Inflatable pools for children: Features, Advantages, Installation Baths, saunas and pools

On a hot summer day, children love to splash in clean and transparent water. If there is no suitable reservoir in the proximity, but to equip the pool on the household site for a long time, expensive and troublesome, the alternative will come to the revenue - an inflatable pool. An easy-to-install, operation and storage, inexpensive, beautiful and high-quality inflatable pool delivers great pleasure to kids. We will tell you more about these designs in this article.
Inflatable pool: features
If you have decided to buy an inflatable pool, you need to know the main features of this design. First of all, we note that such a product must meet the following requirements: to be durable, reliable, easy to operate and safe. Most manufacturers offer their customers a product made of dense polyvinyl chloride. High-quality PVC is good for its resistance to stretching and abrasion, it is almost impossible to damage by shock loads, such a material will serve the owners for a long time with proper operation.
Make a swimming pool more durable and reliable helping the use of several PVC film layers. The bottom of the design is flat or inflatable, the walls of the product sometimes completely influence air, in some cases only the top ring of the pool walls is filled.
Important: If the design has a flat bottom, the place to install such a pool must be prepared particularly carefully, aligning the soil, removing even the slightest branches and stones.
If the design has quite large sizes, then it is additionally strengthened using a polyester grid. Often, only the upper ring of the walls is filled with air in such products.
Creation of the product depends on its size. For example, small designs are sold along with the repair kit, which includes a small glue tube and a patch. Products are large, such as children's inflatable pools with a slide, equipped with a filter, pump, a skimmer, a large cut of the material under the bottom, as well as a special tente to cover the pool.
Advantages and disadvantages of children's inflatable pools
Inflatable pools for children have the numerous advantages that we will list below:
- The most significant advantages of these structures can be considered their low cost. The price of inflatable pools is much lower than their stationary analogues, so most people can choose a product that will not hit the family budget.
- Such structures are quickly collected, disassembled, move to another place. A detailed instruction that is provided complete with a product allows you to inflate the pool and fill it with water in just a couple of hours. In addition, even inflamed by air, the pool is easy to move from place to place, provided that it has not yet been scored water.
- High-quality PVC wear is wear-resistant and not exposed to the harmful effects of hot sunlight. In addition, in hot weather, water in the inflatable pool is very quickly heated, while the design itself is not deformed under the influence of high temperature.
- Inflatable pools for kids in the assembled form occupy very little space. When the need for their operation disappears, water is drained from tanks and air produced. The product is then left in the deployed form for some time to lose weight, after which the design is folded and removed to be stored in a dry room.
- It is also very easy to care for the pool. The material is perfectly cleaned with water and a soft sponge.
- High-quality inflatable pools for children are safe designs, both in terms of operation, and in terms of environmental material. So that the product has not imagined any threat to your baby, before buying carefully examine the information about the manufacturer. Before using the pool, learn the instructions and adhere to safety. Remember that small children can not be left unattended even in the smallest and safe look at the pool.
Contrary to multiple advantages, such structures also have a number of shortcomings:
- Even if the product is made from the highest quality and durable PVC film, it is still considered less durable than a landline pool. After a few years, the operational characteristics of this design will inevitably deteriorate. With active use on the walls and the bottom of the product, microscopic cracks or scuffs may appear.
- According to some reviews, inflatable pools from cheap price categories are unstable to hot sunshine.
- In the process of using the inflatable pool, it is from time to time to pump it with air.
- With especially spacious designs, one more problem may occur: where to drain a large amount of water after its use? The owner of the pool should be taken in advance.
Important: acquiring an inflatable pool, be sure to pay attention to its warranty period. If this period is less than 1 year or no no, give up the purchase of the product.
Inflatable pool, photo:
Types of inflatable pools
Before you buy an inflatable pool, you should decide on its shape, size, depth, features of operation. Let's consider what types of children's inflatable pools are available on sale. The product form is:
- square;
- round;
- oval;
- an interesting non-standard form.
Of all these species, round structures are most convenient, since during operation, the water pressure on the walls and the base will be uniform. However, with the shape of the pool, as with its size, should be determined, based on the characteristics of the site where you plan to put the design.
Depending on the filling method, the pools are divided into two types:
- products, the walls of which are completely filled with air when inflatable;
- pools that have only the upper ring. When filling the tank, the ring holds on the surface of the water, while maintaining the walls.
Children's inflatable pools have a different height of the side, depending on the age of the child, the design can be completely low or relatively high. Consider several possible options:
- The most small basins are the structures with a height of the side not higher than 17 cm. Such tanks are designed for kids who have not reached the age of 1.5 years. As a rule, such products have a motley color and are often equipped with additional accessories: canopies to create shadows, swimming toys, etc.
