Make glass shelves do it yourself Useful advice,Interior items

Many people mistakenly believe that to create a unique dwelling style, you need to spend a lot of money. Indeed, current prices in stores for many are beyond, so the owners refuse to implement truly promising and interesting projects. Few people think about the fact that many details of housing projects can be realized with their own hands. Of course, it is not necessary to think that the success of these most projects depends solely on the skills of a person, as it is often to acquire a variety of materials and tools that allow you to implement a particular idea.
Within the framework of a small apartment of the hosts, various things are often manufactured, which then turn out to be in the center of attention of residents and guests of the dwelling.
One such objects can even be a glass shelf. It should be recognized that such accessories allow you to somewhat dilute the "gray" residential premises in which there are standard settings.
If you speak directly about glass shelves, then in recent times they can increasingly get on sale. Moreover, manufacturers offer the most unusual projects that are most likely to taste far from all. Despite this, the bold ideas offered by various companies allow you to slightly dilute the very annoying sadness that takes place in the apartments.
In this material we will talk about how you can create a glass shelf with our own hands. Of course, to create something surprising will be far from all, but the created shelves will definitely be useful as part of a dwelling.
Glass shelves in the interior
As we said, the glass shelves have been increasingly used in different interiors. Moreover, in some cases, these most shelves look really unusual, and sometimes even strange. Again, it all depends on what style of space we have, and whether the specific shelf will be favorable at its framework.
As for the own creature of glass shelves, the situation is quite interesting. First of all, it makes sense to draw attention to the variety of shelves' designs, on which various items can be placed, among which vases, books, figurines and much more. As for his own creation of such shelves, it is often the owners who do not have enough experience to create such decisions make a decision to implement everything is extremely simple, since with such a situation there is a smallest probability to allow unwanted errors. However, simplicity does not mean that the glass shelf will turn out to be too unattractive.
If you look at different photos of the interiors, in which there are simple glass shelves, we can see that such minimalism has a positive effect on the style of the room, and does not distract from other parts present in space.
Speaking of the use of glass shelves, it is worth noting the fact that they can be used in almost all places of dwelling, starting the bathroom and ending the bedroom. This is the most neutral object that will look harmonious anywhere. This is definitely the strong side of the glass shelves, since, unlike wooden structures, which, unfortunately, attractively looks in rare cases, they adapt and become part of any housing.
It is worth saying that the easiest solution will be the creation of several shelves at once in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. Practice shows that single shelves look ridiculous enough, especially if the design is small in relation to all of the space. Thus, if you build 5 or even 10 glass shelves - it will look excellent, especially if there is enough space in a particular place to accommodate various things.
Advantages and disadvantages of glass shelves
- First of all, the strengths of glass shelves include a certain simplicity and a combination with any designer projects. This is true, given that the main material of the shelf is transparent, which transmits the colors of the entire space.
- Another plus glass shelves is a common ease of creation. Anyone can spend this process, and for this you just need to be inserted into the creation technology. Without outsiders, you can create a few shelves, but it is worth it to have enough material and tools with it.
- External appeal - the next plus glass shelves. Unlike wooden structures, they do not clutter space, and this is especially important if the room is small. This advantage allows you to equip a few shelves at once, which are guaranteed to abolish the existing space.
- As for the shortcomings, they also have a place to be. For example, for many, the overall simplicity of such shelves may be very dubious quality. For example, if you position the book or other items on this shelf, the glass part of the structure and can not be seen. Accordingly, such a minimalistic component of the shelf has a somewhat specific component.
- The fragility of glass is also a small disadvantage, which, fortunately, is not so often manifested. If the shelf is wooden, it is almost impossible to break it. A glass shelf easily damaged. For example, a person can walk around the apartment with a metal kettle and accidentally touch the glass. Obviously, the regiment after such a situation will be unusable. Many owners make a decision to use a glass of greater width, but the probability of damage is still present. It is best to place the shelves in places that are inaccessible to various damage. For example, the shelf can be installed on the TV, in the corner of the room or in some other places.
At the end of this section, I would like to note that glass shelves are truly specific products, therefore, if it comes directly to the use of such objects within the home, it is worth analyzing their need. Again, as we said at the beginning of this material, in private homes, where the owners decided to implement some original design project, completely unusual shelves are used, which are practically not similar to homemade. At the same time, you should not forget that such shelves are distinguished by major price tags, which makes this product inaccessible to mid-income people.
Glass shelves manufacturing process
This process also requires preparation, which, above all, is the selection of the necessary materials and tools. However, at the very beginning it is advisable to choose the places where the shelves will be located. Obviously, these places should be most secure for all people who plan to be in a particular space. For example, it is worth considering the situation that if the regiment is located low and not far from the threshold, then a person can stumble and hit his head. Accordingly, hanging the shelves should be higher and away from the most visited housing places.
Often, the following tools and materials are required:
- glass cutter;
- glass;
- respirator;
- grinder;
- building level;
- screwdriver;
- fasteners;
- malyary Scotch,
- hammer;
- drill;
- ruler;
- roulette;
- pencil.
Of course, this list is approximate, since, depending on the idea and capabilities, the list of the above devices and materials can change somewhat.
