Garden track made of wooden sleeps with their own hands Useful advice,Plot.

When the main work on the arrangement of the garden plot, accompanied by earthmoving works and the use of various techniques, is over, it comes to landscaping the surrounding landscape. First of all, it is necessary to organize the space of the site and make moving on it comfortable and pleasant. For this, the garden tracks are paved. However, not everyone has the opportunity to entrust it to those skilled in the art and acquire modern building materials. There is always a way out, armed with knowledge and desire can be dispensed with their forces and a girlfriend. Very good and stylishly watch the tracks from the spirits of old trees, besides, this option is not very expensive. Even if you buy wooden sleeves, it will still be cheap, and if there are your trees that can be used for this, then it's just the perfect option.
Planning of a garden wooden spil
So that in the future it was convenient to use the tracks in the garden plot and did not have to redo it or tolerate, it is necessary to think everything in advance, plan and sketch on the plan scheme.
First of all, consider the main routes of movements on the site. It can be leading to different buildings or areas of direction, and maybe the track will simply be designed for unhurried walks.
The next thing to consider when planning tracks is the view that they will give the site. The straight and curved tracks give the site organized, more ordered and strict look (for this, borders are used from wood, brick or stone). Tracks made by smooth bends, winding and different widths will create a feeling of naturalness and naturalness.
Next should take into account the relief of the garden plot. The track will contribute to the flow of water in it during the rain or melting snow towards the slope. Therefore, such a situation must be taken into account and better direct excessive moisture to trees or shrubs than to the foundation of the structure or to a children's sandbox.
And finally, the width of the track. It is chosen, mainly due to the calculation of functionality and appropriateness. If, for example, a large number of people are planned to find a large number of people at the same time, then the track should be allowed to break through it with two people (about 90 cm). If a plot of small or building material is a limited number, then wide tracks may be superfluous and it will be possible to do with a width of 50-60 cm.
As a result of the entire planning process, the track layout plan on the site should appear. It is a large-scale plan of a plot with applied marks with an increased and reduced level of relief, buildings and other elements (trees, shrubs, beds, etc.). On this plan is applied diagram of network tracks on scale. It is worth considering that the bends of the tracks on the plan scheme in reality are not so clearly look on the earth's surface, as in the figure.
What is necessary for work
It is better to prepare everything necessary for work in advance than to be distracted and spending time and forces in search, and maybe for the acquisition of everything you need.
Need to prepare the following:
- prepared Spiles or logs for their manufacture in sufficient quantities;
- beep (or her replacement) and pegs;
- roulette and construction level;
- the hammer is ordinary and for wood (Cyanka);
- shovel (bayonet and scooping);
- manual tamping (piece of timber or log 150 × 150 mm, 0.7-1.5 m long and with pens on sides);
- painting brush, brush;
- electric saw or chainsaw and woodcutter;
- geotextile or rubberoid or dense polyethylene;
- antifungal agent or olife;
- if necessary, "ACCOUNTING" Spike - copper sipop;
- bitumen mixture;
- sand, gravel, rubble medium fraction or river pebbles;
- if necessary, material for borders.
Wooden Wooden Spawlings Material
Selection of material
As a material for wooden soda tracks, both solid and soft wood are used. Oak and Aspen and Olha, as well as cedar and pine suitable. However, larch is recognized as the best of materials. In any case, the main thing is to properly prepare and put a sleeper, then such a track will serve you at least ten years. The thickness of the log does not matter, on the contrary, the spils of different diameters will allow you to more tightly put them on each other and even create a certain pattern.
Preparation of material
Spies are dies or chumbage height from 8 to 15 cm, depending on how much they are supposed to be deepened to increase reliability in operation.
Using electrical or chainsaw logs on a log, across. When crucified logs, it is important that the slice is smooth, without skeuses, otherwise the track surface will turn out under different planes and it will be inconvenient to walk. In addition, laying of beveled sleeps will also require additional effort and material to align them. It is also necessary to observe the same height of the dice, for which you can use the prepared in advance template or using a roulette to do outlaws with ordinary tree hacksaw.
The resulting pieces are treated with antifungal agent or olphoi, which will protect the tree from rotting and insects, as well as increase its durability. To give Spilila "aged" appearance, they can be treated with copper vitrios, then they will darken and acquire the appropriate texture.
At the next stage, drying of sleeps is performed until the antiseptic means is completely drying. After that, the bottom of the dice is processed by a bitumen mixture and again everything successes until complete drying.
Wooden sleeves for the sidewalk can be bought ready, both treated and simply raw.
Now you can proceed to the preparation of the trench for a walkway and laying sleep.
Marking and preparation of trenches for garden track
Marking of trench
The marking of the wooden spil track is somewhat different from the similar procedure for other materials used. Since the spins of trees have an oval shape, they will not fit into the straight markup of the side limits of the track. However, the markup is required not to withstand the boundaries of the edge, but to maintain the general direction, in addition, the markup sets both the approximate width on each separate area.
As for the markup of the tracks from any other material, and for marking the tracks from the spikes of trees is used, mostly, the bemp with pegs. You can use as an option, the watering hose sufficient length. The pegs are clogged around the perimeter on the width of the track and in the planned direction, and then the beep is stretched between them.
After performing marking, it is advisable to go through the alleged track and evaluate the convenience of using it. If something seems uncomfortable or non-functional, then it is better to fix it at the markup stage than after any other stage.
Tresh preparation
To the stage of growing trenches, it is possible to move already at the time when the prepared spiles enhanced after processing both an antiseptic agent and a bitumen mixture.
The trench under the garden path is digging to the depth of the height of the dice plus the height of the waterproofing layer and drainage. Depending on the height of the dice, it is 20-35 cm. More details are described in the article. "How to independently roll out a trench for a water pipeline in the country area". The width of the trench must match the width of the future track.
The bottom of the trench, along the entire length of the track, should be on the same level, otherwise it will take an additional consumption of the material or the surface of the track will be uneven. If the relief of the site has large differences in height, then you need to create the basis for spice from soil or sand with a smooth transition or step.
After digging the trench, it is necessary to start laying sleep, the following is necessary:
- on the bottom of the trench, as a base, geotextiles or rubberoid (polyethylene) should be accurately furnished;
- fall asleep and dissolve the drainage layer 10-15 cm made of harvested gravel, rubble or river pebbles;
- shed a drain layer with a small amount of water and tamper with a manual tamper with a periodic measurement of measurements with a building level;
- fall asleep and crush the sand layer with a thickness of 10 cm as a pillow to which the sleeves will be laid;
- moisten and tackle the sand layer with a manual tamper with a periodic measurement of measurements by the construction level;
- put the borders at the edges if they were planned.
Laying the surface of a wooden spil track
Laying Spilov
After preparing the trench and all the necessary layers, ensuring the durability of the track operation, it comes no less responsible and time-consuming stage on the laying of sleep.
It is first large, and then smaller in the diameter of the dice, you can immediately lay out the planned in advance patterns, this is at your discretion. The main thing is to perform the following actions:
- place the dies as close as possible to each other;
- setting the cry allege it with neighboring sleeves in the same plane;
- use to align the plane of the path of the Cyanka or rubber hammer and the construction level.
Filling the gaps between the sleeves
Since the circle of the round shape, intervals always remain between them. Walking on such a track will be uncomfortable, besides, the sleepers will be fused in their shallow nests. Therefore, all gaps must be fill and aligned in a common plane with wooden dies.
To fill the gaps, materials remaining from drainage and pillows, and others. For example, for greater durability, the space between the sleeves can be pouring concrete. In order not to spoil the natural view of the wooden track (since concrete is not a natural material) Pouring can be performed half the height of the dice, but to glue with pebbles, sand or soil. However, if there is no need for increased strength and there is a restriction in the means, then bespoke by the remaining sand. For this sand fall asleep in small portions, moisturizes and tamper.
Also, the gaps can be filled with soil and pave the river pebbles or land moss or other plants used for the decorative cover of the soil.
Registration tracks on the edges
If the borders were not planned and did not laid out, then on both edges, you can simply sprinkle the carpet of the soil and tightly tightly. You can lay out the edges of the decorative stone or the same as in the intervals, plant moss. In general, this stage is creative and everything is limited to your fantasy.
Content of wooden spell tracks
Garden tracks made by their own hands require some efforts to maintain them in operational condition and attentive to them relationships.
To extend the service life of wooden sleep tracks Follow the following tips:
- bulk material in the tracks over time is distributed on the soles of shoes and when cleaning the coating, therefore, once a few years it is necessary to pour the resulting deepening and rubbing the technology described above;
- if in winter you brush the snow on the track, then do it carefully and not to the tree itself;
- if somewhere begins to deteriorate the tree (rotates, the insects are striking) or it darkened and lost an attractive look, then this cry must be replaced or polished with a special nozzle on a drill (followed by antiseptic processing);
- it is necessary to take a timely and gently to remove germinating grass or other sprouts between the sleeves and their roots, otherwise they will squeeze the dies from their places;
- more often, sweep the garbage from the track surface so that it is not clogged into free spaces and did not spoil the appearance.