Glue vinyl wallpaper independently Wallpaper,Walls

Over time, the wallpaper is obsolete. This aging can be both physical and in terms of moral. The question arises about the change of wallpaper. Here you need to decide which wallpaper to choose on the texture and how to glue them correctly.
Vinyl wallpapers are not only the most popular, but also one of the easiest wallpapers in sticking and in the subsequent content. Such wallpapers have an excellent price-quality ratio, and also do not require special care and wear-resistant in operation.
What is necessary for work
Before proceeding with the preparatory work and the immediate shook wallpaper on the walls, prepare the following tools and materials:
- required number of wallpaper;
- glue for wallpaper;
- capacity for wallpaper glue or painting bath;
- soil for walls;
- if necessary, the special composition against mold;
- mixer Construction or a small rack for mixing glue;
- scissors and a luggage knife (or ordinary paper stationery);
- roulette, simple pencil and construction level;
- iron meter line;
- brush or roller for applying wallpaper;
- little brushes for applying glue in hard-to-reach places and in small areas;
- rag (rag) made of cotton or sponge to remove glue excess;
- brush for applying soil on the wall;
- malarny coat;
- wallpapers;
- roller for seams and corners;
- paper (greasy) scotch.
Selection of glue for vinyl wallpaper
Vinyl wallpapers have a considerable weight and various base, so it is necessary to choose the right glue to choose the correct glue. Usually wallpaper manufacturers indicate the characteristics of the recommended glue on the package. On the package of glue for wallpaper also indicates which wallpaper with these glue is recommended to glue. If there is no choice or on the contrary, it is too large, you can use the following tips:
- if the vinyl wallpapers have the basis of the phlizelin, then the appropriate, flizelin glue will be suitable. It is because it is called;
- in the presence of universal glue, it is necessary to glue more heavy wallpaper with a more thick composition;
- prefer products of well-known manufacturers, such as Kleo, Quelyd, Axton or the domestic moment.
Preparation of vinyl wallpaper for sticking
Check again, whether you purchased sufficient wallpaper. Wallpaper in various rolls differ in length and width. Calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bwallpapers in all rolls and the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls intended for the salary, excluding window and doorways. Add a reserve to 10 cm for each roll to take into account the possible marriage or damage to the wallpaper in the process. You can add a few meters for a possible repair of plots in the future, where the wallpaper will become unusable. If it is planned to combine the pattern on neighboring wallpapers, it is also necessary to take into account, since the consumption of wallpaper will increase.
Next, act in the following order:
- In the room where the walls are designed under the wallpaper paste, it is necessary to create conditions for maximum illumination. This is necessary in order to well distinguish the pattern on the decorative surface of the wallpaper.
- Cut the wallpaper on the stripes, the same length in advance, if around the perimeter of the room, the elevation height from the floor to the ceiling is the same or the upper edge of the wallpaper will be covered with a decorative strip.
- If the height of the flooded walls from the floor to the ceiling around the perimeter is different, then each subsequent strip is cut off after additional measurements.
- If the pattern on the decorative side of the wallpaper of one band must be combined on the other, adjacent strip, then consider it when cutting strips.
- Slowing wallpaper on the strip, leave the allowance to 10 cm.
- Fold the sliced \u200b\u200bsheets of wallpaper on each other by 10 pieces, drawing down, with a shift of 5-10 cm.
Preparation of walls under the sticking of vinyl wallpaper
In order to qualitatively glue the wallpaper to the walls and for a long time he pleased with their own kind, it is necessary to consider and do the following:
- Vinyl wallpapers are glued to prepared smooth and dry walls.
- Disable electricity indoors and remove from the walls all unnecessary (nails, plinth, sockets, switches, etc.).
- Clean the surface of the walls from old wallpaper using a greasy spatula.
- If the walls are not even needed to align them with special mixtures, and cracks to sharpen.
