Replacing metal doors Doors

The entrance door is very important for the apartment or at home. It is she protects the room from the wind, cold, dirt, and also becomes the main obstacle on the way of intruders who want to look into visit in the absence of owners. To increase the protective function of the entrance doors to the maximum, they are increasingly manufactured from the metal. Metal doors, photos of which are presented below, much more reliable wooden.
Entrance metal doors
Replace the old entrance door of the new, metal, it is quite possible on your own, but it is necessary to approach very seriously, because the reliability of the whole structure will depend on how correctly it is installed. Because The entrance door, due to the enhanced design and used for the manufacture of materials, is much heavier than interior, it is best to work with an assistant. So it will be much easier to keep and fix it in the right position.
Before replacing the old door, you must first choose a new one. To do this, it is necessary to clearly formulate the requirements for which it must match:
- the strength of the structure, the ability to survive under normal blows;
- complex locking device;
- the presence of an eye or another element that gives you the opportunity to see the door before opening the door, who stands behind it;
- the warranty period during which the manufacturer undertakes to bear responsibility for the output of the construction of the structure;
- the presence of sound and thermal insulation;
- beautiful view in combination with reliable anti-vandal qualities.
The design of the door corresponding to modern quality standards includes such elements as:
- Whole metal sheet. Fragments are not allowed, because In places of seams may appear as a result of strong blows.
- Tubes hiding the gap in the doorway formed as a result of the installation. If they are not, the attackers will be able to break the design using mounts.
- Fitting. This is an element of the front sheet, protruding from it and the cover of the junction of the door box and sash. He just like the platbands protects the vulnerable design from the hands of robbers.
In addition, you should pay attention to the rigid ribs going in the transverse direction. The fact is that after several years after installation, the isolation of the top of the door can be disturbed, and then foreign sounds and drafts will begin to penetrate the apartment, and the thieves will have an additional opportunity to look at the guests when there is no one at home.
Before buying doors, be sure to look, what is the thickness of the metal sheet, which is outside. This parameter must be at least 2 mm. Thinner material is prone to deformation and unreliable, because It can easily be opened as a cans. Perhaps sellers in the store in order to get rid of the goods will convince visitors that a thinner sheet is also reliable. You should not believe these stories, you need to always think your head and include logic.
If you measure the metal there is no possibility, check the quality, just opening and closing the sash. So you will definitely feel its weight. It, of course, should not weigh 150 kg, but Cheschur low weight also does not testify anything good. It means either a small thickness of the outer layer, or a low-quality manufacturing material.
It should also be asked by the number and design of locks, as well as the presence of other elements complicating unauthorized penetration into someone else's territory. These include anti-burglar pins, internal loops, etc. The locks should be no less than two and better if one of them is suvalid, and the second cylinder. In this case, hacking attempts are most likely not crowned with success.
Replacing the metal entrance door
The sequence of actions looks like this:
1. Using the chisel, acting from the external and inside, separate the platbands from the old box.
2. Swipe the sash as far as possible. Take the nail and enter it into the gap between the door and the floor. Lift the door and remove from canopies.
3. To remove the box, feed your risers throughout the middle. Do it better, starting from the top edge.
4. Clean the doorway from the pieces of old plaster, as well as from plants of mounting foam and other unnecessary elements. The protrusions that may interfere or make it difficult to work, it is better to eliminate with a hammer, chisel or power tools.
5. Prepare special wedges in advance and with their help, make a pre-installation of the door box. It should be placed in the opening strictly vertically, checking itself all the time by level or plumb. The installation should be started from the other side where the canopies are fixed, and only after being taken after the opposite direction.
6. The box must be installed flush with the outside wall. This is useful at the stage of installation of platbands.
7. Install the door leaf in the box, and before finally, to separate it, check if the locks work easily and whether the sash goes.
8. To secure the box in the wall through anchors or pieces of fittings, you need to do the holes in it with a perforator. Places for fasteners can be located either in the box itself, or in the manufacturer welded to it.
9. Drink fasteners in the wall. If the armature was used as it, makes it a protruding end. In the case of anchor bolts, everything is much easier: it is enough to simply tighten with the key. Installation is needed in the same sequence as the pre-installation.
10. The next step will cross the entire perimeter of the box with a painter ribbon, after which fill in the entire gap between it and the wall mounting foam. While it will be captured, the design is better not to operate. Full drying occurs during the day. After that, cut the outstanding pieces of foam and proceed to the installation of platbands.
Replacing the metal door
Sometimes it happens that the complete replacement of the metal door is not required, because it is still quite suitable and reliable, just lost the beauty of the appearance. In this case, you should simply change the trim.
As a facing material, artificial leather, MDF panels, laminate or wood array are most often used.
Consider the process of refining the old door with artificial leather. The following tools will be required to work:
- universal glue "Moment" Liquid nails;
- hammer and pliers;
- furniture stapler and brush;
- stationery knife;
- screwdriwer set;
- scissors, marker, roulette.
Stages of work:
1. Preparatory:
- remove the door leaf with loops and put into horizontal position on 4 stools;
- unscrew and remove all accessories, such as locks, eyes, handle, hinges;
- remove the old finish and clean the surface from its residues;
- measure the surface of the door canvas.
2. Selection of material for upholstery. As mentioned above, we will look at the use of artificial leather or dermatin. This material is used for data purposes a long time, from Soviet times, but because Science over the past years stepped far forward, he underwent significant changes. The quality, appearance and service life has noticeably improved.
The pluses of dermatitis include such properties as:
- low in comparison with other materials cost;
- the informity of the action of dampness, light and temperature jumps;
- elasticity;
- does not require complex care and special means for washing;
- resistant to wear;
- a rich selection of textures and shades;
- good heat and sound insulation.
But there is a material and disadvantages:
- the material is "afraid of" claws and teeth of animals, so if cats or dogs live in the house, it is better to stay at another embodiment;
- outwelling the door to Dermatin necessarily need to use a foam lining, and this is additional work and expenses, the truth is small.
3. Directly installation. It is done in such a sequence:
- apply glue to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe facing surface and impose a foam on it;
- if you did not cut a piece of material of the desired form and size, then cut the protruding parts after sticking;
- artificial skin cut out the size of the foam rubber, adding 120 mm in each hand;
- if it is not internal, and the outer side of the door is trimmed, then melt the top of the sash on the other side and press the material to it. For better fixation, use a bar rule;
- if the door is trimmed from the inside, start sticking the material from its upper end;
- tensioning the upholstery, but not much, and smooth in the direction from top to bottom;
- thus, take the entire area: first in the loop area, then move to the opposite direction, finish work in the lower end;
- if both sides of the door are faced, then in those areas that glue is applied, it is not necessary to make a nest - it will negatively affect the durability of the connection;
- now cut extra pieces of dermal;
- slide the holes required to install accessories. To the edges of the material are not knocked out from under it, the holes in the upholstery should be less than the holes in the doorway;
- install the accessories and jumper the door on the loop.
Upholstery of entrance doors, video: