Smoke generator for smoking with your own hands Useful advice

A device that is responsible for the formation of smoke in a smoke chamber is called a smoke generator. His principle of operation is simple, electric heaters inside the device make the sawdowes are smoldering, forming a thick smoke. Special temperature regulators allow you to control the smoke process, if necessary, reduce smoke streams and perform high-quality smoking products.
Smoke generator for smoking with your own hands
Fixtures for smoking products today there are a lot. Products with haze people learned to produce with many homemade devices, including smokehouse with smoke generators. This is the most eco-friendly product processing method. In the process of smoking with natural thick smoke from meat or fish, all malicious microorganisms and bacteria are derived. The shelf life of such food increases, and taste quality is enhanced.
Valuable smoke smoke can be obtained thanks to a good smoke generator, which is the basis of cold smoking. In the process of heating sawdust and their oxless, the device creates smoke that enters the smoke chamber. Working in automatic mode, the device greatly simplifies the smoking process. The result of its work is very fragrant and no less delicious smoked foods that you can always enjoy, having only a smoke generator for smoking smoked smoking.
Cold smoke is called processing of products smoke with a temperature of from 19 to 25 ° C. Such a process can last many hours, or even a few days. Immediately before smoking, products are solid and treated with seasonings.
You can please yourself and your friends more often delicacies from smokehouse, making a smoke generator with your own hands for homemade smoking.
Externally, the device is a small vacuum box with switches, a sawdust for sawdust and a small pipe at the top for smoke drive. Inside the box is a limiter that performs dosage of sawdust entering the heating element. There is also a tank for ash and a controlling device that is responsible for the temperature of the smoke and the supply of sawdust. This device is initially programmed to an acceptable mode, in which the heating element provides a stable temperature required for the temperature of the sawdust, in order to avoid their ignition.
Characteristic of the smoke generator
Given the fact that the smoke generator is a device that requires quite a long work, it is logical if it consumes some electrical energy. As a rule, the smoke generator for smokehouse consumes up to 4 kW per day, after the heating element reaches the desired smoking temperature and turn off. In this case, the power of the heating element is 1 kW. It feeds the device from a socket on 220 V.
The scanner for sawdust has a standard volume - 1.5 kg. This amount is enough to perform continuous smoking for 1.5 days. Provided that the volume of the chamber is 1 m 3The smoke generator will provide dense smoke products and high-quality smoke.
Dymogenerator do it yourself
The main function that the smoke generator performs in the smoke can be explained in this way: imagine a person smoking in the cabin with an open window. As you remember, the whole smoke is pulled out, due to fast air flows that discharge the air and stretch the smoke from the cabin. For the same principle, smoke generators work.
At the same time, such a device has one undeniable advantage: no longer need to be without the end of the smokehouse in order to pour the sawdust. The volume of the receiving chamber of the smoke generator is enough for a 24-hour continuous operation of the device. That is, the sawdusts fall asleep once, and you can forget about the smokehouse.
It is not difficult to assemble a simple device for smoking products with your own hands, it all depends on the technical capabilities of the manufacturer and the assembly options for the main container, ejector and air pump.
Build details of the homemade smoke generator:
- Main container. It is about the combustion chamber where the sawdust will be directly. The smaller the volume of this capacity, the faster the sawdust will be burned in it, and you will need to plug the raw materials.
- therefore, in order to make a container, use any refractory capacity: whether it is a thermos or an unnecessary fire extinguisher used. The most suitable size of the container: the pipe diameter is 8-10 cm, the length is 40-50 cm;
- at the bottom of the future reception office, make a hole with a diameter of 10 mm. It is necessary for connecting the compressor with oxygen and maintaining the combustion process;
- top Make Vacuum so that there is no air suction.
- Ejector.
- the calculation of this main part of the generator can be made using various metal tubes and any connection of them: by welding, spikes, or conventional carvings;
- ejector Place up, or at the bottom of the main container. The figures show the upper and lower arrangement of the ejector.
Ejector at the bottom of the smoke generator.
- suitable for a small smoking chamber. In view of its constructive features, the lower ejector often fades, for this it is necessary to limit the height of the combustion chamber. Thus, the operation time of the smoke generator in uninterrupted mode is reduced. The lower arrangement of the tube does not carry out natural cravings in the smokehouse due to the fact that the smokelock and receiving capacity are at the same level. As a result, when the pump is turned off, the smoke stops entering the smoke. Such inconvenience can be avoided if installing the ejector at the top of the boot chamber, as shown in the following figure.
- Pump (compressor).
- as a compressor for the smoke generator, the smoke can use any pump or, for example, a 4-5 watt compressor, it will be enough;
- some homemade masters make a compressor for a smoke generator from a plastic bottle and a computer cooler.
- Raw materials for smoking.
- to create a dense smoke smoke, it is possible to use wood of different varieties, except pine, ate, and other evergreens. Such sawdust will give bitterness in products;
- if your sawdust is too small, then add the design of the smoke generator with one small part in the receiving container - the spring for moving the smoke through the fastened sawdust. If the sawdust is large, then there is no need for an additional part, since the smoke smoke will easily leak through the wood.
