Sewer pipes. Features of choice Plumbing

The availability of communications in a country house greatly facilitates accommodation and provides comfort. But besides the fact that the sewer system must be properly installed and operated, initially, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of sewage pipes, which will further depend on the correct functioning of the entire system.
Criterias of choice
The choice of materials initially depends on many parameters, among which the mains are allocated:
- the material from which the sewer elements was made;
- diameter of elements;
- lifetime;
- size of the sewer pipe;
- resistance to mechanical damage;
- resistance to sharp temperature differences;
- resistance to the effect of aggressive substances;
- price.
Important! In addition, it is necessary to create a project project in advance and correctly define the slope of sewer pipes to eliminate the rapid clogging of the structure, but to ensure the stable and efficient waste of wastewater.
Requirements for external sewer pipes
Of all, it is worth noting several nuances relating to the technical requirements regarding the external laying of sewer pipes, namely:
- pipes intended for registration of the outer sewer line should have a good resistance indicator to statistical and dynamic effects;
- under the pressure of the soil, the pipe should not succumb to the deformation process;
- exterior sewer pipes should easily withstand the load of vehicles and pedestrians passing on the surface;
- during operation, a displacement in the joint nodes should not occur, which can lead to the depressurization of the structure due to changes in the level of groundwater.
What materials to choose pipes?
Today, the sewage material market is represented by the widest assortment from leading suppliers. To buy sewer pipes suitable for your design, initially read the possible materials of their manufacture, the advantages of disadvantages.
Important! To be able to determine the type of pipe according to its external characteristics, consider the photo of sewer tubes of different types.
Depending on the material, sewage products distinguish:
- Cast iron sewer pipes are considered to be a classic option. Such elements are strong enough, massive, long-term. As internal sewage elements, they are used less often, but they are ideal for laying into the ground due to their strength.
- Sewer polypropylene pipes are valued due to their heat resistance. For example, some manufacturers produce pipes that can be used to descend the water to + 95 ° and they are used for the internal sewer.
Important! Often the temperature at which the installation of polypropylene pipes is allowed is limited by the + 5 ° indicator, but in the manufacture of some pipes, low-temperature plasticizers are used, which allows them to be installed at -10 ° C.
- Polyethylene sewer pipes are sufficiently plastic than the resistance to bending is explained, which is not withstanding plastic sewer pipes. Such material is used to mount the sewage of large diameters.
- Pipes from reinforced concrete are used to arrange sewerage in apartment buildings and collectors. They differ in a huge weight and wall thickness, thus the minimum diameter of the reinforced concrete structure is 400 mm.
- Polyvinyl chloride pipes are characteristic of low-temperature resistance, but at the same time the highest temperature indicator of water should not exceed + 60 °. They are used to create outdoor sewer systems. The price of plastic sewer pipes is sufficiently acceptable, so it is precisely it is often preferred.
Important! Based on these features of each species, certain conclusions can be made regarding the compliance of the material and the target application. So, PP products will become an excellent option for registration of the inner line. When laying outdoor networks, as well as to arrange risers and underground sections of the system, preference give PVHNP, cast iron or PVC. Separately, we note that such a kind of corrugated sewer pipes are characterized by a high indicator of stability to loads and compression due to the presence of corrugations on the outer sheath, therefore are more durable than standard products.
Standards of sewer pipe diameters
At each site of the sewer system, pipes of a certain diameter are used to ensure the correct functioning of the entire system as a whole. Given this, there are some standards:
- For setting the risers, pipes are used by a cross section of 100-110 mm.
- In the interval from the plumbing equipment to the riser, the pipes are installed with a diameter of 50-100 mm.
- If the basement assumes the installation of complex sewage with a plurality of butt compounds, then in this case, more rational to purchase elements with a cross section of 110-150 mm.
- Sewage pipes internal, participating in the reception and transfer of waste to the central sewer network, a cesspool or septic, must have a cross-section larger than the size of the latter coming out of the house, pipes.
