Solar panels for home - selection features Building materials

If you are interested in modern technology heating at home, it's time to get acquainted with one of the significant achievements of science - solar panels. As we know, the energy of the Sun is an inexhaustible source. So why not take advantage of this and do not apply it for good.
The heating of the country house is the cheapest pleasure. To consumers who use electricity to heating at home, have to pay large amounts of accounts. But you can go to alternative heating and heat your housing with solar battery.
What represents solar Battery for Home
The battery that works on the energy of the Sun is a device that recharges from light energy. Solar panels are an old invention. Remember how in Russia at the end of the nineties, calculators operating from solar cells were available on sale? And this is not the only example of using the energy of nature.
And if you plunge into the world of science a little, it turns out that foreign colleagues scientists have long begun to use the energy of the sun for the benefit of humanity.
One of these successful experiments is using the solar battery system on the roof of the house we will look at.
Advantages and disadvantages of solar panels
Solar panels for lighting and heating at home have such advantages:
- You can live in warm as much as necessary.
- The ability to independently regulate the temperature in the room.
- You will not depend on the communal service, because paying bills for centralized heating do not have to.
- The ability to have your own stock of solar energy, which can be spent on lighting and other household needs.
- Solar batteries have a long service life, so you will not have problems with the maintenance and repair of the batteries.
- Solar plates can work under different climatic conditions, they are not terrible wind, rain and snow.
Of the shortcomings of solar panels for home heating, such:
- in winter, it can effectively work only in the first half of the day while the sun shines;
- battery designs are difficult to produce;
- have a very high cost;
- efficiency ratio is low.
Nuances of solar panels
But, in addition to the advantages, the system of solar houses for the home has the features with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves.
- Immediately it is worth paying attention to what region you live in. If the number of sunny days is small, then the use of solar cells may not be as effective as for people living closer to the equator.
- Solar panels have a high cost. To warm the small house, you will need a battery area from fifteen to twenty square meters, provided that one square meter gives one hundred twenty watts of energy. It turns out that the family of three or four people need to install five or more elements.
- The main condition for installing solar batteries is the following: items must be mounted only on the other side of the house where the sun shines most, that is, on the south side of the roof. The area of \u200b\u200bthe roof should be at least forty square meters. If less, then it's not worth talking about the efficient production of heat.
- To receive five hundred kilowatt per month, you must have at least twenty sunny days.
- To purchase powerful solar panels (about seven kilowatts) and provide its family with warmth, it is necessary to spend a decent amount. One solar panel for the house has the price of about two hundred thousand rubles. Costs will pay off after the first year of use.
- Installation power is enough to provide a warm home of the middle size.
- For efficient operation of solar cells, it is necessary that the angle of inclination of the roof amounted to forty-five degrees. And close to the roof there should be no high trees and buildings that create a shadow.
- The roof rafters system must be doubled so that the weight of the battery does not damage the roof. In addition, a large amount of snow accumulates on the roof in winter, so the roof load increases.
Solar panels are popular in many countries. Of course, the most effectively batteries work in the summer, but the heating at this time of the year we have nothing to do. Therefore, in winter it was warm, it is necessary to set a sufficient amount of solar panels for the house.
Attention! If you planned to install solar panels for heating and lighting a new home, it is desirable to take care of it in advance before it is construction.
Types of solar panels and their features
The varieties of batteries are not so much:
- Solar panels on photocells.
- Thinkest batteries on a silicon film with photocoltors.
- Monocrystalline and polycrystalline batteries.
When using the first variant, it is possible to supply the elements with a current from a heating device or an electric boiler. The second option of solar cells provides for water heating with solar energy, which then comes through the pipes. Each of the heating systems from solar energy differs from each other and has drawbacks and advantages.
Solar panels on photocells
Solar panels for home heating are two types: large and small. Small photoelectric systems make it possible to provide energy to the lighting room and the maximum of the TV. Such batteries give tension from twelve to twenty-four volts.
Large photo cells will provide electricity and heating a small house.
This battery includes:
- solar vacuum collector;
- controller (device that allows you to track system operation);
- pump (delivers heat from the collector to the accumulative Baku);
- capacity for hot water (volume from five hundred to a thousand liters);
- heat pump.
If you equip the house with high power solar batteries, this will allow you not only to get warm and electricity, but also to use hot water, as well as equip the Warm Paul system.
Before deciding with the number of heating collectors, it is necessary to calculate solar panels for the house. You should consider the number of people living in the house, the area of \u200b\u200bthe house and the consumption of energy consumption. So, a family of three can spend energy to household appliances from two hundred to five hundred kilowatt per month. To this figure it is necessary to add consumption of electricity to heating water. But it is best to calculate the amount of energy required, based on the accounting of one square meter of the battery area per person.
Powerful collectors running from solar energy are capable of providing seven as heating and hot water. But it should be borne in mind that in winter the solar panels may not cope with the tasks. Therefore, it is desirable not to abandon completely from other types of heating.
Toncloth solar batteries
Such collectors are externally similar to solar batteries, but their difference is that they have thin-film plates capable of capturing both straight sunlight and multiple light.
The vacuum model of the collector allows you to have hot water throughout the winter, even when cloudy on the street. This happens due to a vacuum that retains heat.
When buying a vacuum collector, it is necessary to determine the water heating method. There are two models of solar cells for the heating of the house in winter, providing direct or indirect heating. In the first case, we can talk about the seasonal use of energy, because the cumulative tank is located inside the collector housing and it is impossible to use it in the frost. In the second case, when indirect heating, you can equip the heating system on the collective batteries of the all-season type. The system will always work, because the tank is located inside the house, and the energy from the solar battery is transmitted through non-freezing carrier.
Monocrystalline and polycrystalline batteries
The first is often called silicon. Such batteries are considered effective. Due to the fact that elements of a small size, they will occupy a smaller room on the roof. Have a high cost, but if you choose the price and quality ratio, you should buy solar monocrystalline batteries for the house.
Polycrystalline batteries are made of silicon in the form of cells. They are considered effective batteries, are popular. Thanks to the improved production technology, this type of batteries approached as much as possible to the quality of single-crystal panels, and has the same parameters and indicators of productivity.
Solar Panel Manufacturers
Recently, solar cell production has increased in Russia. In Moscow, Krasnodar and Ryazan there are large manufacturing industries on the assembly, which produce solar panels for high power heating. Most of the products are exported, but enterprises do not develop, because China, USA, Germany and Japan have become powerful competitors for the production of batteries.
According to buyers who leave positive feedback on the work of solar panels for the house, popular models that have an affordable price are made of polycrystalline silicon made by Germany and the USA.
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