Acrylic-based paint: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages paints and varnishes

Acrylic paints appeared for quite a long time, but the true popularity was acquired only in the past few years. This became possible due to the considerable amount of significant advantages that the mixture data possess. Through this type of paints, you can realize the most original ideas in terms of finishing the premises. Similar mixtures, depending on the method of their breeding, make it possible to obtain different finishing materials according to the characteristics. It is impossible to say exactly what acrylic paint is better. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. We will describe more about this form of finishing mixtures further.
Characteristics of acrylic products
Today, acrylic-based paints are mainly used to conduct finishing works and decoration. There are mixtures produced for painting wooden, plastic, brick and concrete surfaces, as well as for painting plastered walls.
Components in such mixtures are several. However, the most important among them is the binder. It is a special dispersion based on polymer and acrylic resins. These ingredients affect the technological properties of paint, wear resistance and on the quality of the clutch with the working surface. Directly acrylic resins are a polymer that goes to the manufacture of acrylic mixtures. The qualitative characteristics of the acrylic resins used directly affect the quality of the acrylic paint itself.
Another component of the mixture on an acrylic basis is a pigment, which is a dry crushed powder. After adding to the paint, it does not dissolve, but is in the "muted" state. Thanks to the pigment, acrylic paint for the ceiling acquires a certain shade and opacity. These ingredients can be natural, synthetic, as well as inorganic and organic. An interesting property - their qualitative characteristics are absolutely independent of the type of work surface, for the color of which the acrylic mixture is intended.
Another equally important component of acrylic paints is a solvent. It can be both ordinary water and a special organic solution. Its main task is to reduce the viscosity of paint.
Also as part of such mixtures, there is a filler. It is larger particles than pigments. They are added to improve the quality of paint clutch with a working surface. In addition, they allow you to strengthen the colorful film, and also retain the binder property of the mixture and give the mattness of the painted surface.
Finally, any acrylic paint has such auxiliary components as additives. They are mainly used to change the properties of liquid paint or a film that is formed shortly after the mixture is applied to the surface.
Acrylic paint buy today is not a problem. A homogeneous consistency of the solution is achieved due to the fact that small pigment particles and binding mass are evenly distributed in a certain amount of water. Consequently, water is the basis of this paint. For this reason, the acrylic mixture will not dry, you can safely dilute with water. After the paint is applied to the work surface, water will naturally evaporate. As a result, only polymers will remain, which form a durable, but at the same time a rather elastic film with good adhesion. At the same time, as already mentioned, the mixture can not be washed with ordinary water. Moreover, the weight of acrylic paint on its high-quality characteristics does not affect anyone.
A varieties of acrylic paint
Acrylic water dispersion mixture
The main components of this variant of mixtures are polymer acrylic emulsion, color pigment and water. The copolymers existing in its composition allow you to form a pretty resistant film after staining. It has a lot of advantages. In particular, he dries quickly, well covers the surface, due to which the paint does not fade in the sun. Moreover, the brightness of such a finishing mixture has not changed over time. In addition, due to this film, the painted surface acquires high wear resistance and can easily withstand high temperatures. Also, after processing such paint on the surface, cracks and chips are rarely formed.
Water-emulsion acrylic mixture
This variant of the mixture is usually used for internal work. On a bank, such paint usually always has an instruction on applying from the manufacturer. What kind of mixture to purchase depends on the type of surface: walls, ceiling or gender. This is one of the most popular paints on an acrylic basis. The price of such products is quite acceptable.
Acrylic paints for painting
Acrylic facade paints can be applied in almost any weather. This property is useful for painting surfaces outside the building and painting walls. To create truly original drawings, paints on an acrylic basis are used, as well as more thick acrylic embossed pastes on consistency. In general, such compositions are widely used in the pastoral painting technique. Special solvents are used to carry out such work. Today they are manufactured not only by manufacturers themselves, but also by other firms. In this case, the water to dilute the acrylic mixture is not suitable.
