Features of the stylistics of the decorative pond Plot.

Beautiful lawn, garden at home surprised at home. But a beautiful decorative pond in the country will look very original. Many dackets consider the arrangement of the pond with expensive pleasure, but to make it with their own hands quite real and large material costs if desired, it will not be necessary.
The decorative pond is an amazing world in which the fish and insects are inhabited, plants grow. Watching a small world - a huge pleasure.
Types of artificial reservoirs
Ponds are divided into two types:
- Decorative.
- Swimming (not swimming pool).
They differ in size and form.
In the form of a pond, there are natural, as close as possible to natural water bodies, geometric - have a certain form, for example, a square, circle, straight or triangle.
Ponds are classified according to the structures and materials used. The simplest and affordable are decorative ponds from ready-made forms. In construction stores provided a wide range of forms for water bodies from plastic, polyethylene, fiberglass. Of the disadvantages, there is a small amount and bowls and a standard size. For beginner gardeners, ready-made bowls will be perfect for creating an artificial pond.
Film reservoirs will be more expensive by price, like concrete bowls, which are distinguished by a large variety of forms.
Choosing a place to arrange a decorative pond
For the pond harmoniously looked, you need to choose the right place. Consider the basic rules:
- Poss the open pond on a well-lit sunnyworth.
- The locality should be open.
- It is undesirable to decay with a reservoir near the trees, because the leaves will constantly turn, and the base of the pond can damage the root system of trees. If there is not enough space, it is possible to equip the pond near the trees, but at a distance of no more than three meters.
- It is impossible to equip the pond next to both communications located right underground.
- It is not necessary to try to create a pond where the floodness and groundwater level is high.
If your cottage plot is small in size, the decorative garden pond is located closer to the house. So you can enjoy a beautiful view from the window, but in fact it will be much easier to equip the pond and bring electricity from the house. It will be convenient for the track next to the pond, so that during construction it is easy to move and move the building materials, and during the operation of the pond - it is convenient to walk around.
It is necessary to place a pond in such a place so that it warms up the sunshine to lunch, it is also undesirable to arrange a pond near the trees, in the shade. Choosing a place for the reservoir, you need to equip it in such a place where there will be no drafts and winds.
Sizes and form
Deciding with a place for a reservoir, you need to have a clear suppression of its purpose. If the pond is equipped for fish, its size should be at least two or a half meters and a depth of about one and a half meters.
For breeding goldfish or other types of the same sizes, the volume can be different, and the depths will be enough about half a meter. If there is no purpose to equip the pond for fish, it can be performed in any small capacity. But it should also be borne in mind that mosquitoes may start in the water.
Based on what plants will grow into a pond, its depth should be different. For medium growth plants, about 30-40 centimeters are enough, for water lines and other large plants near the meter. Cantry is enough ten centimeters.
In the form of a pond in the country can have any kind: to be round, square, to have the shape of a rhombus, oval and irregular shape. The size and form depends on how much there is space on the household plot. The main rule is that he harmonize with the surrounding landscape.
The most common and frequent form of the pond is oval and round. They resemble natural lake in shape.
If classic style is set as out on your site, then the pond must support and supplement the site and have the right form. Often it is the pond is a central place on the site. The side of the pool can be made high to eliminate the likelihood of falling into the water. You can install a metal fence.
The easiest and most affordable option will be the construction of a pond with the help of a finished form. Inexpensive shapes stamp with a vacuum method. They will serve for a long time, they are not afraid of sunlight, but at the edges such a form can take a crack over time. They are made of plastic medium stiffness.
Fiberglass shape will serve longer, but it will cost more. This form will last long time (about 20 years). But fiberglass forms for water bodies have a not a large selection of forms and sizes.
Pond from sheet propylene is considered universal, as it is possible to build any size and give a pond desired. The disadvantage of this material is the presence of welding seams, which can be performed by a special tool.
Insulating coating is flexible, practical and affordable for everyone. By type, the waterproofing coating is divided:
- Polyethylene film. She is short-lived, the maximum is enough for two to three seasons. Available at a price. It is advisable to use a film to 200 μm, having protection against ultraviolet. It is necessary under the film layer to lay a seal that protects the film from contact with stones.
- Film having low pressure. It is resistant to ultraviolet rays, has a long service life - about five years. It is also necessary to put a tight seal under the film. Inexpensive at the price.
- Polyvinyl chloride film. Lifetime for about 20 years. It has a fairly high price, about 3-4 dollars per square meter. Under it you need to lay a geotextile canvas or other material that will keep the film from breaks.
- Film butyl rubber. It is made of rubber waste. Such a film will serve for a very long time - about 50 years! It is considered the most durable and reliable material. It has a high price, about 5-7 dollars per square meter. Easy to connect each other. Even kits for repair, with which you can eliminate small gaps. Flexible film, bakery, withstands a large temperature difference, from minus 50 to plus 50 degrees. In order for the decorative pond with their own hands for a long time and was high quality, it is necessary to install a bio filter, which can cope with the purification of the reservoir. Such a biofilter has a high price, but it can be made with your own hands. To do this, take a plastic bucket, drill holes, close them with a grid, to lay gravel or other material having a porous structure. A filter is installed, and from above - any pot with a plant.
