Coroede Plaster Application Technology Building materials

Plaster Coroede has recently become one of the most popular types of finishing walls of the room. This type of plaster has received its name due to the similarity of its texture with the texture of wood, by the bug as a bug. In addition to the appearance, such a type of plaster has sufficiently high operational characteristics.
In comparison with other types of material, it is not as susceptible to the adverse effect of atmospheric precipitation, burnout from sunlight, temperature drops. Thanks to these properties, the crorot is ideal for both internal and external work. Due to the sustainability of the cores to media with an increased content of acids and alkalis, it can be successfully applied to the foundations of buildings, in which case this plaster will serve as an additional protection of the base of excess moisture. The price of plaster Coroede depends on the manufacturer and composition, but recently the price was noticeably aligned.
Characteristic Plastering Coroes
Now there are quite a large number of companies in the market that produce a cored, and the composition of the mixture for each manufacturer is different. Based on this, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are different requirements for applying, drying mode, surface preparation to the mixtures of different manufacturers.
Despite various additives, the foundation of the cores in almost all manufacturers consists of their two main materials - cement and marble crumb, the size of which determines the consumption of plaster on 1 m 2 Surfaces (the greater the grain, the more consumption). Usually the size of the crumb ranges from 0.1 to 4mm.
Stages of applying cored plaster
Surface preparation
- Initially, the surface should be prepared. To do this, with the help of beacons for plaster you need to pre-align the walls. Beacons are inserted to set the level of plaster.
- After that, it is necessary with the help of high-strength putty to spacing in one or two layers of the wall inside the room. The putty layer must withstand the pressure, which will be rendered while rubbing the cores in it.
- When the putty is applied onto the walls, you should be carefully painted.
- Now you need to progress the surface of the walls using acrylic primer. It must be the maximum thick consistency. Only with the help of such a material can be as much as possible to strengthen the base, before applying the finishing layer of putty.
Applying plaster
- As a plaster, use microyerous plaster having a grain diameter to one millimeter. Often, the plaster of the coroede for work is usually produced in the form of a finished composition that does not require preliminary preparation before applying. Therefore, you can immediately move directly to the stage of applying material to the surface.
- To work, you need to take a rigid steel spatula. In order to protect the neighboring surfaces, it is necessary to stick on the outer perimeter of the wall special greashed tape. When applying plaster, it is necessary to observe the thickness of the layer, which should be the same as the diameter of the grain of plaster. Apply the plaster should be stretched along the wall as well as when putty surfaces. It is necessary to ensure that small grooves began to appear in the fresh layer. This will evidence that the optimal thickness of the putty layer is achieved.
- After that, it is necessary to create the texture of plaster. To do this, it is necessary for the layer of plaster fresh and not hardened, using a plastic grater to perform circular movements of medium intensity over the surface. Sometimes it is possible to stick plaster on the plane of the grater, which is considered normal.
- After about 10-15 minutes after applying the core plaster layer, it is necessary to carry out a plastic grater once again, but this time with greater pressure. By this time, the stucco should already thicken and dry. After the first passage it is necessary to clean the cooler from the plaster. At this stage, a drawing is formed and the final appearance of the walls. While working, you need to ensure that you do not overdo it. It is important to find the Golden Middle. Usually, the longer to spend grater along the wall, the more it becomes smoother.
- At the final stage of plastering, it is necessary to walk the grater on all joints. Not a fused junction should not dry. The fact is that he will be visible on the finished wall. The plaster on the walls is most conveniently applied together. So, one master should be applied and pulling out with a spatula, while making the first grout, and the second one - in 10-15 minutes it is necessary to form a final look.
- When the walls are posted, then you need to remove the greasy tape, and the protruding edge of the printed plaster core must be cut with a conventional stationery knife.