Specialists advise that in some situations you can enter extremely reasonable, and purchase one ready-made glass shelf. Often, such products are characterized by simplicity, therefore one shelf can be taken as an example, on the basis of which the remaining shelves will be created. Thus, it will be possible to establish all the materials necessary for work. However, such events should be carried out only if the shelf itself is inexpensive, and it is planned to personally make at least several of its products.
Work with glass
It should be borne in mind that work with glass is extremely responsible events that often make up serious problems even experienced workers, so every action should be deliberate.
- First of all, you need to armten with stelcores. Experts advise not to cut immediately, it is best to carry out a small training session, with the help of which at a crucial moment, the cutting would have passed as smoothly. If the glass is the only one, then when an error is assumed a serious problem, as it will not work with a crack or other damage to the glass with a crack or other damage.
- It is worth identifying the most necessary sizes and create a small marker with a marker. If we talk about dimensions, this is an extremely important aspect, which may depend on both success and failure of work. You need to understand in advance why the regiment needs. In the event that, after cutting glass, the dimensions will be too small, for example, to place books, the created product becomes practically useless. You have to look for a new application for such a shelf.
- Next, the ribbon grinding machine will be required. It is obvious that with the help of this device there will be not only to be processed by each edge of the glass, but also the dust is distinguished from which the respirator is best. The edge, of course, should be smooth, since at the very beginning the glass has too sharp edges that can be easily damaged.
Specialists advise when cutting regularly watelaw with water. Such a simple solution will allow dust from glass not to spread through the air. In addition, the treated edge itself will not be matte, but transparent.
Fastening sites
It is immediately important to note that if you plan to install several shelves at once, it is advisable to stick vertical tapes that will allow you to conveniently place all those created by your own hands the elements of the room.
- Here we will need to use a pencil, as well as a building level, with their help it will be easy to install the most optimal place for fastening the shelf. It should be borne in mind that the shelf itself should be placed exclusively horizontally, since otherwise, the subject placed on it may simply fall.
- Next, there is a place where the shelf will be fastened. With the help of the electric drills, these very holes are created.
- Experienced builders and repairmen note that with such works it is advisable to purchase a large paper envelope and glued under the future shelf with a tape. All the dust that will come from drilling is accumulated in the envelope, and will not fall on the floor.
Fastening and installing shelves
Now we are approaching the ultimate goal of all these events. An extremely important issue associated with the creation of shelves is the installation of fasteners.
- In the created holes it is necessary to insert plastic dowels. Sometimes this element can enter a hole a little difficult, so you have to score it with a hammer. But it is extremely careful, since there is a chance of damage to the holes.
- Now it is necessary to fix the metal screw, but not to the end. He must perform from the wall of 2 cm.
- The puck is put on the screw. The bracket screws into a screw sticking out of the wall.
- Also, the process will need to use a small construction level, with which it will be possible to check the location of the bracket. Even minimal deviations will need to be corrected.
Ultimately, the glass element is placed on prepared supports (brackets). Immediately after that, the horizontal level is remembered again so that no inclination is present.
Obviously, the special problems associated with the creation of the shelf should not be. The most serious error can be deviation from the main level. It often happens that one screw turns out to be higher than the other, and then the object placed on the shelf can easily fall.
In addition, after all this process, it becomes clear that the installation of the shelf is an extremely simple process that almost every person can spend. If the regiment is small, the usual thin glass will fit, if this element is planned with large dimensions, then it is advisable to use a glass of greater thickness. This will allow you to be sure that the regiment will withstand the weight of some major object, or several small items.
The good news is that if there are some problems in the process, they can easily be fixed enough. First of all, we are talking about glass damage and similar issues. Directly fastening is quite difficult to deform or shifted, so no special problems are foreseen.
Creating a shelf based on metal profiles
I would also like to analyze another option to create glass shelves, but already based on metal profiles. Often the process consists of the following steps:
- First of all, you need to decide on the height of the shelves. After that, you need to attach a profile to the wall, but first one screw. With the help of a building level, we correctly place the profile and mark the necessary attachment points. If everything is done correctly, then you can fix the profile for the remaining marks. Most often for this, the profile is removed at all, after which the necessary holes are drilled.
- Dowels are clogged into the holes, after which the profile is located.
Special attention should be paid to the corner regiments. Obviously, they can be placed far away, therefore it is advisable to analyze all issues related to the fastening of profiles.
- At the rear ends of the glass elements, it is necessary to attach adhesive gaskets. It should be borne in mind that these most strips should be placed in places of fastening of screws. This will create additional protection for glass.
- Now it's time to place the glass into the profile, and with the help of your fingers you need to control the coincidence of the edges with the end of the profile. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the end caps often close the ends of the aluminum elements, and the strips of adhesive tape must be located on the mounting places of the screws. Accordingly, the adhesive tape must hold the glass when pressing from above or side.
- In the event that the shelves are installed closely, it is advisable to be copper with the help of accessories. This is necessary in order to prevent the surface displacement of relatively adjacent elements. Thus, with an unequal load, the shelves will not create an impact on each other, and the appearance of such shelves will be quite good for the ordinary apartment.