- Children from 18 months under 3 years old, swimming pools with a height of a side of 50 cm. It is important to know that the baby under 3 years cannot be left in water unattended, even if the depth of the pool is completely insignificant.
- Preschoolers are best to buy pools in a depth of about 70 cm.
- Children over 7 years old can be splashing in the reservoir, the height of the side of which is approximately 1 m.
- The rest of the pools, the depth of which is more than 1 m, are intended for adolescents and adults.
- A separate item can be distinguished designs consisting not only from the pool, but also inflatable slide, trampoline, etc. Such game complexes may include many different devices for fun leisure activities: inflatable balls and mesh, fountains and bathing seats, other accessories.
Inflatable pools can also be classified at a price. The most democratic products include such popular brands like Intex and Bestway. This product of Chinese production is considered the highest quality among analogs issued by the same country.
High-quality and expensive products produce many European countries. French swimming pools are represented by Zodiac and Jean Desjoyaux, Spain produces products under the brands GRE and SWIM'N Play, Germany produces Future Pool and Wehncke pools. Note that with high quality, such products also has a fairly high price.
How to choose an inflatable pool
By purchasing a similar design, to start carefully examine the information about the product you are going to buy. Find out whether the material from which the pool is made are solid. Specify the number of PVC layers, both on the walls and on the bottom of the construction. Learn what the thickness of the film and have a special reinforcement walls. Among other things, find out what is the package of the product.
Here is a list of characteristics to pay attention to when buying a children's inflatable pool:
- Find out what the bottom is the design. In the case of children's pools, it is desirable to give preference to those products that have an inflatable bottom - so the child will not be able to hit during the fall. In addition, the inflatable bottom allows you to feel different irregularities under your feet.
- Pay attention to the board of the product. The most secure for children is the pools with wide sides. Such a design is quite stable, it is difficult to overturn during operation.
- Large swimming pools are better acquired with the filter and pump. Well, when these accessories are included with the product. Filling the water large tank is much more convenient if using the pump. In addition, the pump with a built-in filter will allow you not to worry about the quality and purity of water in which your children will swim. As a rule, spacious pools have a special valve designed to quickly empty the container. However, before buying, you need to clarify this item from the seller.
- It is desirable that the design with a height of the side of more than 1 m was equipped with a special ladder. With it, it will be easier to climb into the pool and go out of it.
- Find out from the seller if there are accessories such as bedding under the bottom, a cincure, a tent for covers. If not, it is better to buy these items - it will be much easier to exploit the pool. The bedding under the bottom will help to avoid damage to the design, with the help of a cuckoo you can catch out of the water fallen objects, and the tank can be tank at the moments of its downtime.
Installation of an inflatable pool, design rules
Consider the main rules for the installation of a children's inflatable pool on the site:
- First of all, you should choose the right place where the design will be located. The playground should be carefully cleaned from all sorts of sharp objects, stones, branches and other garbage. It is advisable to choose such a territory where the branches of trees will not hang over the pool, because it is rather troublesome from the falling leaves. The place where the water used will merge, also need to be provided in advance.
- The design should be installed on a flat horizontal area. Soil under the pool should be solid, it is desirable to choose a sunny place, so that the water quickly warmed up.
- Parents must constantly monitor children in the process of their swimming, so the pool needs to be located where it will be perfectly seen from each corner of the household site. Very little kids can not be left unattended for a minute, adults must constantly be near, while the crumb is swimming in the pool.
- Under the bottom of the pool is better to put a litter. It can be a material that is sold complete with a product, and may simply be a large cut of a dense tarpaulin or PVC film.
- When installing the pool, you can not drag on the surface of the earth, so as not to damage it. Carefully spread the product on the prepared area, then fill it with air.
- Pour in the reservoir ordinary tank water. Since in the process of bathing, part of the water, one way or another, falls in the mouth, then filling the swimming pool from the river is quite risky. Water must be clean. Pools with a large capacity, the water in which is not changing too often, it is better to disinfect special means.
- Caring for the inflatable pool does not represent any difficulties. Water should be periodically replaced by fresh, and the walls and the bottom must be swap if the air pressure drops in them. If damage occurs on the surface of the film, water should be pulled out from the pool and lower the air. The damaged place is cleaned, dried and degreased. After that, the patch is applied to the puncture and glue it with an adhesive composition. As a rule, the kit for repair is sold along with the product.