Choose bamboo wallpapers in the interior of the apartment Wallpaper,Walls

Modern finishing materials are replete with a variety of assortment. Therefore, many people begin to give preference to natural products. Such finishing materials include wallpapers made from bamboo. The features of the use of bamboo wallpapers in the interior now will be discussed.
What is a finishing material
For the production of wallpaper, a special kind of bamboo is used:
- its stems are cut, dried and stacked indoors with a specific temperature regime;
- bamboo splits;
- from sections of stalks are made rails;
- rakes are glued to marlevary fabric.
Sections are made both from the outside of bamboo and with the inner. From the upper sections, wallpapers are obtained, which are similar to the bamboo structure. In the manufacture of wallpaper from the inner sections of the rails acquire homogeneous tones.
The following standard sizes of bamboo wallpaper are existing:
- the width of the REC - 4-20 mm (for the production of the widest uses of extruded canvas);
- roll length - 10-15 m;
- roll width - 0.9-2.5 m.
Bamboo wallpaper in the interior is conditionally divided into:
- light;
- dark.
Bright products include yellow wallpapers (natural hint of bamboo). For the manufacture of dark wood, wood is subject to special processing.
Characteristics of bamboo wallpaper
Finishing material from bamboo - natural material. Wallpaper can be separated all residential premises, including a bedroom and a children's room. Bamboo wallpaper in the interior of the premises will look stylish and fashionable.
The positive characteristics of the material include:
- resistance to mechanical loads and temperature differences;
- versatility of use;
- excellent bactericidal qualities;
- simplicity of sticking;
- long operating period;
- preservation of the initial type for a long time;
- the ideal combination with other materials and various styles.
Bamboo wallpapers possess the following disadvantages:
- high cost;
- difficult cut across the rail (the Bulgarian will be required);
- the use of only special glue intended for heavy canvases;
- complexity of the docking of adjacent canvases with a specified pattern.
The last problem can be solved in two ways:
- Take advantage of special docking elements (plinth, planks, moldings), which close all adjoins.
- To carry out the surface finish with wide web (up to 2.5 m), which are placed in the horizontal plane.
Selection of material
When purchasing bamboo wallpaper, a number of features should be taken into account. To create a strict and stylish design, a material with cold shades is bought. If the room needs to be done warm and cozy, the best solution is golden shades.
Also drawn attention to other finishing materials used in the room. Wallpapers must be harmonized with the surrounding elements (for example, tension or suspended ceilings, furniture and miniature sculptures, figure structures and other accessories).
In some cases, you do not need to separate the whole room with wallpaper. You should simply focus on them, having shared another facing. Bamboo will become the main thing in design, and the rest of the finish will emphasize it. It all depends on the style of the interior and the type of room.
Bamboo wallpapers in the interior of the bedroom - a deposit of a cardinal change in the room design. Special attention is paid to the coloring of the material. Yellow, green and brown will be the best solving for the bedroom, where the relaxing atmosphere should reign.
Wallpapers are complemented by original drawings. When finishing the whole room, you can highlight certain places. For example, a narrow strip is created above the headboard of the sofa to create a pressed drawings (paradise birds, beautiful butterflies).
When sticking wallpaper from bamboo, you should consider the distance to the ceiling. If there is a high ceiling, the rails are mounted horizontally. If the ceilings are low, then they are visually increasing with the help of the vertical location of the rails.
It should be noted that the wall decoration should not be repeated in color with the ceiling. For walls, more contrast wallpapers are used (or darker, or lighter). Pretty stylish will look in the interior with green bamboo wallpapers (in the photo).
Several options for using bamboo wallpapers in the bedroom:
- If the bedroom is located on the attic with the beveled ceilings, the walls on the walls should differ and shades, and the pattern width. In addition, furniture is installed in the room, which is also made of bamboo stems.
- In the colonial style bedroom, massive and simple dark-colored furniture (bed, chest, banquet) makes great harmony with bamboo wallpaper. Accessories related to various cultures, in combination with heavy furniture, return visitors to the room in the century of European conquerors.
- Wallpaper from bamboo is harmonized with wide rollers made of the same material. The bedroom finish includes a black parquet, white ceiling plinth and black doors overlooking the balcony.
- When creating an exotic style room, wallpapers with wide and convex rails are suitable. They are made from an external stem, which is more textured. Wall panels from large stems of bamboo - a great addition to the bedroom in the style of the tropical island.
- For classic style, wallpapers are suitable, which have a coffee-beige color and a small pattern. The material harmoniously complements the traditional modern furniture (bed, armchairs, table).
When using bamboo wallpaper in the interior of the hallway, close attention is paid to:
- proper lighting;
- availability of suitable furniture and accessories;
- acquisition of textured material with a well-visible pattern.
It is clear that in the presence of the window in the hallway there will be natural lighting. But in most cases an entrance hall is a dark room. In this case, will add to the artificial device lighting.
The most acceptable option is a bright light that will not distort the colors of furniture and other items in the room. Lighting should not create shadows. Bad artificial light will not allow transmitting all the beauty and naturalness of the drawing of bamboo wallpaper. The walls will acquire pale beige shades, and the rail will turn into one spot.
As for the coloring of wallpaper, it should be seamless depending on the furniture (or vice versa). For dark furniture (cherry or chocolate shades) is suitable for sand color.
Options for using bamboo wallpapers in the hallway:
- The closet of the standard size is not too suitable for wallpaper from bamboo. You must add another any element. For example, lightweight woven furniture made of rattan.