- If necessary, treat the walls with a special makeup against mold and fungus.
- Strong the walls of primer deep penetration or wallpaper glue.
- Seeing the walls well (for checking by painting tape, attach a piece of polyethylene for 5-6 hours to the wall, if it does not stop, then the walls are completely dry).
- Apply a vertical line with a pencil and building level as a marker for the first sheet wallpaper sticker (usually done from the doorway).
Now the surface of the walls under the sticking of wallpaper is ready and you can go to the next step.
Poking vinyl wallpaper
The next step is the immediate blowing of the wallpaper. Stage is very responsible and time consuming. Requires measured and neat movements, patience and care. To fulfill everything correctly and efficiently, act in the following compliance:
- Eliminate the room where the wallpaper has to be glued, all drafts (close the doors and windows, turn off the fans and air conditioners).
- Adjust the temperature in the work room within 15-20 ° Celsius heat.
- Prepare (dig in the instructions in the package using a building mixer or plank) glue.
- Apply glue on the wall using a brush or roller with the same strokes from the bottom up on the size of the wallpaper sheet (if the vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis, the glue is applied to the leaf itself).
- Applying glue on the paper basis, you need to wait a bit (time indicate the packaging with wallpaper) so that the composition is absorbed into the framework of the base, and then fold the sheet in half glue inwards, and then raise and bring it to the wall.
- If there is an opportunity, then the gloves with the helper, so much easier to combine the side boundaries of the bands, and the work will move faster (one applies a sheet of wallpapers from above, another bottom).
- Having putting the wallpaper with the wallpaper to the wall, slightly press it and the wallpaper spatula, scrub the sheet of sheet, carefully squeezing the air and excess glue accumulated under it.
- Claper stripes for scintings and overcasts. You can safely move the panels along the wall, gliding on the glue, as such walls are strong and easily withstand such manipulations.
- When moving the wallpaper wallpaper, the wallpaper movement should be from the vertical axis of the strip from top to bottom and left to the right to the edges of the sheet.
- Timely remove a rag or sponge of the glue glue so that it does not fall on the front of the wallpaper (there may be distinguishable stains on the bright pattern).
- If the wallpaper pattern is a monophonic, small or strip, then in the corners of the sheets can be glued to the flask and then trim both sheets immediately (then put them with a small tassel) or one sheet bend along the angle by 1-1.5 cm, and the second to close this scatter.
- Also, when sticking wallpapers in the corners, leave the reserve by the depth of an angle with a 5 cm of a 5 cm, then do shorts from above and below and after the corner is covered, cut off too much and press well.
- So that the glue does not hit the surface of the ceiling, the upper part of the wallpaper without glue wrap, approximately 5 cm, and then with the use of a small bruster we pull the upper edge.
- After the wallpaper sheet gets dry (wet wallpaper is difficult to cut smoothly), cut the stationery with an extra battery from above and below.
- When trimming unnecessary bars, use the iron line or spatula so that the cut line is flat and wallpaper is not damaged.
- If you did not remove the plinth before the adhesive wallpaper, then cut off the bottom scooter on the joint of the wall and the plinth, then remove the slice of a small tassel. You can, on top of the glued strip of wallpapers, hide this joint with nasup to the top of the plinth.
- Behind heating radiators to ensure a normal form, under any angle, it is enough to stick a 15-20 cm strip of wallpaper. If the bands are too wide, you will not be able to press them well, and they will dial with time completely.
- At the junctions of adjacent wallpaper bands, use a narrow roller for seams for gluing.
- On the ground, where sockets and switches are located (other small holes and recesses), the panels are plugged with cuts and cuts, and after the wallpaper is well dried, it will be easy to cut the necessary holes.
When all sheets of wallpaper are glued and dried well, you can turn on fans and air conditioners, as well as put on the place of the plinth and switches with sockets. After all electrical elements are finally mounted, connect the power in this room and proceed to the other design.