Finishing stage
- When all previous works were carried out, it is necessary to make the laying of the applied plaster. For this purpose, you should choose import high-quality acrylic varnish. This varnish is produced today in two versions: glossy and matte. Varnish can be prepared in such a way that there is almost any color. Also adding glitter and pearl to lacquer. It all needs to do, observing some technology.
- After applying plaster, you should give it to dry during the day. Before applying lacquer, it is necessary to once again drive the surface of the wall so that the tracking composition does not cover the wall with stains. By the way, the koroed is the plaster, which is necessary for the applied varnish with the help of a steel spatula. This tool is very convenient for removing excess varnish with planes. In addition, all the grooves are filled with it, which makes it possible to better show the drawing applied earlier.
- If dark spots remained on some surface zones, then in these places it is necessary to walk again with the help of a special terry mitten or a soft wet cloth. It must be done until the varnish is completely polymerized. This is all required to apply texture coverage.
Subtleties and nuances of application
When applying a core, you only need to work with planes, but in no case in square meters. Therefore, if you started working on the finish of one wall, then this wall must be completed completely, regardless of its size, and then move to another wall. In the event that the work does not work at a time, then the separation strip should be carried out. To do this, you need to stick the painting tape from top to bottom, which, after applying plaster, you can easily remove. When working on a new section of the wall begins, the ribbon must be pasted along the edge of the dried surface. The fact is that if you do not separate the wall on the plots, even after the facade is painted, the locations of two sites will be visually noticeable.
In order to finish with the started plane should work with a partner. If you correctly divide the obligations between employees, it will speed up the finish and provide its higher quality. When working together, one person needs to be applied a ready-made solution of a coredival, and the second one needs to smear and attach the surface to the necessary structure.
It is not recommended to apply the plaster of the croroede in hot weather. Otherwise, the mixture will dry too quickly, and this will only spoil the final result. In particular, you can simply do not have time to give plaster the desired structure. Either on the surface, after applying the material, cracks may appear. Therefore, when performing such works in July, it should be done only in the evening, so that direct solar rays do not fall on the walls.
Facade paint should be used the same manufacturer as the mixture itself for plaster. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that after drying the surface of the decorative plaster, it must be projected again, only with the use of a mixture of deep penetration. Paint usually dries during the day. After that, the facade is ready to operate.
Basic mistakes for applying a core
Basic errors when applying a coredival can be divided into three groups: an incorrectly prepared surface, non-compliance with the rules for applying plaster and non-compliance with the rules for the preparation of the solution. For beginners, it is advisable to watch video with a corrotte plaster to avoid the most common mistakes.
The surface before applying the plaster should be clean and even, do not contain voids led by a special primer and prospait. Apply the plaster is necessary at a temperature not higher than 30 and not lower than 5 degrees. If we are talking about outdoor work, you should avoid direct sunlight. Apply "Coroed" need to a smooth layer. If an inhomogeneous figure is visible in different parts, it is necessary to remove the layer of plaster where the drawing is barely noticeable and adding to where it is pronounced, while pushing the plastic cell. So that there were no joints on the surface, the edges need to be tagged or use the greasy tape.
Non-standard methods for applying a core
In addition to the standard methods of applying the plaster, there are several interesting ways that will give elegance and unique interior. You can see the photo of the corewood plaster to see the results of each of the methods of application.
- The technique "Travertine" lies in short chaotic movements in different directions when grouting plaster. This is done with the help of plastic celma.
- The "Cork" method provides for the grout of plaster using polystyrene foam cell. The grout produces the circular motions of a small radius in one direction.
- The "carpet" method - the plaster is maintained in a checker manner with the help of plastic celma. You can apply a cruciform pattern.
- The method of "World Map" provides for the application of two layers of the Coroeda. The first is maintained with the help of an ordinary plastic cell. After drying it into small areas, a second layer is applied, which is rubbed with the help of Venetian Cologma.
- The way "rain" involves the stitching of the plaster diagonally from the top to the bottom. On such plaster, it is good to apply screen drawings.