Creation of a pond
First of all, you need to have an accurate project, according to which there is an outline of the future pond with the help of a rope or hose. Drop the pit and edges of the reservoir level. Must get a pit, in which the scene of the pond is already guessed.
Necessary materials:
- Shovel.
- Film or finished tank.
- Two pipes.
- Sand.
- Geotextile or other gasket material.
- Valve.
Naturally, to get the desired result, you need to understand that in one day the pond is impossible in the country.
If the soil on the summer area is loose, the walls of the reservoir should be slightly tilted. If clay - walls must be vertical. For plants, small ledges are needed.
- We put the film. After the pit is prepared, you need to put the film, but it is necessary to put something soft under it. The lining will serve as protection against sharp pebbles and other large particles in the soil. Under the lining you need to pour sand, layer in 5-7 centimeters. If there is no possibility to purchase a geotextile lining, it can be replaced with something else, for example, by a mining or an old carpet of synthetics. And only after that you can lay a polyethylene film.
- Water. After laying the film, you can pour the future pond with water. In the process of filling with water pond, with laid layers of film and geomembrane, should take the desired form. It is necessary to pour water slowly, given the fact that it may be necessary to fix something, so one edge of the film is fixed (you can apply stones), and the second layer should be left free so that the film is gradually lowered under the severity of the water. If the film is laid correctly and there is no savory, it will not crawl. As the water is filled, it is necessary to paint the folds of the film.
- Film consolidation. It can be fixed with the board or equip the embankment from granite. On the perimeter of the pond, you need to make a groove with a shovel, the width and depth should be the size of the shovel and the stones are laid out into it. The top layer of stones is poured with concrete mortar and laid out with a beautiful pattern of small pebbles.
- After the border is built, you need to cut off the protruding part of the film and can be planted around the perimeter of the plant.
The secret of creating pure reservoir
So that the water in the pond, created by their own hands, was always clean, you need to make a flow water. For this, pipes are laid - one under the wastewater, the second - under the flow. Database for wastewater should be lower than the level of the pond. In this case, the water will not be stated and will always remain clean.
Second option to arrange a pond
If it is assumed to create a pond in the country not by film, a good alternative will be the finished concrete container. Such a construction of a pond involves great labor costs. Starting the construction is needed from the markup, then the top layer of the Earth is removed and the cup of the required size is pulled out. The edges of the pit must be inclined, the concrete bowl is inserted into it. If plants are planted in a rustic pond, in the bottom of the concrete bowl, you need to make holes in advance that are filled with chernozem.
Pond "Kalosh"
The principle of installation of the capacity is the same as the concrete bowl. The difference between "Calosh" in the material, the bowl is made of black plastic, on the form of resembling rubber shoes.
For the construction of the pond, it is necessary to prepare the pitual, acquire a water reservoir of the desired form and size.
For marking, you need to take a "calosh" and turn it over, put on the ground and lay along the perimeter of the rail. The distance between them should be about half a meter. So you can outline the outline of the future reservoir.
The rubber bowl must be installed only horizontally and fill in gradually water. The formed gaps fall asleep with sand.
So that the pond looked harmoniously, it is necessary to arrange a decorative pond. For the design of the pond, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility. To do this, you can use ceramic tiles, stone, pebbles, marble and even a tree. It is very important to correctly consolidate the coast so that it looks harmoniously, it can be done using a concrete solution. You need to hide all pump hoses in advance under stone or tile.
After strengthening the shore, you need to equip the bottom of the pond. Prepared washed sand and small stone to put on the day, plants can be found as planted and install in pots. You can arrange floral flower beds around the reservoir, plant beautiful plants.
If it is planned to be used by water as a decorative aqueous mirror, you can bring aquarium fish, turtles. Upon the bottom of the artificial pond, lay a backlight or install flashlights running from batteries. Beautifully looking at the evening floating lights. Examples of a decorative pond can be visible to look at the photo.
Decor Prud
After complete arrangement of the reservoir, several days should pass and only then you can land plants, that is, to decorate our pond.
Special attention is paid to the gardening of the pond. Plants are chosen by coastal, which grow well and come out in any conditions. Floating plants (ore) disembarkly, they grow up and completely fill the water mirror of the pond.
All plants must be moisture, so that they successfully grow in a home pond.
It is necessary to approach the choice of plants. You need to choose plants with a closed root system, for example, small chickens and other unpretentious plants.
Decorative Pond Care
For the pond always pleased and brought aesthetic pleasure, you need to care for him. It is advisable to have a special vacuum cleaner that will collect garbage from the bottom of the pond.
In order for the leaves, they did not fall into the water in the autumn period, when the leaves appear, the pond can be closed with shallow mesh.
For fish, it is necessary to filter water, so you need to purchase a special filter.
So that the water does not change the color and not green, the pond needs to be cleaned. This function copes such plants as a shock, element and a rogol.
If pitchers and other plants with large leaves took place in the pond, they will shade the water and it will not overheat.
The decorative pond, created by their own hands, will delight the owners, and guests for many years, with the case of proper arrangement and care for it.