Windows tint do it yourself Window

If new plastic windows have not created a cozy atmosphere - the situation can be corrected. Toning windows in the apartment will protect you from prying views and from hot sunlight. Less bright light requires some types of home plants. At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account that the film for tinting windows is missing not a full range of sunlight. You will be forced before our neighbors include electrical lighting. In any case - the choice is yours. The task of this article is to tell about what happens to the toning and how wind tinting is performed with your own hands.
What films are used to tint windows
- Film for protection against sunlight. Window tinting such a film is needed if the windows are drawn to the south. Solar energy will largely reflect, and the air temperature will be reduced. Toning windows with sunscreen makes it possible to save electricity, less often including air conditioning. The glare from the monitors of televisions and computers will disappear. This film and kitchen is recommended: the refrigerator will work in normal mode. It happens different light permeability.
- Mirror tinting windows of windows is usually used in apartments of the lower floors of multi-storey residential buildings and in offices, the windows of which overlook a populous street. In this way, you can completely hide the interior of the room from prying eyes. Mirror tinting windows eliminates the need to keep blinds and curtains closed when the lamps are turned on. At the same time, from the side of the glass, the glass will seem completely transparent, but such an effect disappears with the onset of darkness.
- Decorative film is necessary to maintain a certain style interior style. Its color is selected in accordance with other elements of the room finish. In some cases, to achieve the desired effect, several layers of different shades should be applied.
- Protective tinting: With its help, it is possible to significantly secure people indoors from the consequences of the activities of vandals. The glass will not be easy to smash, and if it happens - injuries and cuts will be excluded. The glass will not split into a lot of small pieces, but simply cracks (the "Pautinka" is formed). Such glasses are often installed in seismically unsafe areas.
- The energy-saving film reflects infrared radiation back to the room, thanks to which it is possible to reduce heat losses in winter. At the same time, we pass only the visible part of the spectrum of sunlight, the film does not allow much to heat the air in the summer.
Technology of applying toning film
To perform work it is necessary to have:
- building (or stationery) Knife with a sharp blade;
- a pulverizer tired by soap solution;
- rubber rubber;
- toning film in the desired quantity.
The label of films of any kind is performed equally. Tinting of plastic windows: phased instruction.
- On the smooth surface you need to deploy a roll and decompose the film. In size or advanced template, it is necessary to cut the part from the film. The cut line is marked with a thin marker with a slight marker (about 2 cm).
- Glass must be carefully cleansed from pollution and degrease. After that, it is necessary to moisten the surface with soap solution and clean the rubber spatula. The procedure is repeated several times.
- Before the film sticker, the glass is again copiously coated with soapy solution.
- The film is released from the protective layer. It is necessary to do it carefully, removing the "liner" together, from one edge.
- To facilitate the sticking of the film, it is necessary to moisten its adhesive side with soap solution with a spacing. Thanks to this, the film will not be tightly glued to the glass for a while, for which it can be corrected.
- They begin to glue the film from above: attaching the edge, it is necessary for the hand to gently smooth out the cut part on the glass. It should be inspecting everything and make sure that the film covered all the glass.
- The rubber spatula must be smoothly squeeze moisture and air bubbles from under the film, smoothing it towards the center to the edges.
- A sharp blade of the knife carefully cuts off the film along the edge of the glass, smoothing the edges with a rubber spatula.
Important: the sharpness of the blade of the knife should be paid to special attention! Bedded tool will tear and flicten the film.
On the advantages of architectural tinting
In some cases, the glazing of the building is not successful and requires refinement. The reason is an unsuccessful choice of size of windows, features of their orientation or inconsistency of the selected interior style. The architectural tinting of the windows has the following advantages that are often used to finish offices.
- With its help, you can reduce the amount of sunlight entering the room. This is especially important for the "French" windows of the upper floors of high-rise buildings.
- The effect of glams and removal on the monitors disappears, which contributes to the improvement of working conditions.
- Does not fade furniture and accessories from ultraviolet rays.
- The effect of resonance of glasses is eliminated due to street noise, which is an additional way of sound insulation of the premises. There are films with which you can protect the room from listening outside.
- The appearance of the entire building is improved: the film can be of any color, highlighting glazing.
- Toning windows in trade facilities improve the visualization of the goods.
- Artificial blackout is a necessity for banking institutions, casinos and security premises. This method of decorating at gas stations is used.
The architectural film, depending on its type, passes on the inner or outer side of the window. Window tinting (photos are presented below) - an effective way to reconstruct facades of buildings.
Removable tint on windows
Glass tint can be removable. It is used to be able to adjust the illumination of rooms at different times of the day or seasons. At the same time, the tint film does not lose its qualities. For the manufacture of such a toning, the following will be required.
- Melo for windows complex form.
- Scissors or sharp blade with a comfortable handle.
- Plastic or rubber spatula.
- The pulverizer with soap solution. The latter is prepared by mixing shampoo (4-5 drops) with ½ liter of water.
- Toning film.
- Belt for the manufacture of holes in the film.
The process of making removable tinting
A removable film for toning windows can be made independently. To do this, you need to purchase suitable material. In the absence of skills, work is better to charge specialists.
The whole process in the first and in the second case can be divided into several stages.
- By the size of the transparent part of the window on a specialized company, the finished product is ordered. It will be a rigid, but elastic and durable toning film with a small (about 5 mm diameter) by holes in the corners and, if necessary, at the edges.
- In the event that at this stage they decided to act independently - from the roll of the film you need to cut on a predetermined pattern of the necessary size item. To make the leaf and the film, they are not shifted relative to each other - should be consolidated by their temporary double-sided scotch.
- The rod is performed by several holes at some distance from the edges of the film. Be sure to - in the corners and in the case of a large size of the film - on the sides (in order to avoid savory).
- Glass should be washed with soap solution and dry.
- The film is applied at the place of installation, and special round magnets with adhesive base are attached through the holes to the glass. They are sold along with the film.
- On top of the magnets are superimposed by clamping metal washers. They will practically not be noticeable on the glass and will reliably hold the film in place.
- If necessary, remove the film should be removed the washers and wind it into the roll. Magnets should remain on the glass.
In order for the process to be clear to you, to your attention the plot of how the windows tinting are performed with your own hands (video).