How to choose a ceramic tile for the bathroom Building materials

Facing the ceramic tiles of walls in the bathroom and laying it on the floor - the process of time consuming. The bathroom repair is expensive. It is important to choose the right tile to serve for a long time, and in a year you wanted to change it.
What parameters should choose a ceramic tile in the bathroom
- The color and tone of the tiles are chosen to their taste, but it is necessary to consider the size of the room and lighting.
- With a vertical location, the pattern visually increases the height of the ceiling. Do not fond of this location in the small bathrooms - the room will resemble the well - narrow and high.
- Light tones give a feeling of space, dark reduce bathroom sizes.
- Large and bright drawing looks good only at a distance and suitable for rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 10 m².
- The glossy surface reflects the light well and gives glare, which tested vision.
- Panno, the size of the wall, will lose its attractiveness in a small bathroom.
- The classic option is the design of the top of the wall with a light cafeter, and the bottom is darker, it is found in each third apartment and becomes boring. Merry stripes on a light background, arranged horizontally or vertically, look much more interesting.
Technical and operational characteristics of ceramic tiles
- Ceramic tile is classified by varieties. European production tile has three color marking - red, blue, green. The labeling of the tile marked in red, says that this is the first grade. It is he who is suitable for lining walls in the bathroom. The material of the second and third grade with blue and green marking allows the presence of a small marriage.
- The tile in the bathroom is subjected to frequent influence of chemicals. High-quality material over time does not lose its color and spots will not appear on the surface. The coefficient of resistance to chemically active substances is denoted by Latin letters AA, B, C, etc. Tile with labeling AA is most resistant to chemicals.
- Resistance to abrasion is denoted by Roman numbers. For residential premises that are not exposed to a large load, it is enough ι-ιι strength class.
- You can not pay attention to frost resistance.
- With the image of the foot or brush, it is easy to figure out. Stop - floor tiles. Brush - a tile designed for wall cladding.
- For walls, select a tile with a thickness of 6-9 mm, for the floor - 9-12 mm.
Ceramic tile sizes
Mosaic tile is used only in large rooms with good ventilation. For a standard bathroom, select a large tile. Seams have a feature to absorb moisture even after processing by special means. The more seams - the greater the risk of mold and fungus.
It looks good at a tile of 60 x 40 or 60 x 30 cm, located horizontally.
A large number of injuries people get slipping on slippery wet tile in the bathroom. A matt tile with a rough surface will provide your safety.
Manufacturer and price category Ceramic tile
On the stands in the store are presented collections of ceramic tiles for the bathroom. One stand shows a tile for walls and for floors, decor and borders. Pay attention to the manufacturer's country.
- The ceramic tile for the bathroom produced in Russia has not only low cost, but also a huge number of negative reviews. Sometimes the material from one package differs in size and shade. The seams between the tiles are obtained by different widths, which looks not very neat.
- Belarusian manufacturers produce interesting collections of ceramic tiles for the bathroom. The price of such a tile allows you to make high-quality repair of the budget option.
- The material of foreign manufacturers is several times more expensive than the Russian and Belarusian tiles. This is due not only to high quality, but also transport and customs expenses. The tile of foreign firms will be cheaper that opened their plants in Russia. This is a tile from Ufa from the Austrian-Czech concern Lasselsberger and a tile from the Moscow region from the Polish concern Cersanit.
- The products of the Italian group Kerama Marazzi, which is produced in Russia in Italian technology, is very popular. The cost of such a tile from 400 rubles per m².
Ceramic tile for bathroom from various manufacturers
Ceramic tile - Russia and Belarus
Among the Russian manufacturers are the cheapest tile at the Kirov Stroyafarfor. The Shakhtinskaya tile has good characteristics and is available at a price. Interesting collections produces Uralkeramics. Watercolor series has delicate pink and gray pastel tones. Gentle flower panels will decorate a bathroom of small sizes. We recommend to watch ceramic tiles of Cerama Marazi Catalog Excellent selection and reasonable prices.
Belarusian Berezoceramics produces a collection of nautical azure or lagoon, which includes panels and decor elements with the image of marine plants and inhabitants. Floor tile - deep matte, with anti-slip coating. Wall tile has a wavy surface.
Ceramic tile - Spain
In Spain, the bathing tiles market leads the Pamesa Ceramica factory. High quality products allowed the factory to discover subsidiaries in Brazil and the United States. By purchasing tile of this company, contact the official dealers. Tile is usually supplied to order. Carefully make all the calculations. Book material with a reserve, otherwise your repair can stretch for a long time. Tile value from 1500 rubles per m². Size 45 x 31, 60 x 20 cm, 20 x 20. Color gamma - from pastel to bright saturated tones.
Ceramic tile - Italy
Italian tiles look very rich and exquisite. Meets all the requirements of the ceramic tile for the bathroom. Italy supplies its products worldwide. Factory Granite Findre, Iris, Cir & Sereninisimma, Rex release exclusive collections and are fashion lawmakers. You can also order exclusive collections that are performed in manual. The cost of Italian tile from 800 to 3000 rubles per m².
Ceramic tile - Poland
The Polish tile does not have such fame as Spanish and Italian, but at an affordable price has the quality of the highest class. The most famous factories - Opoczno, Polcolorit, Cerrol, Grupa Paradyz. Polish masters work with Italian designers, which allows you to produce original collections.
One of their collections of Polcolorit Stella factory is presented in the photo. The tile looks unobtrusively, emphasizes the height of the room and separates it into zones.
What you need to consider when buying ceramic tiles for bathrooms
- Carefully check the label on the packages. Release date, article, party number - everything should coincide. Tile from different batches differs in shades. Very often, this deficiency is detected during the work when there is no longer possible to purchase the material.
- Tile to integrity Check in the store. If you ordered delivery - do not regret the time not to check each packaging. Ceramics - the material is fragile, with improper transportation, complete packaging come into disrepair.
- After calculating the material, add 15% to fit and possible damping tiles.
- Remember one simple rule - excess material you can return to the store. Buy tiles from the right party is very difficult.
- When buying decoration items, make sure that it is suitable for sizes under the selected tile.
- By purchasing a tile, consider that the cost of facing walls and gender depends on the price category of the material.
- Board for hostesses. Tile of dark tones is very demanding of the care. The view is that black is not dirty, in this situation - delusion. On the black tile, traces of the fascinated droplets of water are well noticeable. If untidiness is annoyed, and you are not going to clean up after using the bathroom of each family member - stop your choice on light colors.
Practical tiles for the choice of tiles for the bathroom are given in the video.