- If the hallway has a large area, then it can accommodate multi-colored deputies in an African style. They will look great against the background of bamboo walls.
- Nautical themes are quite relevant. You can save wallpaper not too big chest. Above the chest of dresser, a mirror decorated with small shells.
- Under the bamboo wallpaper it is not suitable elements of such a popular hair dryer (paintings with hieroglyphs, Chinese bells). It is better to take advantage of huge dried leaves of exotic plants.
The main advantage of bamboo wallpapers in the kitchen interior (in the photo) is the simplicity of care. To remove dust from wallpaper, it is enough to use a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner. It is impossible to use aggressive detergents, since it is possible to damage the canvas.
The best place to stick wallpaper is a dining area, which is framed in oriental style (dark furniture, black Japanese dishes). The finish can be carried out not entire canvases. Where communications pass, wallpapers will have to cut into pieces.
Options for finishing the interior kitchen bamboo wallpaper:
- Ecosil. The name itself speaks of the presence of only natural articles in the kitchen: furniture, finishing materials and other accessories. For this reason, bamboo rails are bought, for the manufacture of which the outer part of the trunk was used. Such rails are subjected to minimal processing and in appearance similar to the primary material (the presence of rings, scratches and cracks). Wallpaper in combination with ordinary wooden furniture, bamboo curtains and light walls will make a small kitchen cozy.
- Colonial style. The room is dominated by exotic elements that can include painted dishes in African style and Japanese furniture. It is better to take advantage of dark bamboo wallpaper, while other walls cover chocolate paint.
- Modern style. In such a kitchen, cold and strict shades are dominated, glossy shine of furniture and household appliances. In this case, the Bamboo Wallpaper will create excellent contrasting shades and give the room a warmer atmosphere.
Than gluing wallpaper
For the finishing of rooms, bamboo wallpaper will need special glue. The composition on a water basis, to which the PVA is not suitable. This is due to the fact that the wallpaper is quite dense and heavy. Glue for bamboo wallpaper should contain acrylic, vinyl or carboxymethylcellulose.
You can stick the wallpaper from the bamboo using:
- cMC glue;
- contact torch "Cork";
- the composition of Kenda MultiFix.
The most common option is the glue CMC, which consists of carboxymethylcellulose, talc, dextrin and water. Its popularity is due to acceptable cost, environmental friendliness and low consumption.
CMC consumption depends on the method of applying:
- when covering the wall, you will need 300-350 g / m²;
- when applied to wallpaper, consumption will be 200-250 g / m².
For sticking bamboo wallpaper, you can use liquid nails of a certain color. This is especially relevant for walls made of brick or wood.
Surface finish
The process of sticking wallpaper is not difficult. But you should consider a number of nuances. The main one lies in the fact that the finishing material is characterized by a lot of weight. It will complicate a workflow a little.
Preparatory stage
Before glue bamboo wallpaper, you will need to prepare material and surface. Wallpapers are unpackled and placed in the room for a day. The material must "get used to" to the temperature and humidity of the room.
- the surface of the walls is purified from old coating, dirt and dirt;
- uneven areas close to putty and grind;
- walls are processed by primer;
- after drying, the surface markup is made (it is possible to draw a vertical line in size to the cloth).
The surface of the surface should be clean and dry. Walls are recommended to wash. The only nuance is forbidden to use detergents consisting of aggressive chemical components.
The next stage - the preparation of glue:
- pure container is filled with water;
- the dry mixture is poured into the water and stirred;
- the solution is insteaded for 15 minutes;
- sharp the glue again.
The best features have glue, which will be correctly mixed. Only such a composition will normally be absorbed, without leaving traces on the wallpaper.
Sticking wallpaper
For this work, you will need the following tools:
- plastic spatula;
- soft bruster having a nylon bristle;
- scissors for metal.
Technology of wall finishing by bamboo wallpaper provides for such actions:
- cutting the material (it is done along the canvas with a sharp knife);
- wallpaper blanks are not recommended, since the folds will not be disclosed;
- the canvas on the reverse side is impregnated with glue and is withstanding for 5-7 minutes;
- in order to avoid the appearance of air bubbles, the surface of the wallpaper, including the extreme part of the material, should be covered in whole glue;
- the canvas gently applied to the wall and pressed;
- wallpaper cannot be moved over the surface, as they may be damaged;
- with the help of a wet sponge, removal from the linen of excess glue, which has not absorbed;
- shading of subsequent webs (and in the corners too);
- to smooth the finishing material use plastic spatula.
For a better quality connection with the wall on the surface of the material, you should neatly knock down. After 2-3 hours on the finish, you can walk with a soft roller.
Bamboo wallpapers are a rather fragile product. They will not be wrapped in the corners of the room. Therefore, to impart the wall of the maximum aesthetic species, they should be covered with decorative moldings of similar color.
Bamboo Wall Care
Excessive inhibition of sun rays can lead to the burnout of the finishing material. Wallpaper color becomes fad. To prevent this phenomenon, bamboo wallpaper is processed by varnish.
If the material is used in the kitchen interior, then impregnations must have also moist-repellent properties. Naturally, even when covering such impregnations, the wallpaper should not stick out of the bamboo kitchen apron. The constant impact of moisture will cause premature damage to the material.
As for cleaning, the wallpaper cannot be cleaned with the help of brush and aggressive detergents. Used soft rag moistened in water. If dust appeared on bamboo wallpaper, then you can use the vacuum cleaner.
Video about the finishing of the room by bamboo wallpaper: