Woodworking Foundation with your own hands Construction,Building materials

In recent years, the pile-painting foundation in the construction of private houses and other structures is becoming increasingly. As practice shows, the design allows you to significantly save on building materials, but still get a value worthy of quality.
It should not be noted that in some cases, in addition to the pile-scribed foundation, no reason to use any reason. We are talking about problematic soils and other situations, within which the usual monolithic grounds are simply dangerous.
In this article, we will consider how you can build a pile-painting foundation with your own hands.
Wall-and-Stand Foundation / Application Foundation
- Most often, this foundation is used in soils that have deep freezability, as well as on soils with frosty beam. With such situations, piles should be located below the drainage depth, which will ensure high supporting ability, as well as the durability of the base. If everything is done correctly, this method of installing pile will not allow the soil to push the supports.
- There are also conditions, the so-called "permafrost", in which the foundation is all the time in rather aggressive conditions. In this case, the soil retains a minus temperature. Wood-Student Foundation is the only basis that is capable of providing relatively high reliability in such conditions.
- Well, most often, the pile-painted foundation is used in the creation of a country house. It is explained by this economy. In normal conditions it makes sense to create a monolithic base, but it is too expensive if the construction budget turns out to be limited to a number of reasons. In turn, the pile-painting foundation will require not too large, and at the same time will ensure reliability.
Components of the pile-screened foundation
- Piles. These elements are regularly used in construction, as they are able to ensure high reliability of one or another design. In the case of the foundation, we have concrete or metal elements that must be restricted into solid soil, no longer suggested by compression. If we talk about the pilewood foundation, then concrete elements are used here, which, to all of the time, are also reinforced. This allows you to make these items durable and almost eternal.
- Grillage. This element of the foundation is a monolithic design based on reinforced concrete. If this product is made on the basis of the subtleties of the technology, then it should no longer stand up dozens of years, even if we have enormous loads. In general, the design should also be solid so that the entire load that is present is extended evenly. Also, Scarc also can be not only pillars, but also whole tapes or stoves.
Creating a pile-headscreen foundation
- Preparation. This stage is often decisive, since all the conditions necessary for construction work must be the most appropriate. We are talking about calculating the load on the soil and the base, as well as the analysis of the bearing of the soil. For such work, you will have to invite professionals, as special equipment is required here. A detailed analysis will allow you to establish how much piles is necessary so that the future structure is sustainable, and the whole design has differed in high durability and reliability.
- Marking. This process begins with the removal of the top layer of the soil. Next occurs a small level alignment, which will allow to apply markup and further on the basis of this information and orient. With the help of the pickup, the corners of the future facilities occur. Mark not only the limits of the bearing walls, but also their borders. Ultimately should be clear how many piles are necessary for this project. All this is determined by small calculations in which people who do not have anything common with construction work can easily navigate.
- Working with the soil. Now the time comes to carry out work related to the soil. It all depends on the existing scope of work. If it is planned to create a small structure, it is quite possible to carry out earthworks carried out itself, otherwise it will not work out without technology. Special puffer equipment can immerse the finished pile deep into the soil through impact power. Burbinal installation allows you to place the appropriate elements after drilling. Manual Drive is also a good option, however, such tasks are not easy. You should pay attention to the number of piles. In our case, you need to drill a well, omit in it an asbotic pipe, in which the reinforcement framework will be located. The situation is so that ultimately all this is poured by concrete, hardens and becomes a solid component of the structure. The reinforcement frame often consists of 4 thin rods, and there is simply no particular need for the use of larger reinforcement.
- Grillage. Already after the created piles are gaining the necessary strength, there are peculiar paths from the sand layer between them, which ultimately should be rambling. Now, around the perimeter of the future foundation you need to install wood formwork. Accordingly, the distance between the wood elements should coincide with the thickness of future walls. However, at the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties associated with communications and other components of the facilities. For example, if you need to spend some kind of pipe, it is better to use a special tubular element at the foundation level so that the emptiness necessary for communications remains after filling, remains. Ultimately, the formwork is filled with concrete. It is worth saying that the rods of fittings should look out of the piles, and after the fill, the design will become holistic and durable. After appropriate concrete, the formwork can be removed.
The main disadvantages of the pile-headscreen foundation
Experts who are engaged in building craft note that the main drawback of the pile-woodworked foundation is a certain specificity of the base. The design is such that after carrying out all major works, we get the emptiness between the frame and the surface of the Earth. Ultimately, this space needs to fill something, otherwise the thermal support issues are already raised here. But at the same time, it is known that the minimum gap between the woodworks and the soil should remain.
Main flaws when creating a pile-headscreen foundation
At first glance, it may seem that the pile-painted foundation is a fairly simple design, but in the process you can find a lot of curious subtleties, which it is advisable to know even before organizing construction work.
- Depth of the foundation. As we have already spoken, there should be at least a minimum gap between the paint and the surface of the earth. At least it is necessary in order to focus all the load on piles, and not to the other parts of the design. Accordingly, if the depth of the foundation is insufficient, the piles can be asked, thereby we lose the gap between the woodwork and the soil. This may entail the consequences associated with the reliability of the foundation and its reliability. In addition, if the piles will be fixed in the depth of the freezing, then the foundation will act colossal for their power, which may gradually raise the base.
- Errors when calculating the bearing capacity. The hosts often make a decision to personally make all the calculations associated with the creation of the foundation. However, the problem is that often in free access can be found general information, and in the case of the pile-woodwaste foundation, we obtain a significant difference in the calculations depending on the type of soil. Even small deviations in the calculations can significantly affect the operational features of the design, therefore it always makes sense to use the services of specialists than to risk and use its calculations.
- No air cavity. The very gap between the soil and paintwork often and turns out to be in the center of problems associated with the above type of foundation. And the problems are in damage to the ribbon frame, the problems of the heat transfer of the room, as well as the overall reliability of the base. Specialists advise on the bottom of the formwork to install polystyrene plates, the thickness of which will be about 15 cm. The function of these polystyrene slabs will be in a certain depreciation effect. Accordingly, the underground will not freeze, and, at a minimum, the tenants of the house will not feel any discomfort. Do not forget about the overall reliability of the design, which at one point may be under a serious threat.
- The lack of communication between pillars and painters. Obviously, a reliable and rigid connection between pillars and woodworks should have a place to be, since it depends on the overall integrity of the design in the winter. The situation is such that frozen soil presses on the top pieces of piles, thereby if the poles are not fixed from above, they can rise to the level of woodwork and simply damage the design. The consequences may be more than colossal, therefore it is worth analyzing the situation and secure the structure.
Thus, you need to adhere to the above recommendations, as well as soberly assess all stages of work so that the result is certainly not disappointed. Often the situation is more than specific, so you need to do everything possible in order not to encounter trouble. Again, a good solution may be the use of helping third-party specialists. The bottom line is that real professionals unequivocally encountered those or other problems, and when they repetition they act confidently. Again, the price question is also played here a considerable role, since not all people are ready to pay major money for the works that you can spend and do it yourself.