Popular Sizes in Private Construction
There are many variants of diameters and sewage pipes, but we note the most used in private construction:
- 50 mm. Pipes with minimal section are used exclusively for the arrangement of the inside of the sewer system. With the help of such pipes, drainages from washbasins, bidets, shower rooms, bathtubs and kitchens are removed.
- 110 mm. The most chassis is taken to be the pipe sewer that is such a cross section. With it, they make an internal wiring in private houses in places of connection toilet bowls or several drains are combined. It is also used for the design of risers and through-output through the monolithic floor in the cottages.
- 160 mm. Such a pipe is equipped with risers in high-rise buildings as a horizontal branch connecting several risers. Sometimes it is used when laying releases on the well. When the sewage arrangement in the private sector, the pipe is 160 mm applies as a collector into several private buildings.
Important! The sewage bandwidth will significantly increase in proportion to the square of the pipe cross section in the case of ignoring the hydrodynamic resistance. For example, after 160, the millimeter pipe will be held more than 2.12 times the drains, rather than in 110 are a millimeter tube.
- 250-400 mm. Pipes with a section from 250 to 400 mm are placed on the outer section of the sewer system connecting the well and the release of the general manifold. In private construction, this type of pipe is not used due to high cost.
Important! The price policy on the sewer pipe is arranged in such a way that with an increase in the size of the diameter, the cost of the material is growing, and the price is significantly ahead of the cross section.
- 600 mm. 600 mm pipes equip the drains and collectors at large enterprises. Frequently often they are also equipped with a storm sewer system.
Important! During the construction of multi-storey houses, through the laid outdoor structures allow water until the moment of falling asleep their land. These actions are performed in order to verify the proper functioning of the system, in order to further protect the soil and groundwater from pollution.
What is the maximum diameter of sewer pipes?
As mentioned earlier, the details for the sewer system are of different sizes. The biggest instances:
- Polyethylene corrugated sewer tube having a sectional view of 1200 mm. The thickness of the walls of such pipes with ease allows them to be connected not only to the couplings, but also by welding the jack.
- The reinforced concrete sewer tube is considered an absolute winner - the diameter of it reaches 2400 mm.
Popular manufacturers
In order for the installed sewage system to function correctly and without interruptions, when buying a material, give preference to the more well-known, and the long-time you have proven from the best side, manufacturers. To the number of suppliers producing high-quality pipes relate:
- Ostendorf (Germany). Produces high-quality pipes from mineralized polypropylene, which are able to absorb noise. They are distinguished by the presence of a centimeter scale and the light weight of the elements, which significantly facilitates the installation process. The main purpose of these pipes is the arrangement of internal sewage sites, and the service life of products reaches 100 years.
- Brand Raupiano (Rehau). Produces noise-absorbing pipes intended for non-residential and residential buildings. The base of the pipes is made of three layers of polymer. A distinctive feature of the inner layer is the resistance to corrosive processes, the average - reinforced with mineral substances, and the outer layer is resistant to vibrations and shocks. The service life of Rehau products is over 50 years.
- Sewage pipes Pragma. Equipped with double walls made of polypropylene. The outer corrugated side has an orange color, and the inner side is white. The length of the elements is 6m, which are often used in the storm sewer system and in the samotane outer sewage.
- Corrugated sewer double-layer Corsis pipes. It is made of polypropylene, observing Italian technology of POLIECO. The main place of use is the household and storm sewage, as well as they are depicted at a great depth, where they can not do without ring rigidity.
Review an interesting video review from specialists with additional recommendations for selection of sewer pipes for internal and outdoor wiring.
Owning the above information, you can easily choose the sewer pipes correctly, based on the location features of the site and installation. Making a purchase, give preference to proven manufacturers so that the forces spent, time and financial resources were not spent in vain, and the building sewer system uninterruptedly served as long as possible.