Proper well exploitation Useful advice

The water well in its own area is the current choice of many owners of private houses. This method allows you to make autonomous water supply and significantly reduce costs during operation, regardless of the volume of consumption. A prerequisite for a long period of using such a system is timely service and the well-selected well-selected well mode.
Methods of exploitation of wells
Given the characteristics of the soil, the volume of liquid produced and your material capabilities, select the appropriate type of well functioning during water intake.
Main ways to use:
- flange - To raise the liquid to the surface just just plastic energy;
- gas-lift - for lifting the water of the energy of the reservoir lacks, therefore compressed gas is introduced inside the opening;
- mechanized - lies in the transmission of mechanical energy pump to the flow of fluid rising to the surface of the liquid. This method is applied with a shortage of reservoir energy, and when the gas-lift method is unprofiled.
Important! In domestic wells, it is advantageous for the pumping operation of the well to water. A suitable method is determined by profile specialists when the well preparations are for operation.
Well service life
The duration of operation of the drill depends on several factors. The most significant is the type of system, the quality of the drilling and installation of equipment. Therefore, before carrying out water from the well, decide precisely with an optimal source option.
Distinguish the following types of wells:
- Artesian. The useful life of the water supply reaches half a century. Such a long period is associated with the lack of driving components in limestone rocks.
- Sand. Life life from 6 to 15 years with regular operation. After that, the drilling is styled and delayed with sand, and, therefore, there is a need for the drilling of the next well. Often the next well is already made by Artesian.
- Abyssinian well or well needle. The life of the well on water directly depends on the geological characteristics of a certain area and on the quality of installation. For example, if the well filter is installed not strictly into the aquifer, it is unlikely to last for more than 2 years, since after this time it will be stolen. If the installation is carried out correctly, the well will last 30 years and more. Also, long term will directly depend on the regularity of pumping water.
Important! Regardless of the selected type of system, you carefully read the well-operating instructions. Such an approach will not only eliminate the emergence of a number of problems in the process of using the water source, but also will introduce additional convenience.
Water level in the well
The water level measurement is performed from the soil surface to the water mirror, and the data obtained is expressed in meters. To determine the water level use special devices - levels, the simplest among which is a clapper.
Important! This device is a piece of pipe with a diameter of 40-45 mm and a long 8-10 cm, the upper part of which is closed with a metal cover with an eye. The tool on the long cord is immersed in the well and when the water apparatus is heard, clapping sound is heard.
The operating coefficient of wells
The security of wells is determined by the ratio of the resources of the underground source, which are maximally used at a reduced water level, to the planned water intake. A depression funnel is formed around the source used, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the natural fence of the water or swelling and pumping flows to the well passes.
Water in the well can also come from open water bodies or other aquifers. Given the amount of water reduction and the hydrogeological features of a certain area, the well can be fueled by various sources. For example, with the close location of the water intake to the river and with a decrease in the water level, the replenishment is carried out due to groundwater. With a further decrease in the water level in the well, absorption from river waters.
Important! When performing the calculation of the well-operating coefficient, consider the natural water reserves are determined by water reproduction, power and propagation of aquifers. The amount of natural reserves depends on the degree of saturation of aquifer with atmospheric precipitation or the waters of other similar layers. When designing a water well plan, consider not only a certain aquifer, and other layers.
There are various methods for determining the operational resources of the water well. To determine the coefficient of operation of the water intake, the formula is used:
Where SE is the total duration of the well, measured in well-months, and the sch.d is the total time of the existing source stock.
Entering the well commissioning - Rules
Installation of the water intake system properly is only half of the task. After installation, the system needs to be prepared for the subsequent mode, or rather in the trial operation of the well. To do this, spend a number of actions, following the rules below and recommendations:
- The long-term inaction of the working well negatively affects its performance, so as soon as possible after drilling, install the operational lift.
Important! It is extremely important for wells equipped with filters.
- In the drill, not operated for more than a month, perform a re-trial pumping of water until the liquid acquires transparency.
- In the absence of a pump mounting, after recreation and check, the mouth of the well is tightly close.
Important! Failure to comply with this requirement will entail clogging and contamination of the well.
- Including the pump for the first time, do it smoothly with the smallest productivity, gradually increasing the water treatment to the maximum mark.
Important! Thus, the pump is recommended to include the first 10 times.
- The first water treatment is carried out at least two hours.