- In our smoke generator, the temperature of the smoke that is supplied to the smokehouse can be adjusted by reducing or increasing the coupling nozzle between the smoke chamber and the smoke generator.
- Before making a smoke generator for smoking, decide with the smoking capacity. Alternatively, you can use a metal barrel, a drawer of wood and even a cardboard box. The smoke cabinet can turn out from the old refrigerator. The door in it closes tightly, which means that inside the constant temperature will be maintained at any time of the year. Only for hot smoked, the refrigerator will not suit, since its plastic walls will not stand too high temperatures.
- When the smoke generator is assembled, in the smoke chamber you can lay products, pre-collected and dried. Wet raw materials are not allowed, since smoke dissolves in moisture, and smoking will last much longer.
- Install the device on fire, and the process of cold fish smoked.
Smokehouse for fish with your own hands
In order not to deprive himself a pleasure to be fell by fish with a "smoke" more often, make a homemade smoke with a smoke generator for cold smoking.
There are no striking differences between the factory device and homemade, the principle of operation is still based on the same.
- To begin with, decide on the number of products that you periodically plan to smoke. The miniature device will be just the case if the smokehouse will be used once a year, for example. Take the usual metal bucket with a lid.
- Below, drill a hole that coincides with the diameter of the smoke generator tube for feeding smoke, and in the lid, make a hole for removing smoke.
- For the manufacture directly the smoke generator, you will need such details: frame, drum, fan, electric drive, thermocamera and remote control for the electrical model.
- Smoke generator manufacturing technology for fish smokehouse:
- it is best for the main container of the generator, a mandrel for the gland is suitable. Cover it with a lid and connect a timer to the device, for example, from a washing machine or microwave furnace;
- to maintain a normal pressure of 1 atm, install any compressor, just to perform its main air injection function;
- in the case when the distance between the smoke generator and the smoke chamber is less than 100 cm, then come up with an additional smoke cooling device;
- at the bottom of the device, set ten to incande the sawdust;
- in the main container of the generator, lay large sawdust, turn on the challenge and compressor;
- insert the output tube in the smoke chamber, where you need to raise fish in advance.
- the cold smoking process is running. After about the day of continuous operation, check the fish for the willingness and the amount of sawdust in the smoke generator.
Tips for the manufacture of the smoke generator:
- Support smoking temperature from 30 to 35 ° C.
- For the best operation of the device, dry weather is suitable.
- Add to the layers in smoke generator a little vine or cherry. So your products will have a more rich taste.
- From the selected tree type depends on the taste of smoked fish or meat.
- In order for the smoking process to be faster, it is necessary to install electric ten to heat the sawdust inside the smoke generator.
Safety rules for the manufacture of the smoke generator
- The smoke generator must meet the requirements of fire and electrical safety.
- In case of unforeseen problems, the control unit should be supplied with an automatic shutdown device.
- Electric wiring and other parts must be removed from the heating element and are hidden from the effects of high temperature.
- The most durable case for the smoke generator is metallic, with a layer of heat-resistant paint.
- It is recommended to install the device on the surface resistant surface.
Terms of use of the smoke generator:
- First of all, install the device on a flat surface.
- Connect the cord to the network.
- Capacity for chips Fill in sawdills for smoking.
- The output pipe of the smoke generator is connected with the smoking chamber, which in advance fill with products.
- Turn on the Start button and then the device will perform your work automatically. It is necessary to monitor the level of sawdust in the chamber and add them as they are combustion. Thus, the cold smoking process can continue for several days. Disable the device can not.
The principle of creating a smoke generator for smokehouse with your own hands you can see in the master class on the video:
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I can not express with the words delight! It's just some kind of holiday! Once upon a time, books were released: the TV is very simple. The microprocessor is very simple. etc. It turns out that the smoked sausage is very simple. This video should be shown in schools in labor lessons! NECESSARILY!
I am doing smoking since 1982. I prepare cold smoking for 3 hours, without any generators. The simplest generators, although there are some secrets.
So share a secret) Be good)
These secrets I unpuck out these secrets and not one tens of kilograms spoiled, but tell you.
Then do not brag, especially about three hours of nonsense full! I agree with the last comment. For three hours only the smell and will be.
And we will save fish for almost 50 years. And smokers are simple. But for 3 hours, you can't cook the cold smoking fish, do not powder brains people. Best of your raw fish smelling smoke. Unless of course you have a spray. Even on the fish factory, when complying with all the necessary norms, on average, 3 days are soaked, 3 days are knitted, 3 days smoky. I give the data to smoking the pink salmon, Kets (salmon). R.amur.Habarovsky Edge. And such a generator is not bad for hiking conditions, it is necessary to think.
Well done, no words for such a miracle idea! Only the question is where the ash remains, I understand that in the generator, but how to improve? To make some kind of bunker for her! Thanks a lot!!!