How to grow rosemary Plot.

Rosemary is considered one of the most popular indoor plants. It is planted almost everywhere. However, based on the fact that this culture is very demanding for climatic conditions, the process of its cultivation is associated with some difficulties. Next, we will talk about the values \u200b\u200bof the plant and how to put it at home or in the country area.
What is Rosemary?
Rosemary is an evergreen shrub, with hard needle leathery leaves, belonging to the family of licorious, which are similar to the leaves of coniferous trees. With flowering on a bush, pale blue flowers appear. Shrub can grow up to 3 meters high.
Rosemary is similar to all cultures of this family has a rich aroma, which appears due to the fact that there are essential oils that differ in complex composition. Thanks to them, it is widely used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology. In essential oil, rosemary contains alkaloids, resins, rosemary acid, camphor, tanning substances, borneol, bornelacetate and carofillen. Rosemary oil was first obtained in the 14th century. It made an alchemist named Ramon Lull. This product is still in demand. It has many useful properties. It is removed from the plant usually during the flowering period of the bush. This occurs at the beginning of summer and the hydrodylation method is used to obtain oil. In order to extract 1 kg of oil, it is necessary to recycle about 50 kg of flowering leaves.
The homeland rosemary is considered the Mediterranean. Although, today it can be found practically throughout Europe. The name of the plant comes from the two Latin words "ROS" and "Marinus", which is literally translated as "dew of the sea". In some places, for example, on the Crimean coast, rosemary bushes turn into a live fence. A decoction of rosemary, rosemary, rosemary wine and alcohol tincture have found their use in folk medicine. The same funds are actively used in cosmetology.
How to grow rosemary from seeds
The process of growing this culture from seeds takes place in several stages:
- Greeting the rosemary seeds should be started in 7-9 weeks before disembarking in the spring. Moreover, some of them may not exist at all, since this plant is very demanding.
- Immediately before disembarking, seeds should be soaked in a glass with water. Water should have room temperature. It should be soaked for about 1-2 hours.
- Prepare boxes or cassettes for seedlings. Fill them with a well-drained mixture. You can still use vermiculite or sand for this purpose.
- We proceed to the process of transplanting seeds. Since the plant is very demanding and its seeds do not always spare, they must be planted at a certain distance from each other. You can still use your cell (drawers) for each seed.
- Before disembarking each seed, sprinkle it well with water. And after they all are planted, abundantly moisture the soil.
- Take the drawers for seedlings of the food film.
- Next, the cassette with the seedle is recommended to install in a very warm place. If there is no such, then you can use the heating heating, heated to a temperature of 28-29 degrees Celsius.
- How to grow rosemary? Be patient. After a few weeks (usually 7-9) sprouts germinate and shown on the surface. After it happened, the food film can be removed.
- Next, the cassette with the seedle should be moved to the place that is well covered and protected from the wind. It may be a windowsill on the sunny side of the apartment. Do not forget to water the plant during this time. It is possible to grow rosemary at home without any particular difficulties. The main thing is to adhere to all the rules and recommendations.
- The growth of shoots continues until they reach 8-10 cm height. Next, they can be replanted already in the soil.
- Next you need to transplant every sprocket in a pot. Tara must be prepared in advance. It is important that the drainage holes in it are. Best of all, clay pots are suitable for planting rosemary.
- The bottom of the pot is filled with soil. It is important that he was well drained. You can use sand for this.
- In the soil, the hole is made, which will be slightly larger than the planting cell with rosemary sprout.
- Next, carefully remove the rosemary sprout together with the landing material from the cell and transfer to the ground. Sorrow a little soil. Then Moisten it. As you can see, rosemary cultivation is a long and scrupulous process.
Daily plant care
Like the cultivation of rosemary at home and care and care requires special care and accuracy. Some rules should be followed:
- Do not forget to water the plant. But do not pour too abundantly. The soil should be slightly moistened.
- In order not to sprout mold, do not water the plant through its leaves, and leave water directly to the soil.
- The plant loves a lot of light, so placing it in a sunny, quiet and peaceful place. If you grow at home, sometimes turn the rosemary pot to the other side to the window (to the sunlight).
- Warm plant if it grows in the country area. Or better to transfer it during freezers.
