floor of the flooring, when the construction of which is again used to the side of the waste chute,
- the next step will be the arrangement of the ventilated riser and lattices,
- drainage well digs near the bath,
- after completing the trench filling, the layer of rubble and the well of the earth produce a thorough tamping of the entire surface.
To mount the sewage with a veil, the feature of the soil should be taken into account. If the land is distinguished by a poor degree of absorbity, then it is required first to prepare a pit from waterproof materials. It is important to take into account the fact that in this case it will immediately need to install a water shutter to avoid the appearance of unpleasant sewer smells in the bath. The veil walls must be strengthened using a layer or plates from concrete or for these purposes it is possible to use a flat slate. The size of the pit must be at least 50 centimeters deep into, width and length. After installing all structures, the pipes with a slope to the drain hole are mounted, and then a chute is already installed to remove wastewater beyond the bath.
The foundation under the bath with sewage must be thought out even before the fill began. All the necessary gutters and through holes are prepared in advance. To do this, use pipes of a larger diameter than the sewer stock. The pipe will simultaneously provide a channel, as well as protection against direct impact with concrete, which will increase the service life of any pipe.
Elimination of unpleasant odors in the sewage system
Unpleasant steady smell causes incorrectly mounted sewage under the bath. If you do not take care of the creation of an effective ventilation system and the hydraulic shutter construction system - the pleasure of receiving water procedures will significantly decrease. How to avoid the appearance of third-party odors? It is easy enough - it is necessary to equip a simple system with a siphon system. In fact, it is a curved pipe filled with liquid for separating gas media to avoid their mutual mixing. The siphon will be effective protection, but provided that all features were taken into account when installing it:
- the sewage should be equipped with pipes of the maximum permissible diameter. Do not risk, as the less diameter. Especially the likelihood that the pipe will clog. Recommended the use of pipes with a diameter of 100 millimeters,
- it is necessary to equip ventilation made of pipes, which are then connected to the sewage system to provide permanent air flow.
It is not difficult to equip a good discharge system, it is important to only take into account all the nuances when installing and carefully carry out all stages of work, including draft and preparatory.
Looking well
If the sewage system has a significant extent, it is impossible to do without the arrangement of such an important element as the observation well. It must be mounted on the removal of three meters from the bath and have a diameter of at least a meter. First of all, the well serves to the possibility of visual control over the state of cloghood of the system and cleaning the entire sewage (if necessary).
The well made of brick or wood, the walls must be settled with a solid material. From above the well (the form of which can be some kind of square or round, on personal discretion) should be equipped with a double lid to counteract the friction of the cover during the winter period.