Stages of staining of the walls of acrylic paint
When painting surfaces, a mixture on an acrylic basis must be remembered by several rules:
- So, to dilute and stirring the composition you should use a separate container.
- After painting, the bank needs to close tightly and be sure to clean her edges from paint. In addition, it is necessary to wash carefully tools that were involved for work.
- If the paint in the container dried on top, then it is better to paint with a mixture from another bank.
- It is worth saying that at least an acrylic paint is allowed to be applied to a wet surface, but still it is better to wait until it gets up.
- In addition, it is not necessary to carry out staining with strong winds, drafts or low temperatures.
Painting the wall acrylic mixture is simple enough. At first it is diluted, after which it is abundantly applied to the desired surface. In some cases, the paste-like acrylic paint is used. For this, special thickeners are applied. As for drying time, the paint acrylic dries about 0.5 hours.
The mixing of the mixture occurs due to the fact that water evaporates from the applied layer. Having lost moisture, a rather elastic film is formed, which is much stronger than the surface covered with oil paint. It is also important that this acrylic film does not crumble, does not crack, it does not exfoliate. Similar properties have acrylic paints for wood.
As already mentioned, the mixture on an acrylic basis dryly dry out. And the thinner layer, the process is happening faster. If the layers are more dense, then for their drying it takes several minutes. When the mixture is finally driving, it will not be possible to wash off with water. In addition, it is hardly scraped by sandpaper. Separately, it is worth mentioning acrylic Russian paints, the qualitative characteristics of which are quite high. Among consumers are very popular. Such paint is sold not only in banks, but also in tubes. In the latter case, the mixture is similar to consistency on the cream. It is used both for coloring and for decoration of surfaces. The material in liquid form is mainly used when it is required to paint large surfaces.
When painting work will be completed, the bank must be closed tightly with a lid and clean it from paint residues. It is worth saying that acrylic itself is a good adhesive substance. The connection of pigment particles is achieved due to the fact that they are in a liquid plastic mass, which, after drying, becomes colorless. In this case, the density of acrylic paint is quite high. In addition, acrylic itself is quite soluble with water. Therefore, water is successfully used both to dilute the acrylic mixture and for cleaning the brushes after painting. However, it is worth noting that as soon as the acrylic is dry, it will be impossible to dissolve it. It is due to this that such mixes can be used for painting walls in rooms with high humidity.
It must also be said that quite a few manufacturers of finishing mixtures on an acrylic basis produce diluents for their products that give the paint for or other useful properties. Most often there are matte and glossy diluents. The first of them allow you to obtain a matte coating after drying, thanks to the second, the painted surface acquires an attractive gloss and pearl.
Stop your attention on some shortcomings of this kind of paint. So, for example, it is known that if the brush after acrylic paint is not thoroughly rinsed, they will soon be ruined.
Features of applying acrylic products for plaster
If you need to apply paint to smooth plaster, it should be pre-predetermined, which will remove all unwanted defects and flaws. For this, you can, for example, take a wooden bar and wrap it with sandpaper. In addition, there are special grinding tools that greatly simplify work. Anyway, the surface should be aligned so that there is no choice and chipping. If the paint is applied to texture plaster, then you can do without alignment.
Next, over the perimeter of the surface, the painted surface must be paved. It will help to avoid getting paints on the adjacent surfaces, where it was not planned to paint.
Different rollers are used for painting. Small surface drops can be filled, if you wear an eye with a long pile on a roller. When you want to apply another shade over the convex surfaces, the roller is put on the roller with a short pile. If desired, brushes and other tools are also used. When painting, the roller requires special trays, with which you can adjust the number of paints applied to the tool. Thus, the consumption of acrylic paint is regulated.
When performing a smooth painting, the roller needs to move in only one direction. If any other technique is used, strokes are performed in other directions.
Acrylic paint: photo