How to build a pigeon do it yourself Construction

The income from dilution of pigeons can only be in the case when they are contained in the correct conditions. And, first of all, it concerns pigeon. Spacious, warm room, built in all requirements, in conjunction with care, will be the key to the well-being of birds and a successful business.
Options for pigeon
There are several basic types of pigeon:
- Hinged - This option is one of the most convenient devices of pigeon. It is usually used in villages for several pairs of birds. It looks like this pigeon, as a regular wooden box, hang it to the roof of the house. Front make a pilot. Mine birds usually live in such attached houses. This option is often chosen due to the fact that it is rather economical and not too troublesome, and the main drawbacks is that birds remain not protected from predators. In addition, in winter, birds will not be comfortable and cold in such houses, and in the spring it is difficult to calculate the young. Usually, those who only comprehend the basics of pigeons are resorted to attachments.
- Tower - if you compare with the first view of the poultry house, then the tower pigeon is more practical. It has rounded shapes, it happens brick or wooden. The construction consists of several floors, and it is more than 4 meters high. At the first level, a business department is usually located, where equipment and feed is stored. At the subsequent levels there are nests. This option is suitable for those who do not have the first year in breeding birds. Of the disadvantages - high costs of arrangement.
- An attic - this design is popular with residents of private houses, which often equip the poultry directly in their attic. In this case, only the place of walking.
- Its design - options for pigeon, it all depends on the purpose and financial opportunities, as well as fantasy. For example, you can build something for the shed, the main thing - to equip it in properly.
Basic requirements for pigeon
- The pigeon should be located in remote from high-rise buildings and accumulating high trees, because such a terrain can interfere with takeoff and landing pigeons.
- It is impossible to place pigeons next to the telephone and electrolyns.
- It is not worth making the arrangement of pigeon near the cesspool so that the birds are not infected with infections. For the same reason, it is not necessary to squander birds next to other people's doves, as well as smoking rooms and pets. Because these birds easily adopt other people's diseases.
- The temperature indoors should not fall in frosty days less than five degrees of heat, and in hot - not to rise above twenty.
Materials for the poultry house:
- From the tree - in such a poultry house, you must be placed in the walls, or to put the plywood on them, and the connections between the sheets are well handled with putty.
- From the brick - in such a party you need to handle the plaster all the room inside.
- Metal - inside the metal is trimmed with boards, and on top of the rolls still plywood.
You can have a poultry house and insulate, for this you need to put a heatel between the walls. And the roof inside the room is coated with thermal insulation. Otherwise, in the summer there will be too hot in the poultry house, and in winter it is cold.
Optimal sizes of pigeon
- One couple of small birds should have about 0.5 m3
- On one pair of large birds - about 1 m3
- Together in one department, no more than 16 pairs of birds are presented, preferably the same or similar rock.
In one home pigeon, it is necessary to build several compartments:
- For young people, that is, recently hatched birds, which was not fulfilled by the year.
- A couple of departments that will be required in winter to divide females and males.
- The economic branch in which to store food, inventory and other necessary things.
If there are only two compartments in the pigeon, the old individuals live in one, in the second there are young and plus it is used for the economic branch. Inventory and grain hides in the boxes. And in the cold season, these two departments turn into housing for males and females.
Throwing the drawings of the future pigeon, you need to consider what:
- The height of the bird typically reaches two meters.
- Recommended doors dimensions: 70 cm 180 cm.
- The window on the square should take the tenth of the floor area.
- Standard dimensions of the windows of 20 cm x 20 cm. They arrange about the meter from the floor for decorative pigeons, and 20 cm from the floor for the breeds of meat.
Height and width can vary depending on the size of birds. Correctly need two letters, one with the entry limiter, and one more - for departure.
For sports breeds of birds, many poultry buildings are configured with adjustment. They are convenient for use, and it is not difficult to build them. You need to build a frame into the window, at the bottom of the rod made of non-thin wire, should not be fixed and slightly swing. In the frame to establish a rearranged limiter.
At the time of competitions for sports breeds of birds, you need to install the receiver in the poultry house. When the bird return from the competition, she will fall into this cage, from her the bird just get and remove the ring. And you can also not remove this receiver, and make an input and output through it.
Construction of pigeon
Before building a pigeon, you need to get acquainted with the drawings. Choose a suitable design for yourself and then proceed:
Arrangement outside:
- It all starts with a pit under the foundation, it is necessary to dig about 30 cm deep into the depth, and then pour into the solution.
- From the bars to create a frame of a future poultry house.
- Choose a frame of boards from the outside.
- Close the inner walls of pigeon.
- Choose a roof with a porch.
- Choose any material you like, roof. And do not forget to make the flyer.
- On the one hand, the poverty needs to make a pen. To do this, build a frame, cover it with a grid and attach from the side of the flyer. The grid section is better to choose 1.5 cm.
Arrangement of the poultry industry from the inside
Establish the poultry houses inside are not so difficult as to deal with the construction itself.
- First, spend electricity in the poultry house so that the birds have a light day longer.
- Now you need to nail to the wall of the pessengers. It is necessary to make that each bird has its own place. To make a natural, you need to take a 4 cm width of 4 cm and arrange it about 30 cm below the ceiling. And the side needs to be made from the rails (thickness - 2 cm). Such petitions, first of all, are built for those breeds of birds who have good paws and they can get dirty, sitting just on the fears. In the poultry house you can equip several pieces of shelves and arrange them with rows above the other.
- On the piping need to equip the nests. Typically, ordinary rectangular boxes are taken for them, the size is determined by the breeds of birds.
- Equip the poultry drinking and trough. For chicks, automatic feeders are installed. For adults, it is necessary to install several feeders, separately for mineral feeding and second for grain. It is necessary to monitor the purity and freshness of water in drinkings, and it is necessary to change it every time you smell feed. You can buy a ready-made autotype in the store, as well as to build yourself. To do this, take a cans, remove sharp edges and make three holes on the side. Pour water to the jar and put them in each other.
- To build the house of the house is not the right not with one door, but with two - outer door made from boards or metal, and the inner - from the iron grille. In the summer, the door must always be kept open, so the room will be ventilated. Good ventilation is one of the components of the well-being of birds. Therefore, it is necessary to make an exhaust on the ceiling, and a small window is low and close it with a grid. For the winter, all windows must be closed so that there are no drafts.
- The floor in the poultry house should be made from the boards that are laid tight towards each other. In winter, a litter of hay or sawdust is put on the floor.
Before you choose a place and build a pigeon, make sure that this room is safe for birds. That in him pets do not undergo the attack of predators, especially rats. You can equip the poultry house in the attic or in the storage room. Basic requirements are space, good illumination, dryness and ventilation. If you create all these conditions, the birds will be healthy and active.