- Regularly ventilate the room in which rosemary is growing. In order not to form mold on leaves, 1 time per day for 2-3 hours turn the fan in the room so that the foliages are ventilated.
- This plant is very loved by many pests, for example, the failure. If it appeared, then spray rosemary daily with a weak solution insecticidal soap or other compositions against this pest.
- Plant loves heat. But do not overdo it with it. Comfortable temperature for it will be about 16-18 degrees Celsius.
- The reproduction of the plant passes the method of drawing up, dividing the bush, brass and seeds.
Rosemary: Photo
Why is it worth growing rosemary?
Exquisite spice
This culture is actively used in cooking. Moreover, this is one of the most famous spices in the world. Rosemary has a spicy taste and saturated smell. This aroma reminds something chew. As a spice, young shoots, leaves, as well as fresh and dried rosemary flowers are usually used. Rosemary is added to culinary in various salads, vegetable soups, bird dishes, meat or fish, mushrooms, as well as conservation and marinades. Mixing it with other spices, it is seasoned in meat and fish dishes, canned food, salads, in sauces and various drinks. It is used to give a special taste to cheese, fish, game meat, potatoes, as well as a dough. Indispensable in tomato soup, dishes from a lamb meat and in a walk of meat. Essential oil, which is obtained from this plant, has been applied in the cosmetic and perfumery industry. Such parts of the plant as leaves, shoots, flowers are used in the bakery and liquor industries.
About the benefits of the plant
Rosemary found its application as a component in modern medical preparations, in many cosmetics, which are designed to care for skin and to combat obesity and cellulite. It has good tonic properties. In addition, it is known that this plant can improve the activity of the heart, stimulate blood circulation, as well as to increase blood pressure in people who suffer reduced pressure. In antiquity, Rosemary was one of the main ingredients of the so-called "love drink". It was believed that he was able to liberate. There is an opinion that it has a positive effect on women's health.
In general, it has already been known for a long time that Rosemary really has healing properties. Moreover, it was proven even with modern science. The infusion of plant leaves is able to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, stimulates appetite. It has a diuretic and choleretic action. In addition, it is useful in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, with colds, inflammation of the larynx and pharynx. Indispensable for headaches, skin diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As for rosemary oil, it is considered an effective stimulating agent that can be used externally as a massage agent. It is also known that it can intensify mental activity and strengthen memory. This oil is effective with inhalations and for therapeutic baths.
A tincture of shoots and rosemary leaves is known as a means that is used inside with various diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is still used in some disorders of the nervous system. It can be taken both inside 2 droplets and externally. It has a positive effect on the state of the patients who suffered a stroke. This is due to the fact that infusion improves blood circulation. A mixture of rosemary and lavender is used in cosmetology as oily skin care. To do this, it is enough to wipe the face with this means before bedtime. If you use hair care products with the addition of rosemary oil, it warns hair loss and dandruff formation.
Sometimes rosemary leaves are used for problems with the sexual system. In addition, the water infusion has choleretic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating and antiseptic properties. It is able to restore vision and memory, improve brainwater in patients who have suffered a stroke. This infusion is still useful at cholecystitis, stomatitis, colds, angina. Rosemary is used as a soothing agent for various nervous disorders.
For the treatment of skin diseases, if there are poorly healing wounds and boils, then use infusions and ointments based on rosemary. When headaches and cold, it is recommended to take inside the decoction of leaves. You can also just open the bottle of rosemary oil and inhale. This tool will also be useful when rheumatism attacks. For this you need sore places to be confused with 60% alcohol with data. In addition, the infusion of plants is used at neurites. It is also known for its toning actions. Essential oil obtained from this plant has antiseptic actions. It is used to treat acne rashes, acne, furunculov, mercury, wounds, eczema. In addition, in the pharmaceutical industry from rosemary oil, tinctures, teas, ointments, plasters, other drugs, are obtained.
Rosemary, undoubtedly, has useful properties, but at the same time under certain conditions it can be contraindicated to use. In general, it is desirable to always consult about this with the attending physician. Especially carefully take the infusion from Rosemary to people who suffer in high pressure. It is strictly contraindicated by its use in diseases of the heart. In addition, it is in any form contraindicated pregnant women. With caution, it should be used to use it people who tend to allergic reactions. In particular, an essential oil allergy may be observed, which is contained in rosemary.