How to build a Siberian bath with your own hands Baths, saunas and pools

If you dream about the perfect summer cottage, then without a bath you can not do. And what could be better than a real Siberian bath built with your own hands? Such a facility will simply eat one dozen years and will delight you and your guests. We will tell you a reliable Siberian bath with your own hands in this article.
Ban escape permission
Before proceeding with any construction on its site, it is necessary to acquire the appropriate permit. The bathroom belongs to the auxiliary construction objects and does not require much permission. However, after the construction of the bath, you will certainly have to go through state registration in BTI.
Documents for registration:
- passport;
- document on land ownership;
- not necessarily, but does not prevent the consent of the neighbors in writing.
Location bath
To determine the optimal place for building a bath, you should be guided by several rules:
- the bath must be in some removal from buildings (at least 10 meters);
- if the neighbors do not mind, the bath can stand in 2.5 m and more from the neighboring site (in this case, written consent is necessary);
- the bath must be at a distance of at least 20 m from any sources of water supply (well, well);
- with the possibility of building a bath on an elevation, which will avoid spending the construction of drainage;
- the entrance to the bath must be located on the south side, and the windows leave to the West. In winter, the south side is always smaller than snow, and it fastest melts in spring. If the windows come to the West, then during evening cleaning there will be natural lighting in the bath.
Project Bani.
The next step will be the creation of a detailed project of the bath, taking into account all proportions, sizes and layouts. Standard bath for two or three people can be 4x4 meters and include a steam room, a wad compartment and a pre-banker.
Bath, like any construction consists of the main parts - the foundation, log house, roof, floor and ceiling. For each of these parts, it is desirable to make a detailed plan that will take into account the quadrature and expenditures of building materials.
Also at this stage it is necessary to consider ways of insulation, waterproofing, internal and exterior wall decoration.
Installation of the furnace in the bath is the most important task. If you build a furnace yourself, depict a detailed scheme.
Building materials
Today, the market is replete with various building materials, from which you can build a first-class modern bath. But in our case, high-quality "classic" materials are necessary for the construction of a real Siberian bath with their own hands, which means that it is necessary to work with a tree.
The ideal option is the bath from the Siberian cedar. This is an exceptionally durable and beautiful tree that exudes the unique resinous fragrance. Cedar has unique healing qualities, so it will be not only pleasant to bathe in such a bathhouse, but also incredibly useful.
If it is not possible to build a cedar bath, use a log or bar. The glued bar today is a very popular building material. It is distinguished by incredible strength, moisture resistance, is able to withstand temperature differences and is protected from the effects of parasites (fungus, mice, insects). The bath from such a bar will have no less than a century!
Bani construction
To build the foundation you will need:
- cement;
- crushed stone;
- sand.
Material consumption will depend on the type of foundation for your bath.
There are two main types of foundations:
- tape;
- columnar.
To find out what type of foundation is suitable, check with the following factors:
- The nature of the soil on the plot is if the land is a forest or marsh, which means it is better to build a ribbon foundation. If there is sand, gravel or clay in the ground, build a column foundation.
- Building materials used - if the bath will be built from piece-generated materials (bricks, blocks), then the belt type is suitable.
In our case, for the wooden bath, the optimal solution will be the construction of a column foundation. About how to build it correctly, you can find out in the article " The foundation for a bath from a bar do it yourself».
For the floor it is best to use boards with a thickness of 50 mm. To make a calculation and find out how many boards are necessary for the square of your bath, take a 4 meter long board with a white width of 150 mm and a thickness of 50 mm.
One board will cover 0.03 cubic meters of floor.
If your bath width is 3.7 m, then for the arrangement in it, you will need 25 such boards.
Read more about the construction of the floor for the bath you can read in the article " Paul in Ban: Types, Design, Features».
The calculation of feed materials should be carried out by analogy with the floor.
There are three varieties of ceiling plates for the bath:
- panel;
- stitched;
- grazing.
Panel ceiling is the most economical option. For its construction, you can use the remnants of building materials, but it is difficult to cope with it alone. Panel weight is quite large, so for construction it is necessary to attract additional assistance. The principle of creating panels is simple - boards are attached at the same distance from each other, the insulation and waterproofing is placed between them, after which everything closes the panel.
Stewed ceiling - a durable and simple option to arrange the ceiling in the bath. Method of creation - on long beams across it is stacked and the lining is sketched, an insulation is placed on top, which is closed by boards from an attic side.
The floor ceiling will be the optimal solution for a small bathhouse with a span no more than 2.5 meters. Long boards are very tight to each other, waterproofing, thermal insulation, then it is sprinkled with peat, is covered with slate and carefully nailed to beams with nails or brackets.
The oven is the heart and soul of any bath. As you know, Russian baths are divided into two types: in white and black. And on the nature of your bath there will be a variety of stoves.
The bath in black is a simpler and natural structure where smoke passing between the stones is accumulated inside the steam room and goes through a special opening in the wall or in the ceiling. The peculiarity of this type of bath is that it is very quickly heated and the heat holds for a long time, it means you can save on firewood. Minus (although how to see) - black soot is formed on the entire inner surface. Hence the name "in black".
Bath in white "fries" only when the liquid splashes on the stones. All smoke goes through the pipe. For the stove of bricks, a special arch with a pipe is built, which goes into the ceiling and comes on fresh air through the roof.
How to install the stove for the bath in the article " Installation of a bath furnace with your own hands. detailed instructions»
Interior decoration
For interior finishes, any fire-resistant natural materials are suitable. The optimal option is all the favorite lining. Cheap, natural and neat. The lining is put on the mineral insulation and a layer of heat insulating foil. So that the lining does not fit the foil close to the foil, it is installed on a fragment from the bar. The air layer should be necessarily the quality of thermal insulation depends.
The lining will certainly cover with an antiseptic, otherwise it can very quickly spoil the fungus from moisture.
It is extremely useful to use for interior decoration healing varieties of wood - cedar, lime, Abashi. You can also combine deciduous and coniferous rocks to extract maximum benefits from staying in such a bath.
Helpful advice: Fix the lining with a secret way, since high-temperature nails can be very injured.
Bath benches must be made exclusively from wood. But for this you can use not all the breeds. The best and durable shops are obtained from hardwood - classic oak and aspen, light birch, fragrant maple and lime shops. Why precisely deciduous breeds? Such wood does not highlight the resin, it is easy to wash, it smells pleasant and perfectly withstands harsh operating conditions.
Types of shops for baths:
- stepped;
- bunk;
- simple no backrest;
- benches;
- stools.
In addition to the benches, you can build a small table to which oil, towel and other bath accessories can be put.
Helpful advice: In no case do not handle the benches with any chemicals (paint, varnish, etc.). In extreme cases, they can be slightly treated with a verse. Otherwise, high temperatures and skin contact can provoke unpleasant consequences (allergies, burns, etc.).
You can also equip your bath with special hangers for crap and oak bunches.