- At the beginning and throughout the operation, specialists do not recommend a short-term or excessively frequent inclusion of the pump, as this may adversely affect the pumping equipment and in the state of the well as a whole.
- Upon completion of drilling, make a total fluid chemical analysis to correctly select the water-conditioning system, since water quality may not comply with the standards, due to the unbalanced content of fluorine, iron, salts, etc. in it.
Important! Water analysis Spend 3 weeks after drilling a well to give chemical composition to stabilize.
- With a stable water treatment, determine the amount of water supplied. Take a specific container (for example, a bucket of 10 liters) and fix the time of its fill. Then, the first value is separated by the second - this will be the amount of incoming water per unit of time. The resulting indicator compare with the norm and adjust the pump operation.
- If, after some time, you discovered the air seats, fluctuations in the water level or the flow of water with interruptions, immediately stop the operation of the pump. This situation may indicate an incorrect assembly of the device and requires repair work.
Service of water intake equipment
To avoid breakage of pumping equipment, experts recommend 1 time in six months to check its performance, even with prosperous operation. To do this, follow the following actions:
- Examine equipment and pipeline for leakage.
- Disconnect the pump, open the water intake valve and measure the pressure in the system, the indicator of which is usually equal to 0.
- To check the pressure in the hydraulician, connect the car pressure gauge to the nipple of the hydrointentness. This indicator is often lower by 10% than when the pump is turned on. Air pump, if necessary, run through the nipple of the usual pump.
- Connect the pump and check it out. The pump will turn off in the event of the desired pressure configured by you on the inclusion relay.
- Check the pressure in the system when the pumping equipment is disconnected. The relay indicator must be at the mark of the maximum setting, pressure.
- To check the pump performance, open the water faucet, and when the indicator reaches the green mark, the pump must turn on to restore pressure in the system.
- Close the crane, check the pressure level and disconnect the pump.
Important! If you did not find a problem in the work of the pump, then the equipment can be considered serviceable.
Wellness service in winter
Quite often, water intake wells are exploited in winter, which involves preliminary training. To prevent freezing fluid in a casing, warm it to the level of soil freezing. The drainage depth can reach 2.5 meters.
The process of insulation is performed in this way:
- when drilling holes, there are digs around the installation (in other words by Rust);
- a cable type device that protects the well from frustration is mounted in RUST;
- the caisson device is equipped with an impenetrable special hatch and clips, excluding water from entering.
Complications for well-operated wells
When operating a water well, there is a possibility of a series of breakdowns whose characteristic features are classified depending on the possibility of their elimination.
Causes of breakdowns in which the renovation of the wells to pursue is meaningless
Not compliance with the regulations / technology of water drilling:
- non-compliance with the diameters of the casing and the pilot barrel;
- poor quality insulation underlying aquifers;
- use of the non-resident method of connecting pipes;
- insufficient number of filters of water intake and not correct selection;
- violation of the tightness of the plug of sump;
- the use of materials subjected to corrosion;
- poor fixation pipe casing.
Violation of the rules for installing pumping equipment:
- incorrectly chosen pump and water pipe;
- lack of tightness of the pumping junction;
- lack of "winter" plum;
- incorrect setting of the system management relay;
- inappropriate hydroaccumulator.
Breakdowns that can be eliminated
- Sand enter on the bottom of the well in the water. This happens because of the hanging position of the casing. To solve this problem, the well is cleaned with a screw, crushed the casing to the waterproof clay, fall asleep with gravel and pump fluid before purchasing a pure state.
- Filter integrity disorders. The reason for this is small particles of sand, which are contained in water. In case of breakdown, the filter is replaced. This method of eliminating the fault is often inappropriate, as it is not always possible to raise and dismantle the casing, without having wrapped the wall of the well.
- Hit into drilling outsiders. Sometimes the trunciation of the trunk or incorrect installation occurs, afterwards, the hose or cable fixing the pump are broken, leaving it in the well. In such a situation, the pump is retrieved using special fixtures and tools.
Important! To prevent such a breakdown, compare when mounting the diameter of the pump and the perforated barrel.
Browse the video in which the process of proper decoration of the well on water is clearly shown in order to eliminate poor-quality installation during the arrangement of its own autonomous water intake system.
By making the decision to establish autonomous water supply, you will certainly consider the complexity of the installation. With timely, the proper maintenance and compliance of the rules of operation, the water well is uninterrupted last time, providing you with drinking clean water of excellent quality.